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Posted on: 7/18/2012

DCoE July Webinar: Concussion Management in the Deployed Setting

By DCoE Strategic Communications

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Defense Centers of Excellence for Psychological Health and Traumatic Brain Injury will host its next webinar, “Concussion Management in the Deployed Setting: New 2012 Military Acute Concussion Evaluation (MACE) and Clinical Algorithms,” from 1 to 2:30 p.m. (EDT) July 26.

MACE is the Defense Department’s standardized and most widely used clinical interview tool for assessing mild traumatic brain injury, also known as concussion, in theater. In what’s considered a critical update by senior military leaders, this year the Defense Department redesigned MACE and the “Concussion Management in Deployed Settings” clinical algorithms.

Mild traumatic brain injury is the form most commonly sustained by service members and unlike moderate or severe traumatic brain injury, may not easily be identified. Used in conjunction with clinical judgment, the redesigned MACE and clinical algorithms will improve cognitive and symptom screening, and neurological evaluation.

In this webinar subject matter experts will:

  • Present appropriate MACE administration techniques
  • Accurately summarize and document MACE findings
  • Review critical changes to the 2012 algorithms for concussion management
  • Discuss concussion care policy to include recurrent concussion and implication for return to duty

Featured speakers are:

  • Army Maj. Sarah B. Goldman, Ph.D., Office of the Surgeon General, Rehabilitation and Reintegration division, traumatic brain injury program director
  • Helen C. Coronel, MSN, Defense and Veterans Brain Injury Center neuroscience clinician

All professionals who care for service members are encouraged to attend, including service members and their families. You may register now, or review further information.

Continuing education units and continuing medical education credits are available. To obtain credits, you must pre-register using the Adobe Connect platform.

Follow us on Twitter@DCoEPage during the webinar for live Tweeting and use #DCoEWebinar to join the conversation.


Needed to better assess service members for mental health needs.
Karen Aurand on 7/19/2012 at 2:26 PM
I am having difficulty registering for this webinar. After I complete and submit the registration page, I receive the message that the internet is not connected, which is not accurate.
Noel Riley-Philpo on 7/20/2012 at 11:35 AM
@Noel, It’s unfortunate you’re having difficulties registering for the webinar. If you’re still experiencing an issue with registration, please alert us by sending an email to
DCoE Strategic Communications on 7/23/2012 at 11:29 AM

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TBI CM Newsletter, Summer 2012

The latest issue of the “Military TBI Case Management Quarterly Newsletter” is now available.


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