EUCOM Conference Update (from a delegate)

The EUCOM conference has been very interesting so far.  We had some speakers for the morning and then it was back to the conference rooms for the remainder of the day.  I would like to say I wish we would have more time to be 'delegates' to focus on the issues and to frame the needed topics in which to push forward.  The shared experiences and interesting points of view are well worth the time and commitment to make an outstanding product.  We feel connected as a team and feel a sense of accomplishment when we get the right word or right bullet to add to the paper.  Each person brings a unique perspective to the table and can articulately and constructively get their point across.  I am looking forward to tomorrow.

Christina A Lhamon, Branch Chief 501st Personnel Servicing, RAF Milenhall, United Kingdom

(Ms. Lhamon is a delegate in the Wounded Warrior, Mental/Physical Healthcare focus group)

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