Conventional Arms Transfer (CAT) Policy

In addition to undertaking a legal review of each proposed arms transfer and third party transfers, PM/RSAT also applies the following criteria detailed in Presidential Decision Directive 34 (PDD-34, February 17, 1995) prior to making a determination:

  • Consistency with international agreements and arms control initiatives.

  • Appropriateness of the transfer in responding to legitimate U.S. and recipient security needs.

  • Consistency with U.S. regional stability interests, especially when considering transfers involving power projection capability or introduction of a system which may foster increased tension or contribute to an arms race.

  • The impact of the proposed transfer on U.S. capabilities and technological advantage, particularly in protecting sensitive software and hardware design, development, manufacturing, and integration knowledge.

  • The degree of protection afforded sensitive technology and potential for unauthorized third-party transfer, as well as in-country diversion to unauthorized uses.

  • The risk of revealing system vulnerabilities and adversely impacting U.S. operational capabilities in the event of compromise. 

  • The degree to which the transfer supports U.S. strategic and foreign policy interests through increased access and influence, allied burden sharing, and interoperability.

  • The human rights, terrorism and proliferation record of the recipient and the potential for misuse of the export in question.

  • The impact on U.S. industry and the defense industrial base whether the sale is approved or not.

  • The availability of comparable systems from foreign suppliers.

  • The ability of the recipient effectively to field, support, and appropriately employ the requested system in accordance with its intended end-use.

  • The risk of adverse economic, political or social impact within the recipient nation and the degree to which security needs can be addressed by other means.


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