Operation About Face

Operation About Face is an educational program for youth, ages 13-18.

The program is geared toward economically disadvantaged teens who are still in school but at risk of becoming dropouts. It helps students by:

  • Improving academic skills
  • Assisting with current schoolwork
  • Teaching lifelong life coping skills
  • Providing a work setting and work experience
  • Establishing strong mentor and role model experiences
  • Preparing students with job-search and job-retention skills

Operation About Face provides a safe, after-school and summer activity for students at local armories and other community facilities. It has served over 40,000 youth and is currently offered in five states, through the National Guard's collaboration with the U.S. Department of Labor, Department of Health & Human Services, and Department of Education.

Operation About Face also offers employment, teaching and mentoring opportunities for traditional (M-Day) Guard Soldiers, Veterans and other National Guard Family members—while giving students insight into the Guard and portraying Soldiers as positive role models.

Learn more about Operation About Face and find out how to get involved at the G1 Personnel Gateway.