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Power Function Review (PFR)
Meetings and Workshops

(updated April 21, 2006)

2006 Follow-Up (PFR II) Materials
(notes, handouts, Q & A, etc.)

Schedule of Follow-up Meetings
(PDF, 2 pages, updated March 17, 2006)
  1. January 23, 2006 - Kickoff Workshop  
  2. February 8, 2006 - Technical Workshop
    Topic(s):  Conservation;  Renewables;  Amortization of conservation investments and fish and wildlife capital;  Internal Operations Charged to Power/EPIP;  Spokane settlement update.
    • Agenda (PDF, 1 page, 21 KB, posted February 7, 2006)
    • Workshop Handouts are temporarily available in the PFR Document Queue (as of February 8, 2006, 7:10 a.m.).
  3. February 13, 2006 - Technical Workshop
    Topic(s):  Hydro benchmarking;  CRFM plant in service update;  Fish & Wildlife hydro operations effects;  Benefits to Direct Service Industries;  Columbia Generating Station (financial impacts, license extension, & generation forecasts).
    • Agenda (see the PFR Document Queue)
    • Workshop Handout (PDF, 49 pages, 357 KB, posted here on February 27, 2006)
      [Note: This handout was originally posted in the PFR Document Queue on February 10, 2006.  It was reposted here without any changes (except for a minor change to the PDF file name).]
  4. March 6, 2006 - Technical Workshop
    Topic(s):  Northwest Power and Conservation Council Funding Level;  Fish and Wildlife Research, Monitoring and Evaluation Process;  Credits for Reactive Power.
    • Agenda (PDF, 1 page, 37 kb, posted February 27, 2006)
    • Workshop Handouts are temporarily available in the PFR Document Queue (as of March 3, 2006).
  5. March 8, 2006 - Management Discussion
    Topic(s):  Review and update on non-cost factors affecting 2007-09 rates;  Review status and set direction for future PFR effort.
    • Agenda (PDF, 1 page, 83 kb, updated March 7, 2006)
    • Workshop Handouts are temporarily available in the PFR Document Queue (as of March 7, 2006, 9:45 p.m.).
  6. March 21, 2006 - Technical Workshop CANCELLED
  7. March 22, 2006 - Technical Workshop
    Topic(s):  Power Function Scorecard.
    • The Workshop Handout is temporarily available in the PFR Document Queue (as of March 22, 2006).

  8. April 5, 2006 - Technical Workshop CANCELLED
  9. April 10, 2006 - Management Discussion
    Topic(s):  Draft Closeout Report;  Hydro Benchmarking.
    • Agenda (PDF, 1 page, 18 kb, posted here on April 21, 2006)
      [Note: This handout was originally posted in the PFR Document Queue on April 6, 2006.  It was reposted here without any changes (except for minor changes to the PDF file name and metadata).]
    • "Northwest Hydro Benchmarking Study" Handout
      (PDF, 27 pages, 2.3 MB, reposted here on April 11, 2006)
      [Note: This handout was originally posted in the PFR Document Queue on April 6 and here on April 7, 2006.  It was reposted here on April 11 with lower-resolution images on the cover page (to reduce file size) and with bookmarks added for PDF file navigation.]
    • "Presentation on Northwest Hydro Benchmarking Study"
      (PDF, 15 pages, 85 KB, reissued April 19, 2006, posted here on April 21, 2006)
      [Note:  This presentation handout was originally posted in the PFR Document Queue on April 10, 2006.  The content was revised after the meeting - - as well as the layout and formatting (cover page revised, background images removed, footers added, etc.) - - before it was reissued and posted here.]
    • "April 10, 2006 Letter from PPC to Corps of Engineers" Handout
      [Note:  A scanned PDF version of this letter is temporarily available in the PFR Document Queue.]

2005 Follow-Up (PFR II) Materials
(notes, handouts, Q & A, etc.)

Schedule of Meetings (January - May 2005)
(PDF, 3 pages, updated March 04, 2005)

[Note: To access additional meeting materials related to fish and wildlife program costs, see the "Fish and Wildlife Components of the PFR" page on BPA's EFW web site.]

  1. January 25, 2005 - Opening Workshop
    • Notes (PDF, 10 pages, 39 kb, posted February 3, 2005)
    • "Opening Workshop" Handout
      (PDF, 45 pages, 763 kb, posted here on February 8, 2005)
      [Note: This handout was originally posted in the PFR Document Queue on January 24, 2005. It was revised on February 7, 2005 (after the workshop). The revised version posted here includes notes indicating which pages of the original (January 24th) version were revised (see pages 15-20, 35 and 38).]
    • Questions and Answers (PDF, 3 pages, 139 kb, posted March 28, 2005)
  2. February 1, 2005 - Technical Workshop
    Topic:  Transmission Acquisition Program
    • Notes (PDF, 10 pages, 97 kb, posted February 16, 2005)
    • "Transmission Acquisition Program" Handout
      (PDF, 64 pages, 438 kb, posted here on February 3, 2005)
      [Note: This handout was originally posted in the PFR Document Queue on January 26, 2005. It was revised and reposted in the PFR Document Queue on January 31, 2005 (before the workshop). The version posted here is the same as the January 31st version presented at the workshop, except it also includes notes indicating which pages of the original (January 26th) version were revised (see pages 9, 10, and 25).]
    • Questions and Answers (PDF, 11 pages, 136 kb, posted February 18, 2005)
  3. February 8, 2005 - Technical Workshop
    Topics:  Conservation Program (a.m.) and Renewables Program (p.m.)
    • Notes (PDF, 14 pages, 122 kb, posted February 25, 2005)
    • "Conservation Program" Handout
      (PDF, 29 pages, 456 kb, posted here on February 28, 2005)
      [Note: This handout was originally posted in the PFR Document Queue on February 3, 2005. It was revised on February 28, 2005 (after the workshop). The revised version posted here includes notes indicating which pages of the original (February 3rd) version were revised (see pages 16 and 18).]
    • "Renewables Program" Handout
      (PDF, 19 pages, 467 kb, posted here on February 17, 2005)
      [Note: This handout was originally posted in the PFR Document Queue on February 2, 2005. It was revised on February 17, 2005 (after the workshop). The revised version posted here includes notes indicating which pages of the original (February 2nd) version were revised (see pages 2, 5, 8, 10, and 13).]
    • Questions and Answers (Conservation)
      (PDF, 7 pages, 176 kb, posted April 5, 2005)
    • Questions and Answers (Renewables)
      (PDF, 1 page, 75 kb, posted March 28, 2005)
  4. February 23, 2005 - Management-Level Discussion
    Topics:  Transmission Aquisition, Conservation and Renewables
    • Agenda (PDF, 1 page, 74 kb, posted February 18, 2005)
    • Notes (PDF, 14 pages, 117 kb, posted March 8, 2005)
    • "Overview" Handout
      (PDF, 7 pages, 172 kb, posted here on March 9, 2005)
      [Note: This handout was originally posted in the PFR Document Queue on February 23, 2005. Page 7 was revised on March 9, 2005 (after the workshop). The revised handout posted here includes a note indicating which page of the original (February 23rd) version was revised (see page 7).]
    • "Transmission Acquisition" Handout
      (PDF, 37 pages, 368 kb, posted here on March 3, 2005)
      [Note: This handout was originally posted in the PFR Document Queue on February 16, 2005. It was reposted here without any changes (except for a minor change to the PDF file name).]
    • "Conservation Program" Handout
      (PDF, 28 pages, 497 kb, posted here on March 21, 2005)
      [Note: This handout was originally posted in the PFR Document Queue on February 16, 2005. Some formatting changes were made to the document on March 21, 2005 before it was posted here (no substantial changes were made to the document content).]
    • "Renewables Program" Handout
      (PDF, 17 pages, 450 kb, posted here on March 3, 2005)
      [Note: This handout was originally posted in the PFR Document Queue on February 17, 2005. Page 10 was revised on March 3, 2005 (after the workshop). The revised handout posted here includes a note indicating which page of the original (February 17th) version was revised (see page 10).]
  5. March 1, 2005 - Technical Workshop
    Topics:  Internal Operations Costs Charged to Power Rates (a.m.) and Federal/Non-Federal Debt Service/Management (p.m.)
    • Notes (PDF, 12 pages, 114 kb, posted March 9, 2005)
    • "Internal Operations Charged to Power Rates" Handout
      (see March 10, 2005 follow-up workshop for the final version of this handout)
    • "Debt Optimization Background Information" Handout
      (PDF, 13 pages, 213 kb, posted here on March 24, 2005)
      [Note: This handout was originally posted in the PFR Document Queue on February 25, 2005. It was revised (background colors removed) and reposted in the PFR Document Queue on February 28th (before the workshop). It was later reposted here without any changes (except for a minor change to the PDF file name).]
    • "Debt Service and Debt Management" Handout
      (PDF, 53 pages, 430 kb, posted here on March 24, 2005)
      [Note: This handout was originally posted in the PFR Document Queue on February 25, 2005. It was reposted here without any changes (except for a minor change to the PDF file name).]
    • "Potential Opportunities for Change" Handout
      (PDF, 1 page, 61 kb, posted here on March 24, 2005)
      [Note: This handout was originally posted in the PFR Document Queue on March 1, 2005. It was reposted here without any changes (except for a minor change to the PDF file name).]
    • Questions and Answers (Internal Operations Costs Charged to Power)
      (PDF, 6 pages, 153 kb, posted May 19, 2005, 7 p.m.)
    • Questions and Answers (Debt Management)
      (PDF, 3 pages, 123 kb, posted April 13, 2005, 1:40 p.m.)
  6. March 10, 2005 - Technical Workshop (follow-up to March 1st workshop)
    Topics:  Internal Operations Costs Charged to Power Rates
    • Notes (PDF, 5 pages, 83 kb, posted March 21, 2005)
    • "Internal Operations Charged To Power" Handout
      (PDF, 37 pages, 530 kb, posted here on March 24, 2005)
      [Note: This handout was originally posted in the PFR Document Queue on February 25, 2005 for the March 1st workshop (above). It was revised for this follow-up workshop and posted in the PFR Document Queue on March 9, 2005. It was later reposted here without any changes (except for a minor change to the PDF file name).]
    • "Corporate Costs Table" Handout
      (page 20 of "Internal Operations Charged to Power" handout)
      (PDF, 1 page, 64 kb, posted here on March 24, 2005)
      [Note: This handout was originally posted in the PFR Document Queue on March 9, 2005. It was reposted here without any changes (except for a minor change to the PDF file name).]
    • "Technology Confirmation/Innovation (TCI) Program" Handout
      (PDF, 4 pages, 109 kb, posted here on March 24, 2005)
      [Note: This handout was originally posted in the PFR Document Queue on March 9, 2005. It was reposted here without any changes (except for a minor change to the PDF file name).]
    • Questions and Answers (Internal Operations Costs Charged to Power)
      (see March 1st Technical Workshop for this document)
  7. March 15, 2005 - Technical Workshop
    Topics:  Columbia Generating Station (a.m.) and Corps of Engineers and Bureau of Reclamation operation and maintenance costs and capital investments (p.m.)
    • PFR Scoresheet, as of March 14, 2005
      (PDF, 6 pages, 97 kb, posted March 14, 2005)
    • Notes (PDF, 13 pages, 116 kb, posted March 29, 2005)
    • "Columbia Generating Station O&M" Handout
      (PDF, 20 pages, 309 kb, posted here on March 21, 2005)
      [Note: This handout was originally posted in the PFR Document Queue on March 9, 2005. An additional page (16a) was posted in the PFR Document Queue as a separate file on March 15, 2005. These files were combined on March 21, 2005 (after the workshop). The revised handout posted here includes a note regarding the additional page (see page 17).]
    • "Energy Northwest" Handout
      (PDF, 94 pages, 870 kb, posted here on March 24, 2005)
      [Note: This handout was originally posted in the PFR Document Queue on March 9, 2005. It was revised and reposted in the Queue on March 10 (background images removed) and again on March 14 (to include the photos listed below). All four parts of this handout were later reposted here without any changes (except for minor changes to the PDF file names).]
    • "Corps of Engineers and Bureau of Reclamation
      Operations & Maintenance Costs and Capital Investments" Handout

      (PDF, 95 pages, 1037 kb, posted here on May 16, 2005, 2 p.m.)
      [Note: This handout was originally posted in the PFR Document Queue on March 9, 2005. It was updated on May 16, 2005 (after the meeting) to include the map (on page 7) and table (noted on page 17) that were handed out at the meeting (but not posted in the PFR Document Queue). Page 21 was also reformatted to fix overlapping text.]
    • Questions and Answers (CGS Program)
      (PDF, 2 pages, 70 kb, posted April 14, 2005, 2:30 p.m.)
    • Questions and Answers (Corps & Reclamation Program)
      (PDF, 8 pages, 430 kb, posted May 16, 2005, 11 a.m.)
  8. March 16, 2005 - Management-Level Discussion
    Topics:  Columbia Generating Station, Corps of Engineers and Bureau of Reclamation operation and maintenance costs and capital investment
    • Agenda (PDF, 1 page, 71 kb, reposted March 16, 2005 with correct location)
    • Notes (PDF, 15 pages, 123 kb, posted March 29, 2005)
    • PFR Scoresheet, as of March 14, 2005
      (see March 15th Technical Workshop for this handout)
    • "Columbia Generating Station O&M" Handout
      (PDF, 16 pages, 314 kb, posted here on March 23, 2005)
      [Note: This handout was originally posted in the PFR Document Queue on March 10, 2005. It was revised on March 21, 2005 (after the meeting) to include an additional page that was handed out at the meeting (but not posted in the PFR Document Queue). The revised handout posted here includes a note regarding the additional page (see page 16).]
    • "Energy Northwest" Handout
      (see March 15th Technical Workshop for this handout)
    • "Corps of Engineers and Bureau of Reclamation
      Operations & Maintenance Costs and Capital Investments" Handout

      (PDF, 95 pages, 1013 kb, posted here on April 21, 2005, 6 p.m.)
      [Note: This handout was originally posted in the PFR Document Queue on March 10, 2005. It was updated on April 21, 2005 (after the meeting) to include the map (on page 50) and table (noted on page 60) that were handed out at the meeting (but not posted in the PFR Document Queue). Page 64 was also reformatted to fix overlapping text.]
    • Questions and Answers (CGS Program)
      (see March 15th Technical Workshop for this document)
    • Questions and Answers (Corps & Reclamation Program)
      (see March 15th Technical Workshop for this document)
  9. March 17, 2005 - Management-Level Discussion
    Topics:  Internal operations costs charged to power rates, Federal and Non-Federal Debt Service and Debt Management
    • Agenda (PDF, 1 page, 70 kb, posted March 14, 2005)
    • Notes (PDF, 14 pages, 114 kb, posted April 6, 2005)
    • "Internal Operations Charged To Power" Handout
      (PDF, 26 pages, 402 kb, posted here on May 20, 2005, 1 p.m.)
      [Note: This handout was originally posted in the PFR Document Queue on March 10, 2005. It was reposted here without any changes (except for a minor change to the PDF file name).]
    • "Debt Service/Management" Handout
      (PDF, 27 pages, 254 kb, posted here on May 17, 2005, 2 p.m.)
      [Note: This handout was originally posted in the PFR Document Queue on March 10, 2005. It was reposted here without any changes (except for a minor change to the PDF file name).]
    • "Technology Confirmation/Innovation (TCI) Program" Handout
      (see March 10, 2005 technical workshop for this handout)
    • Questions and Answers (Internal Operations Costs Charged to Power)
      (see March 1st Technical Workshop for this document)
    • Questions and Answers (Debt Management)
      (see March 1st Technical Workshop for this document)
  10. April 5, 2005 - Technical Workshop
    Topic:  Fish & Wildlife program costs, both expense and capital  
  11. April 6, 2005 - Technical Workshop
    Topic:  Risk Mitigation Packages and Tools
    • Notes (PDF, 8 pages, 94 kb, posted April 19, 2005, 5:30 p.m.)
    • "Risk Mitigation" Handout
      (PDF, 32 pages, 436 kb, posted here on April 19, 2005, 5:30 p.m.)
      [Note: This handout was originally posted in the PFR Document Queue on April 1, 2005. Two pages were corrected - - and a new page was added - - on April 15, 2005 (after the workshop). The revised handout posted here includes notes indicating which pages of the original (April 1st) version were corrected and which page was added (see pages 19, 22, & 29).]
    • Questions and Answers (Risk Mitigation)
      (PDF, 1 page, 62 kb, posted May 12, 2005)
  12. Regional Public Comment Meetings (April 13 - 26, 2005)
    • Agenda (PDF, 1 page, 73 kb, posted April 12, 2005, 5 p.m.)
    • Main Handout (PDF, 13 pages, 181 kb, posted here on May 4, 2005)
      [Note: This handout was originally posted in the PFR Document Queue on April 8, 2005. Pages 6 & 11 were revised on April 12th (before the first meeting in Portland). Page 9 was deleted and two pages (renumbered pages 9 & 10) were revised on April 19th (after the first two meetings in Portland and Seattle). Pages 2, 8, 9 & 10 were revised on April 21st (after the third meeting in Idaho Falls and before the last two meetings in Missoula and Spokane). The version posted here the same as the version posted in the Queue on April 21st.]
    • Handout Appendix (PDF, 57 pages, 737 kb, posted here on May 4, 2005)
      [Note: This handout was originally posted in the PFR Document Queue on April 8, 2005. It was re-posted here without any changes.]
    • April 13, 2005 (Portland) Notes
      (PDF, 5 pages, 87 kb, posted April 21, 2005, 12:45 p.m.)
    • April 14, 2005 (Seattle) Notes
      (PDF, 6 pages, 102 kb, posted April 21, 2005, 12:45 p.m.)
    • April 19, 2005 (Idaho Falls) Notes
      (PDF, 4 pages, 77 kb, posted May 2, 2005, 3:30 p.m.)
    • April 21, 2005 (Missoula) Notes
      (PDF, 5 pages, 80 kb, posted May 2, 2005, 3:30 p.m.)
    • April 26, 2005 (Spokane) Notes
      (PDF, 7 pages, 90 kb, posted May 2, 2005, 3:30 p.m.)
  13. April 18, 2005 - Management-Level Discussion
    Topics:  Fish & Wildlife program costs, both expense and capital;  Risk Mitigation Packages and Tools
    • Agenda (PDF, 1 page, 71 kb, posted April 13, 2005, 3:45 p.m.)
    • Notes (PDF, 14 pages, 118 kb, posted May 5, 2005)
    • "BPA Fish & Wildlife Program" Handout
      (PDF, 64 pages, 489 kb, posted here on May 20, 2005, 1 p.m.)
      [Note: This handout was originally posted in the PFR Document Queue on April 13, 2005. It was reposted here without any changes (except for a minor change to the PDF file name).]
    • "Risk Mitigation" Handout
      (PDF, 10 pages, 167 kb, posted here on May 17, 2005, 2 p.m.)
      [Note: This handout was originally posted in the PFR Document Queue on April 13, 2005. It was reposted here without any changes (except for a minor change to the PDF file name).]
    • Questions and Answers (Fish & Wildlife Program)
      (see April 5th Technical Workshop for this document)
    • Questions and Answers (Risk Mitigation)
      (see April 6th Technical Workshop for this document)
  14. May 9, 2005 - Technical Workshop
    Topic:  Summary of what we've heard and discussion of outstanding issues and draft closeout letter
  15. May 16, 2005 - Management-Level Discussion
    Topic:  Summary of what we've heard, outstanding issues, draft closeout letter, and discussion with Administrator
    • Agenda (PDF, 1 page, 72 kb, posted May 13, 2005)
    • Notes (PDF, 12 pages, 117 kb, posted May 20, 2005, 5 p.m.)
    • "Components of the PBL Forecasted Expenses" Handout
      (PDF, 3 pages, 90 kb, posted here on May 17, 2005, 2 p.m.)
      [Note: This handout was originally posted in the PFR Document Queue on May 16, 2005. It was reposted here without any changes.]
    • Other Handouts (see May 9th Technical Workshop above)

Content provided by:  JoAnn Bas, 503-230-4983, jlbas@bpa.gov.
Page maintained by:  BPA Web Team.
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