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2007 Supplemental Wholesale Power Rate Case

On May 3, 2007, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit issued opinions in two separate lawsuits. One case dealt with the way BPA allocated the costs of its 2000 Residential Exchange Program (REP) Settlement Agreements with the region's Investor-Owned Utilities (IOUs) in rates. Because of this ruling, BPA requested a stay in the final approval of its FY 2007-2009 power rates. BPA plans to publish a new rate proposal through a WP-07 Supplemental Power Rate Case. The outcome of this rate case will affect FY 2009 rates only, but will also review the REP settlement benefits paid to IOUs and the REP benefits the IOUs would have received in the absence of the REP settlements from FY 2002-2008.

FRN and Supporting Documents
BPA's proposed 2007 Supplemental Wholesale Power Rate Schedules and GRSPs, as well as the Section 7(b)(2) Legal Interpretation and Section 7(b)(2) Implementation Methodology, incorporated by reference as a part of this Notice, are available through the links below:

In conducting BPA's WP-07 Supplemental Proceeding, BPA will be reviewing its previous development of power rates in the WP-02 Wholesale Power Rate Adjustment Proceeding. As a result, BPA will be citing the WP-02 administrative record during the WP-07 Proceeding. In order access documents in the WP-02 administrative record, parties should go to the BPA Secure Rate Case Website.

The links on the right go to individual elements of the rate case.

WP-07 Supplemental Final Record of Decision
BPA recently released the Final ROD for the WP-07 Supplemental Rate Case.
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