Merchandise Restrictions

Exchanges in CONUS may not sell:

  • Diamond settings with individual stones that exceed one-and-one-half carat.
  • Jewelry other than diamond jewelry with a per-unit cost to the exchange in excess of the cost price of 2 ounces of gold.
  • Finished furniture with a per-unit (piece) cost to the exchange in excess of $1,100.
  • Decorative housewares or furnishings with per unit (piece) cost to the exchange in excess of $500.
  • Small appliances with a per-unit (piece) cost to the exchange in excess of $150 except there is no cost limitation on floor polishers, food processors, fans, coffee makers, humidifiers, air purifiers, microwave ovens, refrigerators, rotisseries, broilers, and vacuum cleaners.
  • Recreational boats with a per-unit cost to the exchange in excess of $750.
  • Sports equipment and supplies; recreational, garden and manual arts equipment; and photo supplies and film with a per-unit cost to the exchange in excess of $750.

For more information about merchandise restrictions, go to: DODI 1330.21 Armed Services Exchange Regulations.

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