Blog Posts tagged with "Romania"

A Doorway to Education and Opportunities in Romania

EUCOM image

The City of Campia Turzii, population 26,377, is located in Transylvania, the central region of Romania and hosts a Romanian Air Base where joint US/Romanian exercises are held every year.  Campia Turzii, like many Eastern European Cities, has struggled to fund badly needed school upgrades to include some buildings that have not been renovated in 40+ years.  Recently, EUCOM partnered with the City and the County Education Department to renovate $380K worth of doors, flooring, windows, interior walls, electrical fixtures and construct playground cover for Pinocchio, Lumea Prichindeilor, and Armonia elementary schools.  EUCOM image

The town already welcomes the U.S. Air Force during their training engagements, but thanks to EUCOM’s investment, there is an even greater mutual respect and understanding that to be partners we must both invest in the future.  You can see this in the thank you letter we received from the County Education Department:


Lt Col Amy McCall
Civic Engagement Branch Chief
Headquarters European Command

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Comments: 1

by Alexandru George on May 31, 2012 :

Hello, I'm from Romania and I am glad to see that our country is visited by people so interesanti.Sper be so always. PS. I love your blog. All the best!

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Ripples in Romania: A New Strategic Collaboration for the US Navy’s Project Handclasp

Demonstrating its friendship with the Romanian people and interest in the security and stability of the Black Sea region, the United States’ sent one of its biggest and most capable rocks, the USS Monterey, commanded by Captain Jim Kilby, to make port in Constanta, Romania June 6–9.

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Proof in Meaningful Projects in Romania

Normally, I spend most of my time behind a desk fighting the administrative battles while my director handles the travel.  Recently, I had the opportunity and the distinct honor to cut ribbons at three EUCOM Humanitarian Assistance (HA) projects in the Tulcea (Danube Delta) region of Romania.  We held opening ceremonies for a renovated kindergarten, clinic, and a special needs orphanage; all unique projects, but the appreciation of the recipients and dedication of the directors, local government officials, and the people were the same.

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Clergy converged in Carpathians

I read about the economic and natural crises in Romania this week and I couldn't help but think about a recent trip I took to the beautiful Carpathia Mountains not far from where the flooding is happening now.

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LOGEX 10: Building a Bridge to a Secure Future

Hello again and welcome to the latest update on LOGEX 10. I am currently writing from the historic city of Bucharest, Romania. I noted in previous blogs that we were in the middle of a series of five bilateral workshops that prepare participants for the actual exercise in September. Participants stand in front of the Cercul Militar National (CMN) building during the US-Romania bi-lateral NSE/LOGFAS/RSOM workshop in Bucharest, Romania.

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Rough Waters in the Cyber Sea

Just back from Romania and Bulgaria, two countries that truly support U.S. and NATO efforts around the world. One thing we talked about was the cyber world and the implications for all of our nations.

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Stronger Together: Logistics Exercise 2010 Mid Planning Conference (LOGEX10)

It is no secret that EUCOM remains committed to enduring partnerships and increased interoperability with NATO.... look at any Directors calendar and you'll probably notice how busy we all are towards that commitment.  This year marks the third EUCOM-led logistics exercise, which is a Command Post Exercise (CPX) that is based on NATO doctrine which uses a multinational approach in supporting deployed forces in NATO-led out of area operations, and easily follows EUCOM's them of "Stronger Together."   

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What is the South-Eastern Europe Brigade (SEEBRIG)?

Here at Combined Endeavor 09, we have participating organizations in addition to country participants. One of the organizations -- NATO -- is familiar to many people. SEEBRIG, however, is not as well known, so I want to take a few minutes to tell you about it.

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