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BPA White Book

Letter to Region about White Book Proposal (June 8, 2012)
BPA is proposing changes to the publication schedule of its White Book document and is providing an opportunity for public review and comment.

BPA Whitebook

BPA publishes the Pacific Northwest Loads and Resources Study (White Book) each year to help plan for adequate, efficient, and reliable long-term load service for both the Federal system and the region. The White Book provides BPA's projections of retail loads, contract obligations, contract purchases, and resource capabilities over a 10-year study horizon.

2011 White Book

2010 White Book

2009 White Book

2008 White Book
The 2008 White Book was not formally published due to work load constraints associated with completion of the 2010 Initial Rate Case and the Tiered Rate Methodology Rate Case. BPA has archived the data in draft form.

2007 White Book
posted   February 28, 2008

2006 White Book
posted  February 20, 2007
(Due to a change in naming convention, there is not a 2005 White Book,
it is now called the 2006 White Book)

2004 White Book
updated November 15, 2005

2003 White Book

2002 White Book

2001 White Book

2000 White Book

1999 White Book

1998 White Book


Page content last modified on:  November 17, 2009.
Content provided by:  Timothy Misley, 503-230-3942, tcmisley@bpa.gov.
Page maintained by:  BPA Web Team.
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