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Field Federal Safety and Health Councils Field Federal Safety and Health Councils

Field Federal Safety and Health Councils (FFSHCs) are cooperative interagency organizations chartered by the Secretary of Labor to facilitate the exchange of ideas and information about Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) in the federal government. The FFSHCs are designed to be dynamic forums for sharing knowledge, ideas, expertise, technology, and other OSH resources among participating agencies with the goal of reducing the incidence, severity, and cost of injuries and illnesses at federal facilities.

Most federal agencies are reliant on outside sources for training, education, and new ideas necessary for maintaining optimum efficiency, and well-being of employees, volunteers, contractors, and the public. FFSHCs can often leverage scarce resources by sponsoring training seminars locally, and coordinating shared OSHA resources and expertise to aid agencies with inadequate or limited resources.

Authority and Guidance
29 CFR 1960, Subpart K regulates the operations of FFSHCs. The FFSHC Operations Manual provides additional detailed guidance on operating FFSHCs.

Participating in FFSHCs
Participating in a FFSHC can be both personally and professionally rewarding, especially when positive and measurable improvements in federal field activity OSH are achieved. FFSHCs are comprised of local federal agency management and non-management representatives with interest and/or responsibility over OSH-related matters. The ranks of agency representatives include OSH and related professionals, collateral duty personnel, managers and supervisors. There are no fees for membership in the FFSHC.

FFSHCs are located across the country, with each chapter having a defined geographic jurisdiction To located a FFSHC operating near you, please visit the FFSHC Listing by Region. If you are interested in starting a FFSHC in your area, please contact the Federal Agency Program Office (FAPO) for your region. FAPO contact information can also be found in FFSHC Listing by Region.

Most FFSHCs meet at least four times a year and provide networking and training opportunities at each session. Meeting times and formats vary by FFSHC, therefore people interested in participating should reach out to their local FFSHC for meeting times, dates, and locations.

  FFSHC Information
  1960 Subpart K
  FFSHC Listing by Region