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Lunch with the RML Archives

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  • Award Recipient Project Reports / September 2012 (Recording | Transcript forthcoming)
  • Awardee: Kristina Flathers, Alfred I. DuPont Hospital for Children of The Nemours Foundation
    Project: iRound: Bringing EBM to Family Centered Clinical Teaching Rounds
    Description: The project outfited three General Pediatrics Residency teams with iPads; one each will be distributed to the senior resident, the attending physician, the librarian and the nurse. Each team member was given the capability to access electronic medical records (EMRs) through the iPad on the Nemours secure network and perform their own searches within the library portal for access to electronic EBM and library resources.

    Awardee: Bruce Johnston, Robert Morris University
    Project: Advancing Technology in Nursing Education: Integrating iPads into Clinical Practice and Patient Education
    Description: Robert Morris Library and the School of Nursing and Health Sciences, along with UPMC Passavant, used state-of-the-art technology to augment and improve nursing education as well as patient education activities. By adding iPad2 devices and relevant apps, this project improved the technology mix for accessing health information. Nursing students were the target audience, along with clinical instructors working with the student nurses on patient care units, as well as the RMU Clinical Faculty Instructor and Health Sciences Librarian.

    Awardee: Joey Nicholson, New York University School of Medicine
    Project: Pilot Project using Anatomy Apps and Mobile Resources to Improve Learning in the Anatomy Lab
    Description: NYU purchased an iPad for the Education and Curriculum Librarian to support and demonstrate new anatomy teaching technology, as well as 30 copies of the Netter’s Anatomy Atlas iPad application and Grant’s Dissector through Inkling to be used on 30 NYU School of Medicine iPads supplied to the anatomy lab. At the beginning of their anatomy course, students received a demonstration from the Librarian of how to access and use the iPads that included an overview of what is in each of the apps and how they can be used to support anatomy education. Students were able to go back and forth between the 3D visualization and the reference applications in real time as they dissected cadavers to support their learning and retention.

    Awardee: Cristina Pope, Upstate University Health System, Health Sciences Library
    Project: Emergency Preparedness: Enhancing Communication and Access to Health Information Resources
    Description: The pilot project's primary objective was to determine whether the incorporation of an iPad loaded with emergency preparedness resources and an online synchronous communication application would enhance the Emergency Preparedness Regional Partnership's ability to prepare for catastrophic events through planning; provide a forum to strengthen collaboration among emergency preparedness partners throughout the healthcare system; facilitate the development of exercises and evaluations; facilitate the delivery of emergency preparedness training and education; provide information sharing and communication between preparedness partners and build emergency response capability.

  • NLM’s K-12 Resources / August 2012 (Recording | Transcript forthcoming)
    • Presenters:

    Lydia Collins, Consumer Health Coordinator, NN/LM MAR

    Elizabeth Irish, Assistant Director, Schaffer Library of the Health Sciences, Albany Medical College

    Deborah Lyman, Columbia High School Librarian, East Greenbush Central School District

    • Summary: The National Library of Medicine (NLM) has a variety of children’s resources that are freely available for use by librarians, K-12 educators and even parents.  Learn about resources in Biology, Careers, Environmental Health Science/Chemistry, General Health and Genetics. There will also be time for discussion surrounding how to implement these wonderful resources into your setting.  Also, Ms. Irish will share information about her current NN/LM MAR Award to provide outreach to the K-12 population.
    • Presentation (PowerPoint) and Presentation (PDF)
  • Group Licensing Initiative / July 2012 (Recording | Transcript)
    • Presenter: Robb Mackes, Group Licensing Initiative Project Manager
    • Summary: Learn about the benefits of group licensing and joining the Group Licensing Initiative. The Group Licensing Initiative, formed in 2002 under the umbrella of HSLANJ, researches, approves and establishes relationships with vendors, negotiating all pricing and assisting members with licensing needs.  MAR supports GLI in its efforts to connect libraries in the Middle Atlantic Region to cost-effective electronic resources. Currently, there are about 100 members, linking more than 35,000 physicians and 88,000 nurses in New Jersey, New York and Delaware, as well as 40,000 physicians and nurses in Pennsylvania.
    • Presentation
  • Value of Library and Information Services Update / June 2012 (Recording and Transcript) [forthcoming--submitted for publication]
    • Presenters:

    Julia Sollenberger, Chair, Value Study Planning Group, Associate Vice President and Director, Medical Center Libraries and Technologies, University of Rochester Medical Center

    Joanne Gard Marshall, Principal Investigator, Alumni Distinguished Professor, School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

    • Summary: The speakers presented the results and future directions of the Value of Library and Information Services in Patient Care Study. The purpose of this study is to understand the value of the health library, information services and the librarian. A community-based collaborative research process was used to design the survey data collection instruments and protocol. This study is expected to generate substantial evidence regarding the impact of the library on clinical decision making.
    • Presentation (forthcoming--submitted for publication)
  • MAR Update / May 2012 (Transcript)
    • Presenter: Renae Barger, Executive Director, MAR
    • Summary: The MAR Executive Director presented an update. This included highlights from our first year, along with staff introductions and plans for year 2 activities and classes.
    • Presentation