Freedom Salute to Honor 188th Engineer Company Soldiers, Families

October 3, 2012
Courtesy of North Dakota National Guard
Fargo, ND, United States

North Dakota Army National Guard Soldiers who served a year in Kuwait will be formally recognized during a Freedom Salute ceremony Sunday in Wahpeton, ND.

The 160 members of the 188th Engineer Company (Vertical), along with their families, will be honored during the 2:30 p.m. ceremony at the Clair T. Blikre Activities Center on the North Dakota State College of Science campus.

Among those thanking the Guard Soldiers and their families will be Gov. Jack Dalrymple; Major General David Sprynczynatyk, North Dakota National Guard adjutant general; Sen. John Hoeven; Congressman Rick Berg; and Command Sergeant Major Dan Job, North Dakota Army National Guard senior enlisted leader.

The Soldiers deployed in August 2011 and returned home in August 2012. While in Kuwait, the 188th Engineer Company focused on construction projects, completing more than 83,000 hours of work that saved more than $1.2 million. They also spent more than 3,000 hours operating equipment in Kuwait, and Soldiers salvaged more than $200,000 in materials that were put to use. The Guard Soldiers renovated numerous trailersincluding electrical work, Sheetrock placement and morefor work areas and living quarters, and constructed additional facilities during their time overseas.

This weekend brings the third post-deployment Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program weekend for the Soldiers and their families, along with the Freedom Salute ceremony. The event recognizes National Guard members who have deployed, awards their families and allows the Guard Soldiers to thank others who have positively influenced their lives during their overseas military service.

WHO: North Dakota Army National Guard's 188th Engineer Company (Vertical)
WHAT: Freedom Salute ceremony
WHEN: Sunday, Oct. 7, 2012, at 2:30 p.m.
WHERE: Clair T. Blikre Activities Center, North Dakota State College of Science, 14th Avenue North, Wahpeton, ND
MEDIA: No precoordination required. Sergeant Erin Walters will be on-site to