Justice for Victims. Justice for All.
Office for Victims of Crime

News & Features


Join OVC for a Web Forum discussion on Collaborative Educational Models Benefiting Victims and Providers to be held October 9, 2-3 pm EST. Submit your questions for guest hosts Casey Gwinn, President of the Family Justice Center Alliance, Maureen Lowell, licensed marriage and family therapist with the OVC-funded Institute for Collaborative Response for Victims of Family at San Jose University, and Dr. Linda Williams, professor of criminal justice and criminology at the University of Massachusetts Lowell, to answer during the live discussion.

Join ongoing discussions on the OVC Web Forum, including the September sessions on Responding to Victims of Cyberbullying and Responding to Latina/o Victims of Crime. Each month the Nation’s experts hosts a session to answer your questions about best practices in victim services. Visit the OVC Web Forum to read the sessions Q&A’s or to post your own message. Transcripts are also available for download.

On September 20, 2012, NCPC held an OVC-funded webinar on mortgage fraud. Chuck Sczuroski, Senior Trainer, National Crime Prevention Council (NCPC), presented Understanding Mortgage Fraud, a webinar that—

  • highlights the current trends in mortgage fraud.
  • examines inflated income or assets.
  • discusses ways in which documents are altered.
  • explains the process of flipping a property and how people are scammed by this.
  • discusses predatory lending.
  • gives examples on how victim service providers or allied professionals can assist victims.

A recording of this webinar is available for online viewing: NCPC 9/20/2012 webinar recording of Understanding Mortgage Fraud.

OVC Replication Guides web siteOVC released Multidisciplinary Response to Crime Victims With Disabilities—the product of a 3-year project by two grantees to adapt and replicate their innovative, multidisciplinary response models. The replication guides in this set—one statewide (NCJ 239107) and one community based (NCJ 239108)—discuss how adult protective services, human services agencies, law enforcement, disability and Deaf advocates, self-advocates, and others can work together to ensure equal and effective access to the criminal justice system for persons with disabilities.

2013 NCVRW Theme PosterOVC announces the 2013 National Crime Victims’ Rights Week theme and colors. The theme for NCVRW 2013—to be observed April 21–27—is “New Challenges. New Solutions.” and the theme colors are midnight blue and orange. The theme colors (PDF 258 kb) are presented in full-color (CMYK) builds. Comparable spot colors and RBG values are available as well. Sign up for the NCVRW mailing list to receive future information about NCVRW, including a free Resource Guide and poster!

On August 10, 2012, The White House issued an Executive Order on Preventing and Responding to Violence Against Women and Girls Globally to further enhance the Administration’s efforts to advance the rights and status of women and girls, to promote gender equality in U.S. foreign policy.

The Executive Order, which creates an interagency working group co-chaired by the Secretary of State and the Administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), directs departments and agencies to implement the new United States Strategy to Prevent and Respond to Gender-based Violence Globally (PDF 1.9 mb).

In addition to the Department of State and USAID, the working group will include representatives from the Department of Justice.

On August 22, OVC and BJA held a Web Forum discussion on implementing the anti-human trafficking task force model with guest hosts Ari B. Redbord, Assistant United States Attorney for the District of Columbia and Lieutenant Derek Marsh with the Westminster Police Department in California.

Visit OVC’s Featured Resources section for a monthly roundup of new and noteworthy materials for the field of crime victim services. August highlights includes online training and the upcoming web forum discussion on human trafficking. If you missed the highlights from previous months or want to revisit these resources, visit the Previously Featured Resources page.

On Thursday, July 19, 2012, Irina Romashkan, a respected and beloved member of the Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) family, passed away at age 53. OVC remembers one of its own.

OVC releases June edition of OVC News & Program Updates about responses to underserved victims of crime. Read the articles in this issue for more information about—

  • improved responses for male crime victims;
  • Mary Lou Leary, Acting Assistant Attorney General;
  • an empowering account of a hate crime from an advocate for the Native LGBT/Two-Spirit community;  
  • training available for building military-civilian community partnerships to better serve military sexual assault victims;
  • Americans living overseas who experience domestic violence; and
  • facts about sexual assault in the military and efforts to combat it.

On Monday, June 18, 2012, William Van Regenmorter, a retired state legislator, considered by many to be the “Father of Victims’ Rights” in the State of Michigan, passed away at age 73. Some of the key issues Senator Van Regenmorter’s work impacted included domestic violence, home invasion, faster resolution of child abuse cases, truth in sentencing, DNA profiling, and public services for persons with disabilities. Read the Tribute.

OVC releases the OVC HELP Series for Crime Victims, a brochure series featuring resources and information for victims of crime and victim service professionals on the topics of assault, child abuse, domestic violence, homicide, impaired driving, robbery, sexual violence, and stalking.

2012 Trafficking In Persons  Report

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton unveiled the 2012 Trafficking In Persons Report on
June 19 during a ceremony at the U.S. Department of State. The annual report sheds light on international human trafficking worldwide and assesses governmental anti-human trafficking efforts.  

At the ceremony, Secretary Clinton also honored the 2012 Trafficking in Persons Heroes, men and women whose personal efforts have made an extraordinary difference in the global fight against modern slavery. Visit the U.S. Department of State website for more details on the Release of the 2012 Trafficking Persons Report and video of the event.

The Attorney General Guidelines for Victim and Witness Assistance was revised in May 2012. The guidelines clarify DOJ’s responsibilities to provide mandated rights and services enumerated in the Crime Victims’ Rights Act (CVRA) and the Victims’ Rights and Restitution Act (VRRA) as well as other statutory requirements. Furthermore, the guidelines address the unique requirements of vulnerable victims, including the recent update in May 2012 that addresses the scope of the federal child abuse reporting requirement under section 13031 of the Victims of Child Abuse Act of 1990, 42 U.S.C. § 13031.

Past Announcements

September 2012

On September 26, 2-3 pm EST, join OVC for a Web Forum discussion on best practices for Responding to Victims of Cyberbullying. Submit your questions for Hale Guyer, licensed private investigator and retired special investigator, and Jayne Hitchcock, President of WHOA and WHOA-KTD, to answer during the live discussion.

On September 19, in commemoration of National Hispanic Heritage Month, OVC held a Web Forum discussion on best practices for Responding to Latina/o Victims of Crime. Questions were accepted in English and Spanish. If you missed this bilingual session, visit the OVC Web Forum today for a transcript of the Sept.19 session and/or return to participate in the ongoing discussion.

On September 20, 2012, at 2–3 pm (EST) participate in an OVC-funded webinar on mortgage fraud. Join Chuck Sczuroski, Senior Trainer, National Crime Prevention Council (NCPC), for Understanding Mortgage Fraud, a webinar that will—

  • highlight the current trends in mortgage fraud.
  • examine inflated income or assets.
  • discuss ways in which documents are altered.
  • explain the process of flipping a property and how people are scammed by this.
  • discuss predatory lending.
  • give examples on how victim service providers or allied professionals can assist victims.

If you are interested in participating, register online or send an email to coletrane@ncpc.org.

On September 27, 2012, at 1–2:30 pm (EST) attend a BJA-funded webinar on the use of new federal standards to stop prisoner rape. Join a panel of experts for It Starts With You: Victim Advocates and the New Federal Standards to Stop Prisoner Rape, a webinar about using the Prison Rape Elimination Act standards as a tool to develop and expand services for survivors. Participants will have the opportunity to hear from survivors and to learn about opportunities to expand services through better access to resources and the chance to build new partnerships.

If you are interested in participating, register now and receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

On September 19, 2-3pm EST, in commemoration of National Hispanic Heritage Month, join OVC during a Web Forum discussion on best practices for Responding to Latina/o Victims of Crime. For the first time, submit your questions in English or Spanish now and return on the day of the session for the live discussion.

August 2012

On August 29, 2-3pm EST, join OVC during a Web Forum discussion on best practices for Implementing Trauma-Informed Care in Victim Services Settings. Submit your questions now and return on the day of the session for the live discussion.

Submit your completed 2013 National Crime Victims’ Service Awards nomination by Wednesday, September 5. Each year, OVC recognizes extraordinary individuals, organizations, teams, and programs that demonstrate outstanding achievements in supporting victims and victim services. The recipients are announced just before National Crime Victims’ Rights Week (NCVRW) commences and honored at the National Crime Victims’ Service Awards Ceremony. In 2013, NCVRW will be observed April 21–27, and the Awards Ceremony will be held the week prior, in Washington, DC. Visit the NCVRW Web site for details as they become available.

Funding is now available for enhancing response to children exposed to violence. Deadline to apply is August 27, 2012. In support of the Justice Department’s Defending Childhood Initiative, the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) will fund a training and technical assistance provider to develop and disseminate resources designed to enhance law enforcement and partner agencies’ response to children exposed to violence. With support from OVC and the Bureau of Justice Assistance, OJJDP will administer this program in partnership with the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services. Those applying are strongly advised to begin the application process well in advance of the August 27, 2012 deadline.

July 2012

The Office of the Secretary, U.S. Department of the Interior, announces a Victim Assistance Program Manager vacancy in Washington, DC. View the job responsibilities and required qualifications by visiting USAJOBS.

June 2012

On June 20th, held a Web Forum discussion on enhancing law enforcement responses to crime victims with guest hosts John Firman, Director of the Research Division of the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) and Raymond Rose, Chief of Police for the Village of Mundelein, Illinois.  

The National Association of VOCA Assistance Administrators, through a grant from OVC, is seeking proposals for projects to raise public awareness of victims' rights and services in communities during National Crime Victims' Rights Week (NCVRW), April 21-27, 2013. For more information and an application, visit the NCVRW Community Awareness Projects Web site. The deadline to apply is July 18, 2012.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, announces Social Science Program Specialist (Victim Witness Assistance) vacancies in San Juan, Puerto Rico and New York, New York. View the job responsibilities and required qualifications by visiting USAJOBS.

On June 20th, 2-3 pm ET, OVC will present a Web Forum discussion on enhancing law enforcement responses to crime victims. Guest hosts John Firman, Director of the Research Division of the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) and Raymond Rose, Chief of Police for the Village of Mundelein, Illinois will be available to answer your questions.

The National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV) is seeking a President and Chief Executive Officer, a visionary leader with an informed passion for ending domestic violence and a record of accomplishment in leading complex organizations. View the job responsibilities and required qualifications by visiting the NNEDV Web site. The position is open until filled, but preference will be given to those who apply before July 16, 2012.

Nominations are being accepted for the 2013 National Crime Victims’ Service Awards. Each year, OVC recognizes extraordinary individuals, organizations, teams, and programs that demonstrate outstanding achievements in supporting victims and victim services. The recipients are announced just before National Crime Victims’ Rights Week (NCVRW) commences and honored at the National Crime Victims’ Service Awards Ceremony. In 2013, NCVRW will be observed April 21–27, and the Awards Ceremony will be held the week prior, in Washington, DC. Visit the NCVRW Web site for details as they become available. The deadline to submit nominations is Wednesday, September 5, 2012.

The August 2012 National Victim Assistance Academy (NVAA) is being rescheduled to 2013 due to mandatory Department of Justice conference guidelines and policies. Please continue to check the OVC TTAC Web site for updates. If you have questions or need assistance, please contact OVC TTAC at 1-866-682-8822 or via e-mail at TTAC@ovcttac.org.

In commemoration of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month, OVC presented a Web Forum discussion on understanding violence against transgender individuals. Download a transcript of the June 6th 2012 session with guest hosts Michael Munson, cofounder and Executive Director of FORGE and Rebecca Waggoner, Director of OutFront Minnesota’s Anti-Violence Program.

May 2012

Effective May 31, 2012, OVC has cancelled the national and state conference support programs, which provided support to organizations and state agencies sponsoring conferences on victims’ issues. The cancellation is due to the challenging nature of supporting non-DOJ conferences while complying with the mandatory DOJ conference guidelines and pre-approval process. If your application has already been received by OVC TTAC, it will be processed. If you have any questions, please contact OVC TTAC at 1-866-682-8822 or ttac@ovcttac.org.

OVC presented a Web Forum discussion on expanding services for crime victims with disabilities with Marcie Davis, CEO of Davis Innovations, a research and organizational development consulting firm and Shell Schwartz, Training Manager for Disability Services ASAP (A Safety Awareness Program) of SafePlace. If you missed it, you can download a transcript of the May 23rd 2012 session and return to the Web Forum to continue with the discussion.

On May 23, 2–3 pm EST, OVC will present a Web Forum discussion on expanding services for crime victims with disabilities with Marcie Davis, CEO of Davis Innovations, a research and organizational development consulting firm and Shell Schwartz, Training Manager for Disability Services ASAP (A Safety Awareness Program) of SafePlace. Submit your questions now for answer during the discussion.

On May 9, 2012, OVC presented a Web Forum discussion on addressing the needs of victims on cruise ships hosted by Jamie Barnett, International Cruise Victims. If you missed it, you can download a transcript of the May 9th 2012 session and return to the Web Forum to continue with the discussion.

May deadlines are fast approaching. OVC has three open solicitations on topics such as culturally responsive victim-centered restorative justice practices and polyvictimization. An individual fellowship in the area of human trafficking is also available. Visit OVC’s Current Funding Opportunities page to view OVC’s open grants supporting—

  • FY 2012 Action Partnerships for National Membership, Professional Affiliation, and Community Service Organizations Responding to Polyvictimization. Deadline: 05/15/2012
  • FY 2012 National Field-Generated Demonstration Projects. Deadline: 05/15/2012
  • FY 2012 Victims of Human Trafficking Fellowship Program. Deadline: 05/10/2012

April 2012

On Tuesday, April 24, 2012, in Little Rock, Arkansas, Attorney General Eric Holder delivered a speech about human trafficking. Learn more about OVC’s and OJP’s efforts to address human trafficking in the United States.

Attorney General Eric Holder honors individuals and organizations for service to crime victims during the April 20th National Crime Victims’ Service Awards Ceremony, which is held each year to honor heroic and hard-working individuals for their extraordinary service to crime victims. The Attorney General and Acting Assistant Attorney General Mary Lou Leary addressed attendees at the award ceremony and were on hand to help present the awards. If you missed the event and would like to learn more, visit the following:

OVC releases the 2012 fact sheet on the Crime Victims Fund, a major funding source for victim services throughout the Nation. This fact sheet provides information about the Fund, established by the Victims of Crime Act (VOCA), and the various grant programs (formula and discretionary) funded using VOCA dollars.

The White House released a report on women and the economy with information on efforts to combat violence against women and girls. The April 2012 report, Keeping America’s Women Forward, the Key to an Economy Built to Last, examines the ways in which the Administration has worked to ensure women’s economic security through all stages of life. The report also includes a section on violence against women and girls and the range of new efforts launched to prevent and prosecute violence against women and help victims escape their abusers and rebuild their lives. A sampling of the policies, programs, and legislative initiatives covered in the report include—

Keeping America's Women Moving Forward, The Key to an Economy Built to Last
  • Domestic Violence
    • Helping Employers Address the Impacts of Domestic Violence in the Workplace
    • Helping Victims of Domestic Violence File for Federal Refundable Tax Credits
    • Improving Healthcare Responses to Domestic Violence
    • Preventing Eviction as a Result of Domestic Violence
    • Protecting Victims Living in Subsidized Housing

  • Sexual Violence and Harassment
    • Expanding Efforts to Prevent and Respond to Sexual Assault in the Military
    • Providing Treatment for Military Sexual Trauma (MST)
    • Preventing Teen Dating Violence
    • Permanently Barring Sexual Harassers from Managing Rental Properties

View the complete report Keeping America’s Women Moving Forward, The Key to an Economy Built to Last (PDF 3.5 mb) available from the White House Council on Women.

In commemoration of National Sexual Assault Awareness Month, OVC hosted a Web Forum discussion on analyzing the impact of sexual assault protection orders to with guest hosts, Laura Jones and DeAnn Yamamoto, from King County Sexual Assault Resource Center.

On Friday, April 20, 2012, join OVC for the National Crime Victims’ Service Awards Ceremony. OVC will sponsor this free event in the Nation’s Capital as a prelude to National Crime Victims’ Rights Week (NCVRW), April 22–28, 2012.

Register by April 17th to attend the Awards CeremonyNational Crime Victims’ Service Awards Ceremony
Date: Friday, April 20, 2012
Time: 2:00-3:30 PM

Andrew W. Mellon Auditorium
1301 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC (Directions)

This event is open to the public. RSVP online by April 17, 2012 to attend.

The Defending Childhood Task Force is seeking participants for a final Public Hearing in Detroit, MI, on April 23-24, 2012. The Detroit hearing follows hearings in—

Defending Childhood logo
  • Baltimore in November 2011 on the scope of children exposed to violence.
  • Albuquerque in January 2012 on the particular concerns and needs of rural and tribal settings in dealing with violence faced by children.
  • Miami in March 2012 about the challenges of children exposed to violence in their communities.

This final hearing focuses on how to protect children, help them heal from violence, and create the safety that allows them to thrive. You can participate in this hearing in multiple ways—

  • attend in person;
  • register to view the hearing via webinar;
  • provide oral testimony; or
  • submit written testimony by April 24th.

Visit the Justice Department’s Defending Childhood Web site for more information about the Initiative and its task force.

OVC releases the 2011 Report to the Nation, Fiscal Years 2009–2010: Rising to the Challenge—A New Era in Victim Services.

Listen to the MessageThis biennial report summarizes the programs, activities, and accomplishments of the Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) and their impact on victims, survivors, and communities. Read the report to learn more about OVC and—

  • The Crime Victims Fund—a significant resource for supporting services to victims;
  • Enduring and emerging challenges in victim services; and
  • Public awareness, education, and outreach endeavors.

A transcript is now available of the March 21st Web Forum discussion on best practices for responding to survivors of clergy abuse.

OVC has a number of open solicitations on topics such as culturally responsive victim-centered restorative justice practices; polyvictimization; training & TA to American and Alaska Native communities; application of research and evaluation in victim services; provision of services for victims of human labor and sex trafficking; and wraparaound legal assistance networks. Two individual fellowships in the areas of human trafficking and financial fraud and abuse are also available.

View the full list of available solicitations on OVC’s Current Funding Opportunities page

March 2012

Homeland Security Investigations announces Victim Assistance Specialist vacancies in the Boston, MA, and Buffalo, NY, Special Agent in Charge (SAC) principal field offices. View the job responsibilities and required qualifications by visiting USAJOBS.

A webinar was held on March 22, 2012, to help potential applicants learn more about the OVC solicitation "Sexual Assault Forensic Medical Examination Telemedicine Center: An Innovative Pilot Project." The goal of this project is to develop a live 24-hour telemedicine center to help sexual assault nurse examiners (SANEs) and other forensic medical examiners collect evidence from a victim of sexual assault. The recipient of this $3.5 million award will issue a separate solicitation, in partnership with OVC, to set up four pilot sites, and will use cutting-edge audiovisual technology to walk a health care provider through a forensic medical examination.

Webinar: Telemedicine Center to Support Sexual Assault Evidence Collection
March 22, 2012
3 pm - 4:30 pm EDT
A recording of the free Webinar will be made available within the week.

Check the Chat Archives periodically or register to be notified of when the recording is posted online.

This webinar was hosted by the Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) and the National Institute of Justice (NIJ), and facilitated by the Government Innovators Network. Panelists will include—

  • Kristina Rose, Deputy Director of NIJ.
  • Marnie Shiels, Attorney Advisor to OVC.

OVC will award one fellowship of up to $135,000 to an individual to work onsite in Washington, D.C., to develop or enhance training, technical assistance, public awareness, and capacity-building resources that support services for victims of sex and labor trafficking. Apply by May 10, 2012.

In commemoration of National Sexual Assault Awareness Month, join OVC on April 4, 2-3 pm EST, for the Web Forum discussion on best practices for serving sexual assault victims in rural communities. Guest hosts Robin Clover, Executive Director of the Sublette County Sexual Assault and Family Violence (SAFV) Task Force, and Tiffany Eskelson-Maestas, Resource Development Specialist of the Wyoming Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, will be available to answer questions.

One cooperative agreement of up to $250,000 will be awarded to identify, examine, and document the characteristics of existing culturally responsive victim-centered restorative justice practices. Apply by May 8, 2012.

The field of crime victim assistance recently lost a dedicated victim advocate in Mandie Patterson, a long-time NAVAA member and the first recipient of the Grimm Award from the Sexual Assault Resource Agency. Magdalena "Mandie" M. Patterson of Henrico County, Virginia, passed away on Friday, March 16, 2012. She made significant contributions to her state and across the nation and will be greatly missed. Read the Tribute.

OVC releases the 2011 Report to the Nation, Fiscal Years 2009–2010: Rising to the Challenge—A New Era in Victim Services.

Read about OVC Acting Director Frost’s visit to Kosovo to speak at their second observance of National Crime Victims’ Rights Week at the invitation of the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of North Carolina (USAO-EDNC), under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office of Overseas Prosecutorial Development Assistance and Training (OPDAT).

More details about this visit and Kosovo can be found in a OVC Web article Kosovo Focuses on Victims’ Rights after Decades of Strife (PDF 500 kb), which offers in brief—

  • The history of Kosovo;
  • The Kosovar efforts to establish a criminal justice system that recognizes victims’ rights;
  • The events that led up to Acting Director Frost’s visit; and
  • The positive outcomes to date of the relationship between Kosovo, the U.S. Embassy, OPDAT, and USAO-EDNC.

Starting March 29, the first of multiple OVC grant solicitations will close. To avoid missed deadlines, visit the Current Funding Opportunities page to find the available OVC grants and their application due dates. A wide range of solicitation topics includes polyvictimization, training & TA to American and Alaska Native communities, application of research and evaluation in victim services, provision of services for victims of human labor and sex trafficking, financial fraud and elder financial exploitation, and wraparaound legal assistance networks.

OVC presented a Web Forum discussion on best practices for responding to survivors of clergy abuse. Read the discussion thread of guest hosts, Elsie Boudreau, LMSW, Alaska Native Justice Center and the Reverend Dr. Bernard "Skip" Keels, Director of the University Chapel at Morgan State University.

Previously, OVC held a discussion on making the most of National Crime Victims’ Rights Week with guest hosts Steve Derene, Mary Gleason Rappaport and Anne Seymour. A transcript of the March 7th session is available for download.

Defending Childhood logoThe Defending Childhood Task Force is seeking participants for a Public Hearing in Miami, FL, on March 20-21, 2012. This hearing will focus on children’s exposure to violence in their communities and at school. The Defending Childhood Task Force is interested in hearing from community members and professionals who work with children and families. You are invited to—

Visit the Justice Department‘s Defending Childhood Web site for more information about the Initiative and its task force.

Two discretionary grants of $750,000 each will be awarded to develop or enhance promising practices, models, and programs that build the capacity of the crime victims’ field to provide services to both adult and child crime victims who experience polyvictimization. Apply by May 15, 2012.

One award of up to $3.5 million will be awarded to develop a national telemedicine center to administer sexual assault forensic medical exam services to four pilot sites and test their viability. Apply by May 8, 2012.

Register by March 12, 2012, for the White House LGBT Conference on Safe Schools & Communities being held on March 20th in Arlington, Texas, and featuring Eric H. Holder, Jr., Attorney General of the United States, and Valerie B. Jarrett, Senior Advisor to the President.

Advocates, community leaders, and members of the public are welcome to attend and engage with the Obama Administration on efforts to ensure safety and security for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people in schools and communities throughout the country.

This conference is hosted by the White House and the U.S. Department of Justice, in partnership with the College of Liberal Arts Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice and the College of Education and Health Professions at University of Texas at Arlington.

White House LGBT Conference on Safe Schools & Communities
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
8:30 AM – 5:30 PM
The University of Texas at Arlington
The E.H. Hereford University Center
300 W. First Street
Arlington, TX
(Near Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX)

Registration closes on March 12 or sooner if capacity is reached. Register online at http://go.usa.gov/U7Y.

OVC will make one award of up to $750,000 to support the training and technical assistance needs of American Indian and Alaska Native communities that receive grant funds under the Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation. Apply by May 8, 2012.

Join OVC on March 7, 2–3pm EST for a Web Forum discussion on making the most of National Crime Victims’ Rights Week with guest hosts Steve Derene, Mary Gleason Rappaport and Anne Seymour. Submit questions now for answer during the discussion.

OVC News & Program Updates, February 2012OVC releases February edition of OVC News & Program Updates about elder abuse and exploitation. These crimes are complex and can be extremely difficult to recognize and resolve. Read the articles in this issue for more information about –

  • elder financial exploitation and identity theft, with a personal account from entertainer Mickey Rooney;
  • resources addressing victims of late-life domestic violence and elder abuse;
  • the National Clearinghouse on Abuse in Later Life;
  • practical uses of research for working with older victims;
  • crimesolutions.gov, a credible resource for informing practitioners and policymakers about what works in justice-related programs and practices, including crime victim services;
  • elder victimization facts available from the recently released 2012 National Crime Victims’ Rights Week Resource Guide.

February 2012

OVC will make up to six awards of $250,000 each to identify and address gaps in services to or awareness of victims who suffer from polyvictimization, and to propose to remedy those gaps through training and/or technical assistance. Apply by May 15, 2012.

One fellowship of up to $135,000 will be awarded to an individual to examine financial exploitation and abuse, with a focus on victims of elder financial exploitation as well as other victims of financial abuse who may be experiencing other types of abuse simultaneously. Apply by May 1, 2012.

OVC Discretionary Grantees TableIn fiscal year 2011, OVC awarded more than $23 million in discretionary grants. For information about OVC’s FY 2011 discretionary grantees, view OVC’s searchable grantee table, where grantees are listed by their—

  • Grant program and area that the grantee will serve
  • Award amount and grant duration

Attorney General Guidelines for Victim and Witness AssistanceDownload the Attorney General Guidelines for Victim and Witness Assistance (PDF 2 mb) to see how it may serve as a model for your guidelines on the fair treatment of crime victims and witnesses. These revised guidelines, effective October 1, 2011, have been updated to incorporate best practices and integrate new case law.

The AG Guidelines establish policy and provide guidance to be followed by U.S. Department of Justice personnel in their interactions with crime victims and witnesses. 

OVC Web ForumDownload a transcript of the February 15 online discussion on assisting older victims of intimate partner sexual violence or visit the OVC Web Forum to participate in ongoing discussions in victim services. The discussion was led by guest hosts Jenifer Markowitz, Medical Advisor, and Jennifer Gentile Long, Director, both with AEquitas: The Prosecutor’s Resource on Violence Against Women.

Previously on the OVC Web Forum—

Visit the OVC Web Forum to read the questions and answers from these sessions or to post your own message. Session transcripts are also available for download.

One cooperative agreement of up to $250,000 will be awarded to develop and implement national-scope, interactive, online training and technical assistance to help victim service providers become better consumers of research and evaluation. Apply by April 25, 2012.

Cooperative agreements of $200,000 to $400,000 will be awarded to support either a comprehensive array of services for trafficking victims in specific geographic areas or specialized mental health or legal services over larger geographic areas. Apply by April 17, 2012.

Discretionary grants of up to $400,000 will be awarded to support the development of models for wraparound victim legal assistance networks that support comprehensive, holistic, pro bono, legal services for all victims of crime. Apply by April 19, 2012.

Join OVC on February 15, 2-3pm EST for a Web Forum discussion on assisting older victims of intimate partner sexual violence with guest hosts Jenifer Markowitz, Medical Advisor, and Jennifer Gentile Long, Director, both with AEquitas: The Prosecutor’s Resource on Violence Against Women. Submit questions now for answer during the discussion.

The Use of Technology to Stalk. An Online Course.The National Center for Victims of Crime launched an online course, funded by OVC, about the use of technology in stalking. NCVC’s Stalking Resource Center developed this course to inform participants how stalkers use technologies to locate, harass, and surveil their victims.

Take this free online course on the Use of Technology To Stalk to learn how to assist in the investigation of stalking crimes and support crime victims.

On January 27, OVC held a Web Forum discussion on building resiliency within victim service organizations. Karen Kalergis, an Associate Director of Education and Communications at the Institute on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, and Janice Harris Lord, a Fellow in Thanatology at the Association of Death Education and Counseling, led the discussion. Visit the Web Forum to read the questions and answers from the session or post your own message. A transcript is also available for download.

January 2012

In recognition of National Stalking Awareness Month, the National Cyber Security Alliance and McAfee release new data about online stalking and safety tips. Read the NCSA press release for a statistical snapshot and useful details about the following safety tips–

  • Cleanup your online profiles.
  • Lockdown your privacy settings.
  • Be careful whom you connect with.
  • Search yourself to see what’s out there about you.
  • Don’t use an email address that is easy to identify.
  • If you have a personal website, don’t post your email address.
  • Be careful when posting photos online.
  • Create strong passwords.
  • Avoid using location-based services.
  • Delete old posts or entries.

For more information about National Stalking Awareness Month, visit OVC’s Featured Resources!

Photo of elderly women and young girl.On January 31, 2012, attend a free webinar on elder abuse sponsored by the National Institute of Justice. Join moderator, Andy Mao, Senior Counsel for Health Care Fraud and Elder Justice, U.S. Department of Justice, for Building a Risk Assessment Tool for the N.H. Bureau of Elderly and Adult Services. Panelists include—

  • Kristen Johnson, researcher with the National Council on Crime and Delinquency.
  • Rachel Lakin, New Hampshire’s Bureau of Elderly and Adult Services.
  • Kathleen Quinn, director of the National Adult Protective Services Association.

Register online to participate in this free webinar on January 31 from 2 pm to 4 pm ET.

In commemoration of Human Trafficking Prevention Month, OVC presented a Web Forum discussion on intersections between human trafficking and other vulnerable populations with Cynthia Kennedy, LICSW, and Constance Rossiter. View the questions and answers from the session.

Individual scholarships available for OVC Mass Violence and Emergency National Training Conference. Qualified new conference registrants as well as those who have already registered are eligible to apply for individual scholarships (up to $1,000) to help defray expenses associated with attending the conference. For more information, contact TTAC@OVCTTAC.org.

There is no registration fee to attend The 2012 OVC Mass Violence and Emergency National Training Conference which is scheduled for January 31–February 2, 2012, in Jacksonville, Florida.

2012 OVC Mass Violence & Emergency National Training Conference. Jan. 31-Feb. 2, 2012.The 3-day event that will bring together multidisciplinary stakeholder teams to share their experiences and knowledge about how to respond to victims, survivors, and communities. For more information, view the conference schedule.

Stakeholder discipline areas include—

  • Emergency management personnel
  • Law enforcement
  • Fire and rescue
  • Federal, state, local, and tribal policymakers
  • Prosecutors
  • State VOCA and Victim Compensation Administrators
  • Faith-based organizations
  • Victim service professionals