Monday Meal Plan


Scrambled egg whites (2-3 eggs) with sliced mushrooms, arugula, sliced avocado (half) and cooked chicken (4 oz. skinless; boneless)
Notes: Makes 1 serving. Multiply the ingredient quantities for additional servings.
Fresh fruit
Hot tea (black), with a small amount of honey and soymilk
Water (16 oz.)

Mid-morning snack
Red bell pepper, sliced into strips, with hummus (1/4 cup)
Water (16 oz.)

Grilled salmon (4-6 oz.) over fresh spinach, walnuts, raisins and a small amount of light balsamic vinaigrette
Note: Makes 1 serving.
Water (16 oz.)

Pre-dinner snack
Granola (1 cup)
Fresh fruit
Water (16 oz.)

Post-workout snack
Whey protein (30 g) smoothie with blueberries, banana, strawberries and soymilk (24 oz.)
Water (16 oz.)

Boiled, baked or grilled chicken (6-7 oz.) over brown rice and steamed vegetables
Note: Makes 1 serving.
Water (16 oz.)
Remarks: Consume additional water between meals in order to meet a daily total of 128 oz.

Remember, the Savory Survival Guide is meant for suggestions only. Most of the meals listed in the short version can be prepared in 30 minutes or less. You may wish to substitute certain ingredients based on preference or due to allergies.