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The Truth About Romney-Ryan
The Romney-Ryan campaign has been one of misdirection and evasion. If you care about women's and girls' lives and futures and want to know the truth about Mitt Romney, you've come to the right place. Read on and see just how dangerous a Romney-Ryan administration would be for the women of this country.

Richard Mourdock is Romney Unmasked
Last night Republican candidate Richard Mourdock confirmed what Todd Akin brought to light earlier -- that the radical fringe currently in control of the GOP holds misogynistic and deeply unpopular views about women, rape and reproductive rights.

Where the Candidates Stand (PDF)
NOW shares a page from its election "binder" highlighting the positions of the Obama/Biden and Romney/Ryan tickets on women's rights issues. Print out this flyer (PDF) and help distribute it in your community.

The Romney-Ryan Budget: A Sketchy Plan that Makes Social Security Less Secure
Romney and Ryan share the right-wing thirst for converting Social Security to a private program under which billions of previously safeguarded dollars would flow into Wall Street traders' hands. But they know their agenda is so deeply unpopular with the vast majority of voters that they have to tread carefully.

Pledge to Vote in 2012
Take Action!Every single vote counts! It's never been more important to get the truth out about what's at stake for women in the elections. Exercising our right to vote is crucial! NOW/PAC has endorsed the Obama-Biden ticket and scores of pro-women candidates for the U.S. Senate and House. But only with your help can we ensure that our champions are elected!

Women's Issues Addressed in Debate, Decision Clearer than Ever
NOW thanks Candy Crowley for moderating a substantive debate that finally got around to tackling women's rights issues. Both candidates' answers were telling.

Open Letter to Candy Crowley
Undecided voters are looking for answers that will help them make well-informed decisions when they head to the polls in just three weeks. Please do all you can to make sure that voters know where the candidates stand -- and as you "go rogue," know that we fully support you.

Malala Yousafzai Stands for All Girls, Inspires Action in U.S.
Throughout the world, countless young girls are robbed of their childhood through violence, forced marriage and lack of access to health care or education. This month, the United Nations promoted human rights for girls by marking the first-ever International Day of the Girl Child. NOW applauds the UN for calling for an end to child marriage and emphasizing education as the best defense against this cruel and discriminatory practice.

The Real Mitt Romney
NOW President Terry O'Neill writes on The Huffington Post: "Bully, lie, manipulate, threaten. Mitt Romney believes these tactics will get him what he wants. But I believe in the good sense of women voters throughout the country."

Family Courts Failing Protective Moms, Children (PDF)
NOW's Family Law Committee reports in its current newsletter that "father's rights" groups are having a devastating effect in family courts. "Parental Alienation Syndrome" -- a false accusation of mental illness against mothers who report domestic violence or child abuse -- often results in abusive parents winning custody, further risking child safety.

NOW Calls on Romney and Ryan to Renounce Republican Party Platform Policy on Abortion Care
On Aug. 21, the Republican Party demonstrated again why Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are wrong for women in the U.S. The party's committee platform approved an anti-abortion plank that champions a human life amendment to the U.S. Constitution without mentioning any exception for rape, incest or preservation of the health or life of the woman.

Stop Blocking VAWA
House and Senate GOP leadership have made their position on VAWA strikingly clear: They remain determined to block this lifesaving legislation and replace it with a bill that excludes certain types of people.

Speak Out Against Anti-Abortion Terrorism
Take Action!Groups like Operation Save America and Operation Rescue use intimidation tactics to scare away women from exercising their right to obtain abortion care. By signing this petition, you will send a message that these actions are an organized form of terrorism that must stop.

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NOW/PAC 2012 Elections: NOW/PAC Endorsed Candidates
Visit the NOW/PAC website to see which candidates we've endorsed for the 2012 election cycle. Learn more.

NOW 2013 National Conference
*Save the Date*
Friday, July 5 - Sunday, July 7
Chicago, Ill. @ Hilton Chicago

Ratify Women Campaign Wal-Mart: Join NOW and allies in our campaign to fight for fairness and to demand Wal-Mart change it's unfair practices! Read more.

Ratify Women Campaign RATIFY WOMEN!
U.S. ratification of the CEDAW treaty is long overdue. Get the details and take action.

Love Your BodyLove Your Body Campaign
Order copies of the winning poster and other products.

Media Hall of Shame Media Hall of Shame: Newsweek magazine glamorizes women's submission, blames it on feminism - check out our latest outrage!

[image - Enough Rush] Enough Rush Campaign
Rush Limbaugh has spread his hate for far too long! Bullying is no longer profitable.


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