Guard Pay

  • Q: Do some jobs pay more than others?

    A: Guard pay is based on your rank and the number of years you've served, along with incentives like hazardous-duty pay. However, there are several jobs that pay an additional bonus when you sign up.

  • Q: How much should I make my first year?

    A: Your pay depends on a few different factors, but you won't make less than $183 for every weekend you drill. Our Pay Calculator will give a better idea of what you might expect to make.

  • Q: Will I earn a bonus for becoming an officer?

    A:  Different states may offer commissioning bonuses for critical skill positions. Other bonuses may also be available, but will vary from state to state. Please check with your local Guard representative for current bonus information.

  • Q: If my Annual Training extends past two weeks, will I be paid extra?

    A: Some jobs may train for slightly longer (up to 21 days), and you’ll be paid for every day you work. Don’t forget that any time you're called up for service for any reason—like assisting your state during a natural disaster—you’ll be earning Active Duty Pay.

  • Q: What is the Chaplain's salary?

    A: This depends on your rank. The higher your rank, the higher your pay. And since Chaplains enter the Guard as officers, you'll be guaranteed officer pay and benefits.

  • Q: What is the salary of a warrant officer?

    A: Your salary as a warrant officer will depend on your rank. There are five ranks and five corresponding pay grades for Warrant Officers in the National Guard: WO1 – WO5.