Blog Posts tagged with "exercise"

First-Ever Regional Cyber Endeavor Seminar Held in Montenegro

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“Zdravo” from Podgorica, Montenegro! This is Will Poole from the International Cyber Engagement office at Headquarters, United States European Command.                                

I spent last week in the warm and hospitable city of Podgorica, Montenegro, with a EUCOM team executing the first-ever regional Cyber Endeavor event.

To reinforce the understanding of what Cyber Endeavor is and why we do it, allow me to reiterate here:

Cyber Endeavor is the United States European Command's paramount cyber security collaboration, familiarization and engagement program designed to strengthen partner nation cyber defense capacities through seminars, events and exercise support.  These cyber defense seminars go a long way towards building cyber defense partnerships with our partner nations with the end goal of improving force readiness for deployment in support of exercises, multinational crisis response and future missions.

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Deputy Minister Mira Cerović, who is responsible for Development and Protection of Information and Communication Systems, opening the Cyber Endeavor Seminar along with Lt Col Božo Đurović, Acting Chief of Communication and Information System (J-6), General Staff.

From February 28 to March 1, two EUCOM-based subject matter experts -- James Nettesheim and John Riddlemoser -- provided a cyber defense seminar entitled “Malware Analysis & Reverse Engineering Malicious Software.”

Diverse Group of Participants. The Cyber Endeavor Seminar included technical experts from Albania, Armenia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Germany, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Ukraine and the United States. (See this link below for translated Montenegrin Armed Forces article and photograph of Cyber Endeavor participants.)

We had 25 cyber defense subject matter experts from 15 nations involved in this Cyber Endeavor event. The seminar was three days long and covered the basics of malware and malicious code, vulnerabilities and exploits, investigative techniques, on-line tools and resources.  The participants also learned about disassembling executables, obfuscation, malicious document analysis, creation of intrusion detection system (IDS) signatures and other malware defenses.

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James Nettesheim and John Riddlemoser providing some hands-on help.

What’s next? Cyber Endeavor Seminar #2 will be hosted in Vilnius, Lithuania, April 17 – 19. The seminar is entitled “Incident Response and Network Forensics” and topics will include an overview of proper incident response procedures to include identification, containment and preservation/restoration.  Incident identification will be presented using many examples from live network captures along with associated Intrusion Detection system products.  And lots more……

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COL Thomas, Lt Col Božo Đurović, the EUCOM team and all the Cyber Endeavor participants after closing ceremony.

And after that? In September, we will execute Seminar #3 (focused on computer forensics) at Grafenwöhr, Germany, and also our Capstone event with two tracks (Management and Technical) offering many diverse seminars. 

I’ll keep you posted as things move along. If you have any questions or comments, contact the International Cyber Engagement (ICE) team at

Will Poole
International Cyber Engagement

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LOGEX 13: workshop in wintery Montenegro

For this, the second of five scheduled LOGEX workshops, we drove to a training center in Danilovgrad, Montenegro, to meet with 17 Montenegro military personnel and observers from Armenia, Moldova, Azerbaijan and Serbia.

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LOGEX 2011: A Review

During the past two weeks I really came to realize what a joint environment was really like. Having worked for the EUCOM J4 for only three months my experience was limited at best, despite three deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan under my belt.

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The clock is winding down to the start of Cyber Endeavor 2011

In my previous blog, I told you what Cyber Endeavor was all about. In this post, I’ll go over where we are at with CyE, who is providing seminars at the event, and the topics those seminars are going to cover. At this latest planning conference, we spent our time finalizing the schedule and agenda, as well as recruiting more participants from all of the nations in attendance. The conference was a success and we are on target to have an even better CyE than last year.

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Special Operations Media Engagement…the future of investing

I believe most people think that special operations forces never interact with the media.  That is, of course, until something bad happens, forcing someone to explain the      situation in an ambiguous manner.

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LOGEX 10 Workshops: Two Down … Three to Go

As promised in February, welcome to another edition of LOGEX 10. This month’s events find me at the National Support Element (NSE) & Logistics Functional Area Services (LOGFAS) workshop in the Czech Republic, which is the second in a series of five workshops designed for each participating nation in this year’s exercise. Warrant Officer Martin Turner (RAF), Allied Command Transformation, provides instruction on LOGFAS.

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Camaraderie keeps troops warm during winter exercise

While taking photos of Norwegian Army engineers during a pause in their maneuvers as part of the Cold Response 2010 exercise, I had a chance to exchange dialogue about things that only we troops discuss when we ‘close ranks’ among ourselves – away from our officer counterparts.

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Stronger Together: Logistics Exercise 2010 Mid Planning Conference (LOGEX10)

It is no secret that EUCOM remains committed to enduring partnerships and increased interoperability with NATO.... look at any Directors calendar and you'll probably notice how busy we all are towards that commitment.  This year marks the third EUCOM-led logistics exercise, which is a Command Post Exercise (CPX) that is based on NATO doctrine which uses a multinational approach in supporting deployed forces in NATO-led out of area operations, and easily follows EUCOM's them of "Stronger Together."   

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So Long But Not Goodbye - Logistics Exercise 2009

That’s a wrap as they say in Hollywood, or so I’ve heard.  Eighteen months of planning, training, and effort finished with the after action review. 

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“Off with a bang” Logistics Exercise 2009 (LOGEX09)

The exercise started off with a bang. Not from a fictional bomb, but rather from a crafted problem given to the leadership of our notional Adriatic Brigade minutes after exercise start time. So what was this bombshell of a problem? Well, within the scenario, our three nations began moving personnel and equipment from home station toward the “Dark Continent”. Across the Balkans, there are notional convoys of materials and equipment moving down highways, ships that are arriving to the departure seaports, and airplanes getting ready to whisk soldiers off to Africa. The logistics staff officers from each country are wrestling with time requirements and movement schedules. Their plan was written and prepared; however, we in the control group notionally forced an unanticipated “problem” into the mix.

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Arriving in Macedonia - LOGEX 09

This is my first blog for Logistics Exercise 2009.  Hope you enjoy it!  Thanks for tracking!

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Ready or Not! Here we go!

So, the final event of LOGEX 09 is upon us...

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Unexpected Twists Are Normal Business at SOCEUR

The Jackal Stone Special Operations Training Exercise is now officially finished with the successful completion of the closing ceremony Saturday afternoon, Sept. 26.  And as with all military operations (especially special operations in my experience), flexibility remained key.  You see, we set up for the ceremony on a concrete “parade field” area on Zemunik Air Base near Zadar, Croatia (beautiful area by the way).  Of course, we had already briefed the boss, we’d conducted a rehearsal, and we had set up all of the props – chairs, podium, speakers, etc.  Those scheduled to be given awards were seated and awaiting the beginning of the ceremony.   The plan was in place.

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Excellence in Action: Combined Endeavor’s Regional Site in Denmark

This past weekend I had the pleasure of meeting the national delegations at Combined Endeavor 2009’s regional site at Bülows Kaserne, Fredericia, Denmark. Delegations at this site are from Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Ireland, Slovenia and Sweden with additional support personnel from the United States, Austria and Germany.

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Prepping for CE09

Tomorrow, I'll be gathering my gear and moving into my temporary home at Banja Luca, Bosnia-Herzegovina to do my part within EUCOM's Combined Endeavor 09 exercise.

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Connecting Stuttgart to BiH

Well, the Tandbergs worked between here and Stuttgart! What's a Tandberg? It is a point-to-point (or multipoint) teleconferencing tool used by many commercial firms as well as by many nations. The screen looks like a portrait-sized computer screen (in other words, a normal computer screen turned 90 degrees) and there's a camera embedded into the top of the screen. With this tool, individuals can sit at their desk and communicate with any number of others for video conferences.

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Transforming the Main Operating Base

Things are going well as Kozara Barracks is being transformed into a large telecommunications site to support the Main Operating Base of Combined Endeavor 2009 (CE09). We are finalizing contracts, continuing to build the main operating base infrastructure, and installing several networks which will serve as the backbone for our daily communications during the communications interoperability testing. There are as many Bosnia and Herzogovina military support personnel on the ground here as there are members from the CE staff and early participants!

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Combined Endeavor 2009

CE – Combined Endeavor – is a large telecommunications exercise sponsored by EUCOM but planned and executed by our partner nations. This year, 2009, we are moving the exercise out of Germany for the first time in our 14 year history to Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is a big enough challenge planning this exercise, but this year we add the challenge of building a new infrastructure to support the exercise.

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