Philadelphia U.S. Commercial Service


Serving Eastern Pennsylvania and Delaware

The Philadelphia U.S. Export Assistance Center, a division of the U.S. Department of Commerce’s International Trade Administration, helps small and medium size companies sell their "Made in the USA" product or service overseas.                                                                                   

Our four services include:

• Consulting and Advocacy

• International Partners

• Market Research

• Trade Events


Using the power and prestige of your U.S. Government, you may better access world markets. The Philadelphia USEAC combines the global trade resources of a number of government agencies and provides vital information on federal and international programs designed to build your company and its profits.

Our network of 1,700 business development professionals in 83 countries worldwide begins in Center City Philadelphia. Contact us to begin your international marketing efforts.

State Trade and Export Promotion (STEP) Grant Initiative

The State Trade and Export Promotion Grant (STEP) Pilot Grant Initiative will provide grants to states for small business exporting assistance programs. Funded by federal grants and matching funds from the states, the STEP Program is designed to help increase the number of small businesses that are exporting and to raise the value of exports for those small businesses that are currently exporting.

All 50 States including Pennsylvania and Delaware are invited to apply for STEP grant awards. The Pennsylvania STEP project will provide funds to qualifying companies to participate in multiple international trade events and projects. The STEP project will also work with Delaware small businesses focusing on those that are economically disadvantaged, owned by women and veterans, and located in rural communities.

For more information, please click here.

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