The New Year with European Command and Our Partner Nations


Maj. Kristi Beckman is the Chief of Social Media for European Command Public Affairs

Happy Twenty Ten from U.S. European Command in Stuttgart, Germany!

I’m sure everyone had some great time off with family and friends and is now recharged and ready to experience 2010s challenges and opportunities!

We’ve been pushing forward in the social media realm here as you can see from the new additions on our Web site. And I’m happy to say that our conversations in the cyber realm have increased as we continue to tell our story and develop relationships with you all.

It’s pretty amazing to realize just how far EUCOM has come in 58 years. This command has been part of many amazing events and will surely witness many more to come.

Let’s hope this year brings good news as we press forward with our mission of conducting military operations and building partner capacity alongside our 51 partner nations.

My recent trip to Macedonia showed me first-hand the relationships we’ve developed and are continuing to develop with our partner nations. I wrote two stories on that visit that can better tell you about some of the things we’re doing there. Also, catch Chuck Brady’s blog. Chuck is our Civil Military Operations chief who gets to be a part of this great stuff every day.

You might be wondering why EUCOM works so hard to establish, build-upon, and keep these relationships? Simply put, it’s about working together toward a better life for everyone.

There are so many ways we do this. We help train partner nation militaries so they can better protect themselves and their people. We help through humanitarian assistance when our partner nations call upon us for support. And we help through civil military operations, building stability and security, and are currently working alongside 19 of our partner nations in this arena.

For 58 years EUCOM has been here, working hard toward security and stability for all.  And together, with our partner nations, we will continue to work toward this endstate.

Keep tracking our blogs as we start to write more on our partnership in these countries. And, please, continue to be actively involved in the conversation.

Happy New Year!

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