Representative Jeff Denham
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  1. Recent Posts by Others on Representative Jeff DenhamSee All
    • Tom Henry Jr.
      your misleading commercials against jose hernandez are a sure sign of a desperate candidate.
      7 hours ago
    • Robert Aviña
      The expiration of the current farm bill is fast approaching. We need action now! The farm bill isn't just for farmers. 1 in every 12 American jobs is directly related back to the farm (USDA). In the midst of the worst drought in a generation, we need the certainty provided by a new 5 year farm bill.
      16 hours ago
    •  We still need 102 co-sponsors of HR 719 to award the Congressional Gold Medal to Civil Air Patrol WWII members. These brave men and woman defended the homeland during the war and deserve recognition. Please add your name to the list of co-sponsors from California. Please visit for more information.
      17 hours ago
    • I would write to you Mr. Denham, after all I have voted for you each time you came up for election. I have tried to contact your office, email you and yet nothing. To add insult to injury, I found out that my new address is only two blocks out of your district so now I am told that I have to talk with Dennis "the criminal" Cardoza. I am so tired of this that I have denounced the Repbloodlicans and Democripts completely. I do ask you this question Mr. Denham, why did you vote to take away our rights to protest? Why did you vote for HR 347 which makes it a felony to protest? I have read all the legislation on this bill and experts are even saying that this bill is unconstitutional. How can you a veteran vote for such a bill? You are no longer for the people but for the banks and for the criminals in Washington D.C. Jeff Denham is a hater of freedom and free speech. Vote him out of office, he never returns our calls or only send us boiler plate responses. I challenge you to a debate Mr. Denham on The Constitution, something that you promised to protect from enemies both foreign and domestic, but now we need to protect ourselves from you. Mr. Denham is an enemy of freedom on the hater of our Constitutional Republic. Anyone who votes for a bill the criminalizes free speech is the enemy of the people. You might try to shut the opposition up, but we know where you work and we will be using our freedoms to protest your lack of honor and integrity, and most of all for voting YES on HR 347, the "ant-First Amendment Bill". If anyone votes for this man you vote against the Constitution, he is a neocon and deserves nothing but unemployment from office.
      Tuesday at 1:10am
    • Please cosponsor the ABLE Act (S. 1872/HR 3423)! As a constituent, I would like to request that you cosponsor this bill and help my family save for my child's future just like every other American family. Did you know that my family member with a disability can only save $2,000 in assets to remain eligible for services? The ABLEAct is VERY important to me and I want to save for my child’s future just like everyone else. Please cosponsor the ABLE Act (S. 1872/HR 3423) today
      Monday at 4:17pm
  2. Today I addressed attendees at the International Facility Management Association (IFMA)'s seventh annual Public Policy Forum to discuss my common-sense legislation, the Civilian Property Realignment Act, to help eliminate government waste and save billions of taxpayer dollars. Thanks to IFMA and the Federal Facilities Council (FFC) for inviting me to join you during your trip to Washington, D.C.
    Photo: Today I addressed attendees at the International Facility Management Association (IFMA)'s seventh annual Public Policy Forum to discuss my common-sense legislation, the Civilian Property Realignment Act, to help eliminate government waste and save billions of taxpayer dollars. Thanks to IFMA and the Federal Facilities Council (FFC) for inviting me to join you during your trip to Washington, D.C.
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  4. I condemn the violent assault on our consulate in Benghazi and Embassy in Cairo, and our thoughts and prayers are with the families of Ambassador Chris Stevens and the other brave Americans who lost their lives. There is never justification for such violence, and the United States remains committed to liberty, democracy and religious tolerance throughout the region and the world.
  5. Tomorrow my office will be holding a U.S. Military Academy Information Night in Fresno’s Bullard High School Cafeteria from 6:00-8:30 p.m. Any middle school and high school students, parents, and school counselors interested in learning ab...
    out and speaking with representatives from our nation’s five military academies are welcome to attend. So many in our community have proudly and honorably served our country, and I look forward to seeing many fantastic applications for service academy nominations this year. Best of luck to all interested applicants!

    For additional details, please visit my website at
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  6. Today, we solemnly remember the thousands who lost their lives 11 years ago in the September 11th attacks. We remember and thank the amazing emergency first responders, who bravely served their country in the face of an enormous threat and...
    unknown fate; and as always, we honor and thank those men and women who bravely serve our country overseas. As we move forward, let us remember the strength and sense of community Americans showed in the days following the attacks, making our home a safer, better, more united nation.
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  7. In case you missed it, last week’s newsletter is now available online. Remember, you can always sign up to receive our newsletters each week via email for your convenience at
    . I really enjoyed my time back at home, and it was wonderful to get to see and meet with many of you over August.
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  8. Today’s employment numbers come as no surprise to the millions of Americans still out of work. Clearly this Administration’s policies of taxing and over-regulating are not the answer to putting the American people back to work. Right now our job creators do not have the certainty they need to succeed in this weakened economy, which is why we've being working on solutions in the House that include over 30 pro-growth, pro-jobs bills passed out of the House with bipartisan support that will get our economy back to creating jobs. It is long past time for a new direction that delivers the jobs, certainty, and economic growth the American people deserve.
  9. Yesterday afternoon, I took a tour of Del Monte Foods in Modesto, which is a premier producer and exporter of a variety of local agricultural products consumed around the world. It is imperative that we continue to create and sustain jobs in the agriculture supply chain in Central California so our local economy is bolstered by both direct and indirect ways. — in Modesto, CA.
  10. Today I announced the open application period for California’s 2013 Prudential Spirit of Community Awards program. This program is great opportunity to highlight and reward the achievements of our hardworking and dedicated young students. I...
    encourage all of our community’s young volunteers to apply for this distinguished honor, and I look forward to honoring the Valley’s top youth volunteers of 2013. Find out more information about this opportunity here:
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  11. Thanks for the warm (and unique) welcome from United Signs in Modesto and for inviting me on today’s tour. I’m looking forward to learning about your company and ways we can make it easier for small businesses like you to grow and create jobs here in the Valley.
    Photo: Thanks for the warm (and unique) welcome from United Signs in Modesto and for inviting me on today’s tour. I’m looking forward to learning about your company and ways we can make it easier for small businesses like you to grow and create jobs here in the Valley.
  12. This morning, I met with the Oakdale Board of Realtors to discuss housing recovery in our region and how federal regulations and taxation are impacting their economic stability as well as prospective homeowners’ ability to secure mortgages ...
    to purchase property in the Valley. It is very important to me to listen to those in the industry who see how federal involvement either impedes or assists housing recovery so I can bring those voices back to Washington as we continue our efforts to solve our nation’s housing crisis.
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    Photo: This morning, I met with the Oakdale Board of Realtors to discuss housing recovery in our region and how federal regulations and taxation are impacting their economic stability as well as prospective homeowners’ ability to secure mortgages to purchase property in the Valley. It is very important to me to listen to those in the industry who see how federal involvement either impedes or assists housing recovery so I can bring those voices back to Washington as we continue our efforts to solve our nation’s housing crisis.
  13. I’m thrilled to report from one Valley employer who has now hired 7 of the job seekers they met with at our Central Valley Job Fair, and are also looking to bring on 3 to 4 more new employees! This is great and encouraging news, and I want to again thank everyone for joining our community event. I look forward to hearing about more great news like this as our friends and family in the Valley get back to work. If you or someone you know have a success story stemming from our recent Job Fair, please let me know by posting your experience on my Facebook timeline.
  14. Today, I called on the General Service Administration’s newly-appointed Public Buildings Service Commissioner, Dr. Dorothy Robyn, to utilize my House-passed proposal, the Civilian Property Realignment Act (CPRA), to improve the process of d...
    isposing of excess and underutilized properties. I’m hopeful Dr. Robyn’s experience working with the Department of Defense’s Base Closure and Realignment Commission (BRAC) process will encourage the GSA to use a similar private-public disposal process such as CPRA to ensure the effective and efficient sale or consolidation of these properties, resulting in billions of dollars in savings for taxpayers.
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  15. After four years of trillion dollar deficits, and with our country’s national debt now exceeding $16 trillion, Americans need now more than ever Washington to start living within its means instead of borrowing trillions of dollars off the backs of future generations. We need to come together and enact serious, common-sense reforms, because until such time, our debt will only continue to paralyze our economy and jeopardize the future prosperity of our nation. We need pro-growth tax reform, we need to return certainty to Americans and job creators alike, and we need to strengthen and secure Medicare and other critical entitlement programs. Now is the time for accountability in Washington.
  16. For those of you near Turlock: Tomorrow, my staff will be holding mobile office hours at the Turlock Chamber of Commerce from 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Please stop by if my office can assist you in any way. For more information on tomorrow’s office hours, please visit
  17. This summer, U.S. Representative Jeff Denham (R-Turlock) welcomed back Jonathan Oatman onto his summer staff.  The 21 year-old hails from Ahwahnee, California, and today completed his two-month internship in Denham’s Washington, D.C., offic...

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