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2003 SN CRAC (SN-03) Expedited Rate Case
Initial Proposal
(updated on May 14, 2003)

On March 13, 2003, BPA published a Federal Register Notice summarizing BPA's Initial Proposal for the proposed safety-net cost recovery adjustment clause: public hearing, and opportunity for public review and comment. Please note that no final decisions regarding the SN CRAC have yet been made. BPA released its Initial Proposal on March 31, 2003, a field hearing was held on April 16th, and the public comment period closed on May 1, 2003.

All BPA documentation associated with the Initial Proposal (including studies, testimony, and witness qualifications) will be acessible through this page as they become available. For access to other SN-03 Rate Case information, see the SN-03 Expedited Rate Case home page or check the Power Rates Documents "Queue" for recent documents that have not yet been officially published on this web site.

March 13, 2003 Federal Register Notice
(PDF, 8 pages, 78 kb, posted March 13, 2003)

March 26, 2003 Letter from Steve Wright
(PDF, 9 pages, 148 kb, posted in the "Queue" on March 28, 2003 and posted here on March 31, 2003)

March 2003 Issue of Keeping Current (PDF, 4 pages, 792 kb)

March 31, 2003 Initial Proposal Documents

The 26 "official PDF files" that represent BPA's Initial Proposal (Study, Documentation, GRSPs, Direct Testimony, and Witness Qualifications) were released to rate case parties at a pre-hearing (and posted in the Power Rates Queue) on March 31, 2003. These files have also been packaged into a single compressed (self-extracting) file (.exe, 10.7 MB) for those who wish to download all 26 files at once. After this compressed file has been downloaded to a folder on a local drive, it can be decompressed by double-clicking on the file (total expanded size = 12 MB).
[A .zip version is also available (also 10.7 MB).]

Study and Documentation (links to individual files)
[Posted in the "Queue" on March 31, 2003 and posted here on May 12, 2003.]

"Original" General Rate Schedule Provisions (GRSPs) (PDF, 5 pages, 36 kb)
[Posted in the "Queue" on March 31, 2003 and posted here on May 10, 2003. The errata document below was posted in the "Queue" (as an MS Word file) on April 3, 2003 and then converted to PDF and posted here on May 12, 2003.]
    - Errata (E1) (PDF, 2 pages, 9 kb)

"Corrected" General Rate Schedule Provisions (GRSPs) (PDF, 6 pages, 31 kb)
[This version incorporates the Errata (E1) above. It was posted in the "Queue" (as an MS Word file) on April 3, 2003 and then converted to PDF and posted here on May 12, 2003.]

Direct Testimony (links to individual files)
[Posted in the "Queue" on March 31, 2003 and posted here on May 10, 2003. PDF versions of errata pages posted here on May 12, 2003.]

BPA Witness Qualifications
(PDF, 47 pages, 138 kb, posted in the "Queue" on March 31, 2003 and posted here on May 10, 2003)

Toolkit Model for SN CRAC Initial Proposal
(Treasury Payment Probability Calculation)

May 5, 2003 Rebuttal Testimony (updated May 14, 2003)

Additional BPA Witness Qualifications
(PDF, 6 pages, 21 kb, posted as three separate files in the "Queue" on May 5, 2003 (3 PM), combined into one file and posted here on May 10, 2003)


Archive of content originally posted or last updated on:  May 14, 2003.
Content originally provided by:  Michael Normandeau, BPA Power Business Line.
Content provided by:  Greg Gustafson, 503-230-5820, gcgustafson@bpa.gov.
Page maintained by:  BPA Web Team.
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