Duncan Votes for the Full Repeal of Obamacare

Jul 12, 2012 Issues: Health

Duncan Votes for the Full Repeal of ObamaCare

Washington, DC—Today, the US House of Representatives voted to repeal the healthcare law known as ObamaCare by a bipartisan vote of 244-185.

Congressman Jeff Duncan of South Carolina, a strong opponent of the government takeover of healthcare, took to the House floor during the debate to advocate for full repeal. “Americans know that the government takeover of healthcare is wrong. They spoke loudly when Democrats forced this on the American people in the last Congress.  ObamaCare was bad policy before the Supreme Court ruled, it was bad policy last January when the House first passed the repeal bill, it's bad policy today, and it'll be bad policy tomorrow,” Duncan said. “ObamaCare puts government bureaucrats between Americans and their doctors, causes health insurance premiums to skyrocket, increases our national debt, rations care for seniors, and is a major abuse of federal power.”

“By voting for full repeal, the House has shown that we’ll continue to fight until this horrible law is completely repealed,” said Duncan. “Ultimately, the next step in the fight to repeal ObamaCare will be fought by the American people at the ballot box in November. The next step begins with making Barack Obama a one-term President.”
