The EDFacts Initiative

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EDFacts Log-In (ED staff only)
EDEN Submission System Log-In (State users and ED staff) and EDFacts Log-In (State users with EDFacts access)
EDFacts Metadata and Process System Log-In

EDFacts is a U. S. Department of Education initiative to put performance data at the center of policy, management and budget decisions for all K-12 educational programs. EDFacts centralizes performance data supplied by K-12 state education agencies (SEAs) with other data assets, such as financial grant information, within the Department to enable better analysis and use in policy development, planning and management. The purpose of EDFacts is to:

  • Place the use of robust, timely performance data at the core of decision and policymaking in education.
  • Reduce state and district data burden and streamline data practices.
  • Improve state data capabilities by providing resources and technical assistance.
  • Provide data for planning, policy, and management at the federal, state, and local levels.

EDFacts relies on the Education Data Exchange Network (EDEN), a centralized portal through which states submit their educational data to the U.S. Department of Education. EDEN is comprised of three main components: (1) the EDEN Submission System (ESS), an electronic data system capable of receiving data on over 100 data groups at the state, district and local levels; (2) the EDEN Survey Tool (EST), which collects data supplementary to the ESS data; and (3) the EDEN staging database, a holding area for newly submitted data.


New 2011 EDFacts State Trends Profiles and Highlights Now Available!

New 2011 EDFacts State Trends Profiles and Highlights are now available for your use. These state trends profiles provide three years of critical performance data from EDFacts(state-reported data on students, staff, services, and outcomes at the state, district, and school levels for grades preK-12), the Consolidated State Performance Report, the National Assessment of Educational Progress, and other sources.

The state trends profile data include:

  • Contextual information (numbers of school districts, all schools, Title I and charter schools in the state; and student enrollment by race/ethnicity as well as for special populations)
  • Adequate yearly progress (AYP) status as well as the number and percentage of all schools and Title I schools that made AYP and those that did not make AYP and are in need of improvement
  • State annual measurable objective (AMO) targets
  • State student performance data and National Assessment of Education Progress data by race/ethnicity and special population subgroups
  • Student outcomes, including high school graduation and dropout rates, Advanced Placement participation, and college enrollment rates
  • Economic data on per-pupil expenditures and federal, state and local funding for education.

Summaries of key findings are provided for every state, as are explanatory notes that provide definitions for terms and data source information used in the profiles. 508 Compliant 2011 State Trends Profile data are also available.

These data can help federal and state administrators identify critical education priorities and priority populations. They can provide key information to support reauthorization and appropriation proposals; and can be used over the life of the grants process to provide data for performance criteria in grant applications, monitor programs, and for grants accountability, including descriptive evaluations, among others.

The profiles were developed by the Performance Information Management Service of the Office of Planning, Evaluation and Policy Development, U.S. Department of Education. For further information, please contact 202-401-0091.

EDFacts Overview

  • EDFacts Overview  PDF
  • EDFacts Data Content  PDF
  • EDFacts Discussion Points  Word
  • EDFacts Calendar (October 5, 2012)  Word

EDFacts Data Governance

  • EDFacts Data Governance Board (EDGB) Overview  Word
  • EDGB Charter  PDF

EDFacts System Documentation

CSPR Documentation

  • SY 2010-11 CSPR Part I (Final)  Word
  • SY 2010-11 CSPR Part II (Final)  Word
  • SY 2010-11 EDFacts — CSPR Crosswalk  Excel
  • SY 2010-11 CSPR Frequently Asked Questions (includes CSPR Crosswalk)  MS Word
  • SY 2010-11 CSPR Part I Data Key  Excel
  • SY 2010-11 CSPR Part II Data Key  Excel

EDFacts Support

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Last Modified: 10/16/2012