
Gas Mileage Tips

Drive sensibly

Agressive Driver

Save 5% to 33% by avoiding speeding and aggressive accelerating and braking.

Save: $0.19-$1.26 per gallon

Obey the speed limit

65 mph sign

Each 5 mph you drive over 50 mph can lower gas mileage by 7% or more.

Save: $0.27-$0.54 per gallon

Reduce Idling

No idling road sign

Idling gets 0 mpg. Turn off your engine when you are stopped and not in traffic.

Use cruise control

Cruise control lever

It helps you maintain a constant speed, which can save gas.

Use overdrive gears

Manual Stick Shift

It reduces engine speed, saving gas and reducing engine wear.

Keep your engine properly tuned

Man and woman looking under hood

Fixing an out-of-tune engine can improve its efficiency by 4% on average.

Save: $0.15 per gallon

Keep tires properly inflated

Woman checking tire pressure

Under-inflated tires can lower gas mileage by 0.3% for every 1 psi drop in pressure of all four tires.

Save: Up to $0.11 per gallon

Remove un-needed cargo

Woman shopping for a car

An extra 50 to 100 pounds can lower gas mileage by about 1% to 2%.

Save: $0.04-$0.08 per gallon

Use the recommended grade of oil

Motor Oil

Using the wrong grade of motor oil can lower mileage by 1% to 2%.

Save: $0.04-$0.08/gallon

Combine trips when possible

Woman shopping for a car

You'll drive fewer miles and drive less while the engine is cold and inefficient.