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News > Commentary - Feeding camels is tiring, yet important task
Feeding camels is tiring, yet important task

Posted 2/3/2012 Email story   Print story


Commentary by Tech. Sgt. Kevin Wallace
100th Air Refueling Wing Public Affairs

2/3/2012 - RAF MILDENHALL, England (AFNS) -- When my 3-year-old asked me why I was going to the desert in 2004, my reply was simple. I said, "Daddy has to go feed the camels," and that was enough to sustain his curiosity. My 7- and 8-year-olds didn't buy it.

Despite their doubt and his bewilderment, I went forth and tried my best to help by supporting ground and air operations in Iraq in an expeditionary maintenance squadron. This was my first deployment and, though it seemed difficult at the time, it was the easiest mission perhaps I'll ever endure.

After a mere 100 days in the theater, I returned to my assignment in Okinawa, Japan, as a changed man. While others went about their daily grinds, I went off to a foreign land to serve something greater than myself.

A few years and a forced retrain went by, and I found myself working at Dover Air Force Base, Del., in the public affairs office. Back then, the 436th Airlift Wing was responsible for port mortuary operations, and I got more than an ample opportunity to be part of the well-oiled machine that returned America's heroes with dignity, honor and respect.

Some days at Dover were harder than others. Still, our mission was an important one, and I was just glad I got to come home to my family every night.

My 3-year-old was then a 6-year-old and had no idea what Daddy did at work. He'd practically forgotten that I'd ever left a few years prior. Then another set of orders came. Daddy was off to Afghanistan to serve an in-lieu-of tasking with the famed 101st Airborne Division's Screaming Eagles.

When I explained that, once again, I had to go feed the camels, his reply was much different.

"Why do you have to go feed the camels, Daddy," he asked, "why can't other people feed them?"

I explained that many fine Soldiers from Fort Campbell, Ky., were already in Afghanistan, but they were getting tired. That's why they asked the Air Force for some help and Daddy had to go help them, so some of them could go back to their kids.

He stared me straight in the eye with a piercing gaze of disbelief. I could see that he questioned why these camels were more important to me than he was. My heart skipped a beat, but I stuck to my story. What he imagined was not the case at all, and I knew with time he'd understand.

So off I went to serve 214 days with the Combined Joint Task Force-101 in the eastern provinces of Afghanistan and got well acquainted to a lifestyle and mission only a few Airmen ever experience. In fact, other than Airmen from the tactical air control party, pararescue, combat control, special operations weather, psychological operations, and public affairs, you'll rarely ever find an Airman embedded with an infantry unit well outside the perimeter of a base.

In that mountainous terrain, I experienced emotions and saw things that will resonate with me for the rest of my life.

How do you explain that to a 6-year-old?

It's easy -- you don't. You simply say you are off to feed the camels.

But in reality I knew I was going to face a brutal enemy on his terms and in his terrain. By providing food, shelter and education to generations of Afghans, we hoped to remove hunger and oppression to feed the future of a country in need.

For 234 years, America's security has rested on the shoulders of those who were willing to answer the call when and where it came. For that same amount of time, I imagine parents have always tried to find ways to explain this to their children. For me ... well, I simply say I'm off to feed the camels.

I continued to serve at Dover until I got orders to RAF Mildenhall, England.

We've been here about seven months and have enjoyed the country so far. But, being in highly-deployable career field, I knew I would get the call again eventually. Last week a message came saying it's my time to go to again.

Now my 3-year-old is nearly 9, and my 7- and 8-year-olds are 12 and 13. How do I muster a proper explanation to them? Should I simply say that Daddy must, once again, go feed the camels?

They won't buy it.

Still, this past weekend I told them that very thing -- and no, they didn't buy it. Nonetheless, I'm compelled to go forward and do whatever I can to help.

Naysayers will tell you that we've been in this war for nine years. Those same naysayers may tell you that we can never win this war.

I disagree.

I wonder if they've ever gazed into the eyes of child who was just used as a human shield, or mustered the strength not to look into a room-full of abused women's eyes in order to have the willpower to photograph those women's plight. Perhaps then they'd have my same outlook.

Or would they continue to turn their backs?

I wonder if those same naysayers have ever walked a foot patrol and watched a small girl jump from rock to rock, swiftly navigating across her back yard -- that field of land mines that she was just playing in -- to simply ask for a chocolate bar. If they had, would they finally stop questioning whether or not we should be involved in a war half a world away? Maybe that would be enough for them to personally start chipping in.

The bottom line is: These people need us.

I don't know if my children will ever understand the choices I live by or have forced them to live with. I don't know if they'll ever agree with the sacrifices I continue to make in a dream that someday I can help quench that seemingly endless thirst for water and hunger for food in Afghanistan. I guess in the foreseeable future, I'll never know.

What I do know is there are people waiting for me. So, this autumn I'll answer their call. We are making sacrifices today for a better tomorrow. We must continue to believe that.

After all, if we don't help now, in the future it'll be our kids telling their children they're off to feed the camels.

2/10/2012 8:48:45 AM ET
DG and Ken - if either of you did your research or even typed the authors name Google you would see that he was in several combat engagements has received a purple heart and other combat awards. I think he was on point by what he said.
David Teathers, Florida
2/9/2012 7:23:14 PM ET
Well said. Thank you and all that serve for your sacrifices.
tom puterbaugh, Kathleen GA
2/9/2012 1:39:31 PM ET
I don't believe he was actually saying TACPCCTPJ and some others are truly comparable. I feel he was just saying they have a few similar experiences as far as living on mountain sides sometimes with some Army unit. I've been a TACP for some time now and have seen the PACombat Camera people come out with us on multiple patrols and other large operations. They never complain never gripe and if they're asked to do something with in LOAC they do it in an instant. Good article however I do disagree with what he does with his kids. Thats the great thing about parenting nobody needs to care about what I think.
John, LV
2/9/2012 6:15:49 AM ET
Dear Raptorman Public Affairs isn't Special Force. Also you missed a heck of a lot of other types of Airman that live with the Army down range. Love Joker
Joker, A Stanley Kubrick film
2/9/2012 1:53:31 AM ET
I had numberous things to say but I got distracted. Thanks DG.
Mike, WA
2/8/2012 3:42:02 PM ET
With all due respect Ken Combat Camera falls under the Public Affairs career field and plenty of them have embedded with Army Infantry Navy Seals Rangers etc. You obviously need to do your homework. I personally know three that have gotten bronze stars with VALOR and I know two that have received purple hearts for being wounded while in BATTLE yes battle. I think that before you make an assumption about a career field you should educate yourself on it. When a photographer videographer and yes even a writer goes out with a special operations group they are expected to be able to hold there own and they have to have the training to keep up and to know when to drop the camera and pick up there weapon. Every job in the Air Force or any branch is vital to the success of the mission.
SSgt. Mickle, Charleston SC
2/8/2012 11:44:05 AM ET
In fact other than Airmen from the tactical air control party pararescue combat control special operations weather psychological operations and public affairs you'll rarely ever find an Airman embedded with an infantry unit well outside the perimeter of a base.I forgot that public affairs was part of Special Operations.In fact numberous Airman from numberous AFSCs have conducted operations outside the wire many for extended multiple tours.
2/8/2012 10:49:44 AM ET
Is TSgt Wallace really trying to relate the public affairs career field to the special operations career fields he mentioned They don't even belong in the same sentence and it's a shame that he seems to imply that PA and these true battlefield airman career fields are comparable. Also and more importantly we must note the fact that he is PA. Therefore he only sees the dog and pony shows and feel good stories that units put together when PA is lurking. This is a nice article but his opinion is undoubtedly skewed because PA doesn't see the daily grind and challenges that are faced with training the Afghan force IMO.
Ken, AOR
2/7/2012 4:23:47 PM ET
TSgt WallaceThank you for your commentary. Thank you for feeding the camels. Do good and stay safe.
Maj S., Randolph AFB TX
2/7/2012 11:56:54 AM ET
Powerful message. Thank you for expressing your viewpoints. Points well taken.
Brian Ortman, Langley AFB
2/6/2012 4:15:17 PM ET
RP, it is important that you understand that a Commentary is essentially an editorial like you would see in a newspaper or the newspaper's web site. As such, the writer was perfectly within journalistic standards to express his opinion -- based on hard-earned personal experience -- that the war is winnable and worth fighting. That others disagree is perfectly ok. In fact I encourage you to submit a counter-argument in a commentary of your own if you feel strongly about it. I'm sure the editors would consider running your comments.
Rev, Hawaii
2/5/2012 2:30:49 PM ET
I commend TSgt Wallace's selfless service and commitment to his duty. What a powerful message he conveys here and how needed that message is to be communicated.However the writer should have left the commentary at that. The writer suggests that those who support ending the war are those who turn their backs. What a disheartening statement. Many of those people the writer calls naysayers have been through deployments and seen the troubles that present themselves in such a country as Afghanistan and many of those same naysayers disagree with the writer -- that perhaps this war isn't winnable. Americans understand intuitively that the question about Afghanistan is not whether the war is winnable but whether it constitutes a vital national security interest. The issue is not whether we can but whether we should regardless if they need us.The writer turns an otherwise powerful inspiring commentary into a politically-charged editorial.
2/4/2012 3:09:56 PM ET
Very powerful and well written
Larissa O'Connors, San Antonio Tx
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