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Russell Senate Office Building Terrace Waterproofing

The AOC is doing work to waterproof the Southwest terrace of the Russell Senate Office Building.

The Russell Senate Office Building was completed in 1908, and is the oldest U.S. Senate office building. The steps and terrace of the buildings main entrance, located at the corners of Constitution Ave, NE and Delaware Ave, NE were worn, cracked and damaged. This deterioration was causing water to leak into offices and storage spaces underneath the building. Additionally, the structure supporting the terrace and steps was steadily deteriorating due to the water leaks requiring temporary supports. 

To provide a safe building entry and preserve the historic integrity of the building the current project is waterproofing and restoring the southwest terrace and steps, repairing the underlying supporting structure and providing historically appropriate handrails. During the project, the marble stone steps were disassembled and stored while the underlying structure and subway tunnel are repaired and waterproofed. When the project is close to completion, the marble steps will be reassembled and the new handrails will be installed.

See project on map

Senate Office Buildings