Blog Posts tagged with "352nd Special Operations Group"

Remembering what's important...

The cold days of winter are fast approaching here in Germany.  Heck…they’re already here!  Man it's cold already!  For a lot of folks, it's good news because it also means that ski season has arrived as well.  One of the great perks about living in Southern Germany is that world class slopes are only a few hours away!  And this year, with Veterans Day falling smack in the middle of the work week, many families are taking advantage of an opportunity to get a 10-day vacation while missing only two school days.  You see, here in Stuttgart, kids were off school last Friday, Nov. 6 and they are off Nov 11-13 as well.  Count it up! 

I make the point because it is easy to forget the importance of recognizing Veterans Day when long vacations are a part of the equation.   The Department of Veterans Affairs conveys a pretty decent (although a bit dry) history of how Veterans Day came into being.  The bottom line is that it, like Memorial Day, was established to honor service members (the main difference being that Memorial Day is designated as a day to recognize those who died in battle whereas Veterans Day is intended to recognize and thank living Veterans for their service.)  It is important to remember that men and women are still serving their country in hostile areas and that their contributions to our national security are 100% appreciated. 

In honor of the Veterans serving within SOCEUR, I offer a couple of great stories from this past year.  The first, RAF Mildenhall air assets aid in rescue operation, is about how one of the 352nd Special Operations Group’s Combat Shadows, among other U.S. and British Air Force aircraft, aided a multinational mission to rescue a man complaining of abdominal pains from a ship in the Atlantic Ocean this past summer.  According to one of the Air Force captains on the mission, "The helos couldn't have done it (rescued the man) without the SOG refueler, the SOG refueler couldn't have done it without our gas, and I'm not sure any of us would have been able to find the ship out there without the help of the British Nimrod.” (A Royal Air Force Nimrod is an anti-sub, anti-surface-warfare and search-and-rescue aircraft.)

The second story, Two days of hell, nine men of valor, describes two harrowing situations the men of a 1st Battalion, 10th Special Forces Group (Airborne) Operational Detachment Alpha endured during their deployment to Afghanistan last spring that resulted in nine of them being recognized for valor.

Of course, these are just two of many stories that could be highlighted.  Others have been told, especially during the after-hours of many a social gathering, but unfortunately, most will never be printed.  Such is the reality in the world of special operations.   Nevertheless, through the 29 Joint Combined Exchange Training events, eight Bilateral Training activities, nine Military-to-Military engagements, and six Counter-Narco Terrorism missions conducted in 18 countries this past year, you can be sure that SOCEUR personnel contributed extensively to our country’s national security efforts.   


D-Day Veterans reminisce during the 65th Anniversary of the landings this past June. Photo by Master Sgt. Donald Sparks.

So… on Veterans Day, Wednesday, Nov. 11, please remember our Veterans, active duty, national guard, reserves, or long retired, regardless of where they serve or served, because you can bet that they either put their life on the line or are willing to do so for you!

Happy Veterans Day!

MAJ Jim Gregory


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Comments: 10

by Matt Armstrong on November 11, 2009 :

Jim, good reminder while we commemorate Veteran's Day and the sacrifices of those who have served and are serving, no matter where.

by Taylor on November 11, 2009 :

Your mom's right Jim! Great article!

by Maj. Kristi Beckman on November 11, 2009 :

Jim, Happy Veterans Day! Great post!!! Loved the stories and that's one of my favorite photos! Kristi

by jeanette gregory on November 10, 2009 :

Excellent article. So proud of everything you do, particularly for your service to our country. Of course I can't forget how proud I am of you for being a wonderful Daddy. Love you so much. Mom

by Cathy on November 10, 2009 :

Hey Jim, thanks for the reminder. I have many friends serving right now and I needed a good reminder to send them a thanks tomorrow. Great post! Cat :)

by Joann Parsons on November 10, 2009 :

Thanks for all you do Cuz and thanks for reminding me of what it is all about. Love you bunches!

by Jackie Pinkston on November 11, 2009 :

Great article. Enjoyed the read... With everything that happened recently at Ft. Hood many I feel will remember to thank Veterans tomorrow as well as remember those that we taken from us so abruptly. I want to thank you for your service as well Jim... and keep doing a great job keeping us informed.

by Kirsten Flinton-Dunnigan on November 11, 2009 :

Here is to all our men and women that have served and are serving our country! As a daughter of a Navy Captain Doctor (28+yrs) /Sister to an Army Capt. (10 + yrs)/ Aunt to our WVU College ROTC Scholarship Nephew / As well as an Aunt to our Junior ROTC HS Freshmen....What can I say...Very Proud! Please continue to protect and serve our great country. I am so proud of our men and women in uniform. Keep up the GREAT WORK. Keep the US safe :-)))

by Shawn Lansing on November 11, 2009 :

Jim, Great writing and to all of those who have answered the call with the words "Here am I; Send me!", thank you for your service!

by Debra Ono on November 11, 2009 :

Hey Jim, thinking of you and all the men and women who serve our country -- THANK YOU! ~ Happy Veterans Day ~

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