Get the toughest training for the ultimate adventure.

No Prior Military Experience

Most Soldiers will tell you they like being in the National Guard.

But how many Soldiers will tell you they have the best job in the world?

Try asking the ones who:

  • get to dive out of planes at up to 30,000 feet;
  • learn to enter hostile areas underwater, undetected;
  • slip in and out of foreign countries before anyone notices;
  • are among the best-trained and educated in the Guard.

If this sounds like your idea of a great job, you need to look into National Guard Special Forces. It’s not for everyone. But for those who are fit enough, smart enough, mentally and physically tough enough—and especially, those who are driven enough—it is, without question, the ultimate adventure.

Check out the job descriptions below and see if you have what it takes to become one of the National Guard’s most elite Warriors. Learn more about requirements for Special Forces at “What's It Take to Go SF?

If you think you could get into being one of the Guard’s ultimate Soldiers, contact a Special Forces recruiter to get complete details about the application process. Our Unit Finder interactive map will help you locate the Special Forces unit nearest you.

  • 18A Special Forces Detachment Commander

    Note: This is a senior level position.

    Special Forces Detachment Commanders command or serve on the staff of Special Forces units. The Special Forces Commander is responsible for the planning and execution of the five primary missions conducted by an ODA (Operation Detachment Alpha or 12-man team): foreign internal defense (FID), direct action (DA), counterterrorism (CT), unconventional warfare (UW), and special reconnaissance (SR). Equally as important, the ODA Commander is responsible for strengthening the relationship between the detachment and the foreign officers, soldiers, and civilians they are working with.

  • 18D Special Forces Medical Sergeant

    Special Forces Medical Sergeants are the finest first-response and trauma medical technicians in the world. Their primary responsibility is to provide expert trauma care to U.S. and foreign personnel. They also have working knowledge of dentistry, veterinary care, public sanitation, water treatment and optometry. Secondary responsibilities include maintaining medical equipment and supplies as well as teaching basic medical procedures to U.S. and foreign personnel.

  • 18E Special Forces Communications Sergeant

    Special Forces Communications Sergeants are experts in establishing communications, using everything from encrypted satellite communications systems to old-style high-frequency (HF) Morse key systems. Communications Sergeants are also trained to set up computer networks. Other responsibilities require the Communications Sergeants to train and advise indigenous and allied personnel in common communications responsibilities with both U.S. and foreign radio systems.

  • 18F Special Forces Intelligence Sergeant

    Note: This is a senior level position.

    Special Forces Intelligence Sergeants are responsible for collecting and analyzing intelligence on the enemy. The Intelligence Sergeant’s role is highlighted during the planning and execution stage, as the information he gains is the basis for how the ODA (Operation Detachment Alpha or 12-man team) best accomplishes their mission.



  • 18Z Special Forces Team Sergeant

    Note: This is a senior level position.

    Special Forces Team Sergeants are the most experienced members on the ODA (Operation Detachment Alpha or 12-man team). The Special Forces Team Sergeant is responsible for supervising and instructing all members on the ODA during missions and during training. The team Sergeant is also required to oversee the training and preparation for Special Forces operations and supervising operations for higher headquarters, major commands and joint commands. The Special Forces Team Sergeant is the foundation of the ODA.