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Pre-BP-14 Rate Proceeding Customer Comments

The following documents were submitted prior to the start of the BP-14 rate proceeding by customers and interested parties and posted by their request. These documents do not represent the position of the Bonneville Power Administration and are not part of the BP-14 proceeding official record but are posted here as a courtesy to people who are interested in or are following Bonneville's 2014 rate case.

September 27, 2012 – BPA Eastern Intertie Alternatives

September 19, 2012 – BPA Proposed Rate Schedule Changes

September 13, 2012 – Customer Comments

August 22, 2012 - Customer Comments

August 3, 2012 Customer Comment

  • PSE Comments to BPA's Mapping the Cost of FCRPS Balancing Capability Conceptual Construct (July 19, 2012)
  • Puget Sound Energy

June 27, 2012 - Customer Comments

May 9, 2012 - Customer Comments to BPA's Proposal to Use 12 NCP Method for Allocating Transmission Service Costs

March 30, 2012 - Cost Allocation Methodologies Customer Comments Presented at Transmission Cost Of Service Analysis (COSA) Workshops

February 16, 2012 - Managing Imbalance Accumulations and Patterns Workshop held January 19, 2012

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