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Final Firm Power Products and
Services (FPS-96R) Rate Adjustment

In August 1999, BPA proposed to correct errors in the Firm Power Products and Services rate schedule (FPS-96), and to establish posted rates that apply to the capacity with energy product. Certain BPA contracts executed prior to October 1, 1996, provide that BPA supply capacity without energy at the demand charge in the Contract Rate of the then applicable surplus firm power rate schedule. BPA erred in the FPS-96 rate schedule when it failed to expressly state in that schedule that the capacity without energy product would be priced at a negotiated rate. The demand charge in the Contract Rate section of FPS-96 was priced to be sold only in conjunction with the purchase of the separate energy product in that section. This action is intended to correct those errors.

Administrator's Record of Decision FPS-96R-A-02
(PDF, 61 pages, 136kb, dated March, 2000)
The ROD documents the substantive, contract, and procedural issues that were raised during the 7(i) process, and provides BPA's evaluation and decisions. For application of the FPS-96R schedule during the current 2002-2006 rate period, please go to the Current Power Rates page and click on the link to the "2002-2006 Wholesale Power Rates (Base Rates)" document.

1996 FPS Settlement (PDF, 9 pages, 24kb)
The 1996 FPS Settlement was signed by the parties in 1996.

Final Study FPS-96R-FS-BPA-01 (PDF, 10 pages, 31kb)
The Final Study describes the purpose for the proposed adjustments, and the method and proposed new rates for a capacity without energy product.

Final Documentation FPS-96R-FS-BPA-02 (PDF, 3 pages, 18kb)
The Final Documentation provides the support for the Final Study.  


Archive of content originally posted or last updated on:  January 3, 2002.
Content originally provided by:  Gabrielle Foulkes, BPA Power Business Line.
Content provided by:  Greg Gustafson, 503-230-5820, gcgustafson@bpa.gov.
Page maintained by:  BPA Web Team.
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