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Series "G"   –   Cabinet Officer Briefings

The "G" Series consists of briefings and press conferences by Cabinet officials other than those from the Departments of State and Defense. Usually, the Secretary of the Department was the lead participant. A White House press officer normally attended these sessions: Herbert Klein, Ronald Ziegler, Gerald Warren, or Neil Ball. These men may have conducted additional briefings on topics other than those raised by the Cabinet officer. Occasionally President Nixon was present, and he may have spoken during the course of the session. Other notables to be found in this series are Nelson Rockefeller, Gerald Ford, and John Dean. There is no reel 197, which never was assigned by WHCA. The recordings span the dates January 25, 1969 through February 26, 1973.

File/ID Number:  G-001
Date:  1/25/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks by George Romney to the press

File/ID Number:  G-002
Date:  1/28/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks by Secretary of the Interior Walter Hickel announcing appointment of Undersecretary Russell Train
Program Time: 03:32

File/ID Number:  G-003
Date:  1/31/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks by Secretary of Labor George Shultz announcing appointment of Curtis Counts to Federal Mediation Service
Program Time: 11:50

File/ID Number:  G-004
Date:  2/12/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks by Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare Robert Finch announcing appointment of James Farmer as Assistant Undersecretary, with Nelson Rockefeller
Program Time: 30:00

File/ID Number:  G-005
Date:  2/20/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks to the press by Secretary of Commerce Maurice Stans
Program Time: 05:00

File/ID Number:  G-006
Date:  2/25/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks to the press by Postmaster General Winton Blount and director of White House Communications, Herbert Klein
Program Time: 32:00

File/ID Number:  G-007
Date:  3/5/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks to press by Maurice Stans re minority businesses
Program Time: 20:00

File/ID Number:  G-008
Date:  3/13/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks by Secretary George Shultz regarding reorganization of the Manpower Division of the Labor Department
Program Time: 30:00

File/ID Number:  G-009
Date:  3/24/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks by Undersecretary of the Treasury Charles Walker on departmental policy, with Dixon Donnelly
Program Time: 52:00

File/ID Number:  G-010
Date:  3/28/1969
Tape Contents: Press conference by Secretary of the Treasury David Kennedy, with Ronald Ziegler, Dorothy Elston and Marion Brooks
Program Time: 20:00

File/ID Number:  G-011
Date:  4/8/1969
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretary of Labor George Shultz, with Ronald Ziegler, Mr. Reader
Program Time: 15:00

File/ID Number:  G-012
Date:  4/8/1969
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Ronald Ziegler, Daniel P. Moynihan and Undersecretary of Treasury Van Dusen
Program Time: 39:04

File/ID Number:  G-013
Date:  4/9/1969
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Daniel P. Moynihan and Secretary of HEW Robert Finch, with Robert Patricelli
Program Time: 17:00

File/ID Number:  G-014
Date:  4/12/1969
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Robert A. Mayo (Director of the Bureau of the Budget), on the 1970 Budget
Program Time: 25:00

File/ID Number:  G-015
Date:  4/15/1969
Tape Contents: Briefing by Robert A. Mayo and House Minority Leader Gerald R. Ford
Program Time: 45:00

File/ID Number:  G-016
Date:  4/15/1969
Tape Contents: Announcements re investment capital for urban core areas, with Ronald Ziegler, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development George Romney and Francis Ferguson
Program Time: 16:00

File/ID Number:  G-017
Date:  4/17/1969
Tape Contents: Briefing to Board of Governors of the American Jewish Community by Herb Klein, Daniel P. Moynihan, Secretary George Romney, Secretary George Shultz, Steve Hess, John Veneman, and Mr. Frozer
Program Time: 1:15:00

File/ID Number:  G-018
Date:  4/23/1969
Tape Contents: Background briefing on Organized Crime Message by Assistant Attorney General Henry Peterson and John Dean
Program Time: 38:11

File/ID Number:  G-019
Date:  4/24/1969
Tape Contents: Briefing by Postmaster-General Winton Blount
Program Time: 12:55

File/ID Number:  G-020
Date:  4/30/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks by Deputy Budget Director Sam Hughes re block grants
Program Time: 23:00

File/ID Number:  G-021
Date:  4/30/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks by Secretary George Romeny and Max Fisher re voluntary action
Program Time: 27:00

File/ID Number:  G-022
Date:  5/2/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks by Deputy Attorney General John Dean regarding pornography in the mail
Program Time: 40:00

File/ID Number:  G-023
Date:  5/15/1969
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretary of the Treasury David Kennedy regarding inflation, with Messrs. Davis, Frankel and Keim
Program Time: 18:00

File/ID Number:  G-024
Date:  5/27/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks to news media by Postmaster-General Winton Blount, with the President
Program Time: 11:30

File/ID Number:  G-025
Date:  6/16/1969
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Undersecretary of Transportation Beggs
Program Time: 47:00

File/ID Number:  G-026
Date:  6/24/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks by Secretary of Transportation John Volpe
Program Time: 08:42

File/ID Number:  G-027
Date:  7/8/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks by Secretary of Labor George Shultz regarding better unemployment insurance
Program Time: 30:00

File/ID Number:  G-028
Date:  7/14/1969
Tape Contents: Department of Justice press briefing on narcotics with John Ingersoll and John Dean
Program Time: 59:00

File/ID Number:  G-029
Date:  7/18/1969
Tape Contents: Remarks by Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare Robert Finch and Daniel P. Moynihan regarding the President's population message
Program Time: 27:00

File/ID Number:  G-030
Date:  8/1/1969
Tape Contents: Press background briefing in the Intercontinental Hotel in Lahore, Pakistan, with Henry A. Kissinger and Ronald Ziegler
Program Time: 30:00

File/ID Number:  G-031
Date:  8/2/1969
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Ronald Ziegler in the Athenee Hotel in Bucharest, Romania
Program Time: 10:00

File/ID Number:  G-032
Date:  9/22/1969
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Ronald Ziegler, George Shultz and Arthur Burns
Program Time: 45:00

File/ID Number:  G-033
Date:  10/23/1969
Tape Contents: Press briefing regarding U.S. maritime trade with Gerald Warren, Rocco Siciliano, and A. Gibson
Program Time: 30:00

File/ID Number:  G-034
Date:  10/29/1969
Tape Contents: Briefing by Secretary of Labor George Shultz and W.J. Usery regarding AFL-CIO meeting
Program Time: 33:00

File/ID Number:  G-035
Date:  12/20/1969
Tape Contents: Briefing by Secretary of Labor George Shultz
Program Time: 40:00

File/ID Number:  G-036
Date:  12/30/1969
Tape Contents: Briefing by Secretary of the Treasury David Kennedy, Ronald Ziegler and Undersecretary Cohen
Program Time: 17:00

File/ID Number:  G-037
Date:  1/15/1970
Tape Contents: Briefing by Secretary of the Interior Walter Hicker and Secretary of Transportation John Volpe
Program Time: 18:00

File/ID Number:  G-038
Date:  1/21/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks by Secretary of Commerce Maurice Stans in an advisory council meeting
Program Time: 60:00

File/ID Number:  G-039
Date:  1/31/1970
Tape Contents: Briefing by Secretary of Labor George Shultz on the railroad strike, with Ronald Ziegler, Hodgson/Hudson (?)
Program Time: 21:00

File/ID Number:  G-040
Date:  3/3/1970
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretary of Labor George Shultz regarding the President's message to Congress, with Ronald Ziegler
Program Time: 21:00

File/ID Number:  G-041
Date:  3/10/1970
Tape Contents: Briefing on agriculture, by Secretary of Agriculture Clifford Hardin, with Ronald Ziegler
Program Time: 27:55

File/ID Number:  G-042
Date:  3/17/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks on the "Today" show by Secretary of State William P. Rogers
Program Time: 10:00

File/ID Number:  G-043
Date:  3/23/1970
Tape Contents: Briefing on postal strike by Secretary of Labor George Shultz, with Ronald Ziegler and Postmaster-General Winton Blount
Program Time: 28:12

File/ID Number:  G-044
Date:  3/20/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks by Secretary of Commerce Maurice Stans on small business, with James T. Lynn, Mr. Sandoval
Program Time: 22:00

File/ID Number:  G-045
Date:  3/26/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks to press by Postmaster-General Winton Blount
Program Time: 04:00

File/ID Number:  G-046
Date:  3/30/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks by Postmaster-General Winton Blount regarding postal contract, with Ronald Ziegler
Program Time: 05:07

File/ID Number:  G-047
Date:  4/16/1970
Tape Contents: Statement by Postmaster-General Winton Blount, with Ronald Ziegler and AFL-CIO president George Meaney
Program Time: 16:00

File/ID Number:  G-048
Date:  5/14/1970
Tape Contents: Briefing by Secretary of Housing and Urban Development George Romney on Model Cities Program, with Ronald Ziegler
Program Time: 32:00

File/ID Number:  G-049
Date:  6/10/1970
Tape Contents: Briefing on the family assistance plan by John Veneman, with Ronald Ziegler and Secretary of Agriculture Clifford Hardin
Program Time: 37:00

File/ID Number:  G-050
Date:  6/11/1970
Tape Contents: Briefing on aid to Peru by Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare Robert Finch, with Ronald Ziegler and Director of the Peace Corps Joseph Blatchford
Program Time: 28:00

File/ID Number:  G-051
Date:  6/12/1970
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretary of HUD George Romney regarding housing shortage, with Ronald Ziegler and intro by the President
Program Time: 15:00

File/ID Number:  G-052
Date:  6/17/1970
Tape Contents: Briefing on economic policy by Secretary of Labor George Shultz and Secretary of Commerce Maurice Stans
Program Time: 45:00

File/ID Number:  G-053
Date:  6/20/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks by Attorney-General John Mitchell on drug abuse
Program Time: 14:34

File/ID Number:  G-054
Date:  6/22/1970
Tape Contents: Briefing by Secretary of Transportation John Volpe on air transportation, with Gerald Warren and Paul Cherington
Program Time: 17:00

File/ID Number:  G-055
Date:  6/25/1970
Tape Contents: Press Briefing by Secretary of State William Rogers {see series F]
Program Time: 41:00

File/ID Number:  G-056
Date:  6/25/1970
Tape Contents: Secretary of HEW Robert Finch with a group from American Field Service
Program Time: 50:00

File/ID Number:  G-057
Date:  7/3/1970
Tape Contents: Briefing by Director of OMB George Shultz and John Ehrlichman on government reorganization
Program Time: 01:20

File/ID Number:  G-058
Date:  7/24/1970
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secrtary of Agriculture Clifford Hardin in the Civic Center, Fargo, ND with Ronald Ziegler, John Price, Dr. Helper
Program Time: 33:00

File/ID Number:  G-059
Date:  8/5/1970
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretary of Commerce Maurice Stans, with Ronald Ziegler
Program Time: 09:00

File/ID Number:  G-060
Date:  7/10/1970
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretary of Labor James D. Hodgson, W.L. Gill and W.J. Usery
Program Time: 26:10

File/ID Number:  G-061
Date:  11/9/1970
Tape Contents: Remarks to press by Secretary of Labor James D. Hodgson
Program Time: 30:00

File/ID Number:  G-062
Date:  11/25/1970
Tape Contents: Round-table discussion of transportation problems with Assistant Secretary of Transportation Charles Baker
Program Time: 1:20:00

File/ID Number:  G-063
Date:  11/30/1970
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretary of Commerce Maurice Stans, with Doctors Brown and Tieuber
Program Time: 20:00

File/ID Number:  G-064
Date:  4/9/1970
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretary of Commerce Maurice Stans on Industrial Pollution Control Board
Program Time: 10:00

File/ID Number:  G-065
Date:  12/9/1970
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretary of Labor James D. Hodgson, with Ronald Ziegler
Program Time: 42:00

File/ID Number:  G-066
Date:  12/10/1970
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretary of Labor James D. Hodgson re rail situation, with Ronald Ziegler
Program Time: 10:25

File/ID Number:  G-067
Date:  12/10/1971
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretary of Labor James D. Hodgson and Secretary of Transportation John Volpe, with Ronald Ziegler
Program Time: 13:00

File/ID Number:  G-068
Date:  12/16/1970
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretary of Labor James D. Hodgson, with Ronald Ziegler
Program Time: 18:05

File/ID Number:  G-069
Date:  12/17/1970
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretary of Commerce Maurice Stans
Program Time: 45:00

File/ID Number:  G-070
Date:  12/29/1970
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretary of Labor James D. Hodgson, with Senator Jacob Javits (R-NY)
Program Time: 10:00

File/ID Number:  G-071
Date:  12/30/1970
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare Elliot Richardson and Daniel P. Moynihan, with Ronald Ziegler
Program Time: 36:00

File/ID Number:  G-072
Date:  1/11/1971
Tape Contents: Briefing by Undersecretary of Treasury Charles Walker and Deputy Undersecretary Nolan, with Ronald Ziegler
Program Time: 32:00

File/ID Number:  G-073
Date:  1/18/1971
Tape Contents: Briefing by Secretary of Labor James D. Hodgson, with Ronald Ziegler
Program Time: 44:00

File/ID Number:  G-074
Date:  1/21/1971
Tape Contents: Briefing by Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare Elliot Richardson and Secretary of Agriculture Clifford Hardin, with Ronald Ziegler
Program Time: 42:00

File/ID Number:  G-075
Date:  2/2/1971
Tape Contents: Press briefing by cabinet secretaries Maurice Stans (Commerce), Clifford Hardin (Agriculture) and James Hodgson (Labor), with Ronald Ziegler
Program Time: 35:00

File/ID Number:  G-076
Date:  2/3/1971
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretary of Labor James D. Hodgson
Program Time: 15:00

File/ID Number:  G-077
Date:  2/5/1971
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretary of Labor James D. Hodgson
Program Time: 08:00

File/ID Number:  G-078
Date:  2/8/1971
Tape Contents: Briefing to news media by Rogers Morton, with Russell Train and William Ruckelshaus

File/ID Number:  G-079
Date:  2/18/1971
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare Elliot Richardson re the health message, with Ronald Ziegler
Program Time: 44:50

File/ID Number:  G-080
Date:  2/23/1971
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretary of Labor James D. Hodgson, with Ronald Ziegler
Program Time: 22:00

File/ID Number:  G-081
Date:  2/24/1971
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Virginia Knauer and Secretary of HEW Elliot Richardson, with Gerald Warren
Program Time: 40:00

File/ID Number:  G-082
Date:  2/26/1971
Tape Contents: Secretary of the Interior Rogers Morton addresses members of Congress on pollution, with John Nidecker
Program Time: 17:54

File/ID Number:  G-083
Date:  3/1/1971
Tape Contents: Briefing by Secretary of Agriculture Clifford Hardin in Des Moines, Iowa, with Ronald Ziegler
Program Time: 10:00

File/ID Number:  G-084
Date:  3/1/1971
Tape Contents: Background briefing at Ft. Des Moines Hotel, Iowa, with Herbert Klein, Secretary of Agriculture Clifford Hardin, Secretary of HUD George Romney, the President, and Mr. Rosow [see P-710303]
Program Time: 3:00:00

File/ID Number:  G-085
Date:  3/3/1971
Tape Contents: White House Conference on the Employment of Scientists and Engineers, with Secretary of Labor James D. Hodgson, Edward David, and H. Hefner
Program Time: 5:40:00

File/ID Number:  G-086
Date:  3/4/1971
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretary of Labor James D. Hodgson, with Ronald Ziegler
Program Time: 20:00

File/ID Number:  G-087
Date:  3/5/1971
Tape Contents: Press Briefing by Secretary of Housing and Urban Development George Romney, with Ronald Ziegler
Program Time: 54:00

File/ID Number:  G-088
Date:  3/5/1971
Tape Contents: Press briefing by John Connally, with Ronald Ziegler
Program Time: 12:25

File/ID Number:  G-089
Date:  3/8/1971
Tape Contents: President's staff dinner in Blair House, with John Connally, H.R. Haldeman, George Shultz, Harry Dent, Richard Moore, Charles Colson, William Safire, Robert Finch, Clark MacGregor, John Ehlrichman, Donald Rumsfeld, Peter Flanigan and Ronald Ziegler
Program Time: 1:55:00

File/ID Number:  G-090
Date:  3/10/1971
Tape Contents: Press briefing by cabinet secretaries Maurice Stans (Commerce), Clifford Hardin (Agriculture) and George Romney (Housing and Urban Development) re revenue-sharing
Program Time: 38:31

File/ID Number:  G-091
Date:  3/10/1971
Tape Contents: Briefing by Secretary of Agriculture Clifford Hardin, Secretary of HUD George Romney, and Dr. Harper on rural development programs
Program Time: 60:00

File/ID Number:  G-092
Date:  3/18/1971
Tape Contents: Briefing by Secretary of Transportation John Volpe, with Gerald Warren
Program Time: 24:00

File/ID Number:  G-093
Date:  3/19/1971
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretary of Labor James D. Hodgson, with Ronald Ziegler
Program Time: 13:00

File/ID Number:  G-094
Date:  3/19/1971
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretary of Labor James D. Hodgson, with Ronald Ziegler
Program Time: 21:00

File/ID Number:  G-095
Date:  3/24/1971
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretary of Labor James D. Hodgson, Governor Louis Nunn (R-TN), and Whitney Young, Sr., with Ronald Ziegler
Program Time: 12:00

File/ID Number:  G-096
Date:  3/25/1971
Tape Contents: Press briefing by John Connally re government reorganization, with Arnold Weber
Program Time: 17:00

File/ID Number:  G-097
Date:  3/29/1971
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretary of Labor James D. Hodgson
Program Time: 33:00

File/ID Number:  G-098
Date:  4/1/1971
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretary of Labor James D. Hodgson and Edward David, with Ronald Ziegler and Gerald Warren
Program Time: 58:00

File/ID Number:  G-099
Date:  4/16/1971
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare Elliot Richardson and Sidney Marland, with Gerald Warren and Dr. O'Kenna
Program Time: 37:00

File/ID Number:  G-100
Date:  4/6/1971
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretary of the Interior Rogers Morton, U.S. Senator Ted Stevens (R-AK), with Ronald Ziegler and Mr. Wright
Program Time: 37:00

File/ID Number:  G-101
Date:  4/7/1971
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretary of Transportation John Volpe
Program Time: 30:00

File/ID Number:  G-102
Date:  4/9/1971
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretary of Labor James D. Hodgson and Mr. Lovell, with Ronald Ziegler; press pool report by Robert Pierpoint
Program Time: 28:00

File/ID Number:  G-103
Date:  4/23/1971
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare Elliot Richardson
Program Time: 13:00

File/ID Number:  G-104
Date:  4/28/1971
Tape Contents: Briefing by Secretary of the Interior Rogers Morton on proposed wilderness areas, with Gerald Warren, Hartzog, and Schmidt
Program Time: 26:25

File/ID Number:  G-105
Date:  5/6/1971
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretary of the Treasury John Connally
Program Time: 28:05

File/ID Number:  G-106
Date:  5/7/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks by John Mitchell and Secretary of Agriculture Clifford Hardin at opening of "Salute to Agriculture" Day
Program Time: 1:40:00

File/ID Number:  G-107
Date:  5/11/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks by Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare Elliot Richardson re cancer research, with the President [see P-710510]
Program Time: 24:26

File/ID Number:  G-108
Date:  5/12/1971
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare Elliot Richardson
Program Time: 10:00

File/ID Number:  G-109
Date:  5/13/1971
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretary of the Interior Rogers Morton and Russell Train, with Ronald Ziegler
Program Time: 12:00

File/ID Number:  G-110
Date:  5/14/1971
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare Elliot Richardson, Doctors Fleming and Martin, with Gerald Warren
Program Time: 12:00

File/ID Number:  G-111
Date:  5/18/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks by Secretary of Housing and Urban Development George Romney to state legislative leaders
Program Time: 38:00

File/ID Number:  G-112
Date:  5/18/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks by Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare Elliot Richardson and Secretary of the Treasury John Connally to state legislative leaders
Program Time: 30:00

File/ID Number:  G-113
Date:  5/18/1971
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretary of Labor James D. Hodgson
Program Time: 08:00

File/ID Number:  G-114
Date:  5/19/1971
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretary of Agriculture Clifford Hardin, Senators Henry Bellmon and John Tower, and Gerald Warren
Program Time: 40:00

File/ID Number:  G-115
Date:  5/25/1971
Tape Contents: Background briefing in Birmingham, AL by the President, cabinet secretaries Clifford Hardin (Agriculture) and George Romney (Housing and Urban Development), Herbert Klein and John D. Ehrlichman
Program Time: 2:42:00

File/ID Number:  G-116
Date:  6/2/1971
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretary of Labor James D. Hodgson and Undersecretary Lorell re summer youth employment
Program Time: 20:00

File/ID Number:  G-117
Date:  6/3/1971
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Attorney General John Mitchell and Ronald Ziegler, with Chiefs Kelley and Chirok
Program Time: 25:00

File/ID Number:  G-118
Date:  6/3/1971
Tape Contents: Background briefing by Secretary of the Interior Rogers Morton re the Energy Message
Program Time: 65:00

File/ID Number:  G-119
Date:  6/4/1971
Tape Contents: Briefing by Secretary of the Interior Rogers Morton re the Energy Message, with the President, Ronald Ziegler [see P-710606]
Program Time: 45:00

File/ID Number:  G-120
Date:  6/7/1971
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretary of Housing and Urban Development George Romeny, with Ronald Ziegler
Program Time: 17:00

File/ID Number:  G-121
Date:  6/11/1971
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretary of Labor James D. Hodgson, with Neill Ball
Program Time: 20:00

File/ID Number:  G-122
Date:  6/15/1971
Tape Contents: Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare Elliot Richardson briefing to the Presidential Scholars
Program Time: 14:00

File/ID Number:  G-123
Date:  6/23/1971
Tape Contents: Briefing by Secretary of Labor James D. Hodgson on National Alliance of Businessmen
Program Time: 30:00

File/ID Number:  G-124
Date:  6/29/1971
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretary of the Treasury John B. Connally
Program Time: 38:00

File/ID Number:  G-125
Date:  7/2/1971
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretary of Labor James D. Hodgson, with Ronald Ziegler
Program Time: 12:17

File/ID Number:  G-126
Date:  7/23/1971
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretary of Labor James D. Hodgson, with Ronald Ziegler
Program Time: 08:12

File/ID Number:  G-127
Date:  7/27/1971
Tape Contents: Briefing by Secretary of Housing and Urban Development George Romney, Clark MacGregor, Paul McCracken and General John Walters to a group of Associate Executive
Program Time: 2:00:00

File/ID Number:  G-128
Date:  7/29/1971
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare Eliott Richards and Secretary of Housing and Urban Development George Romney, with Ronald Ziegler
Program Time: 35:00

File/ID Number:  G-129
Date:  7/30/1971
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretary of Labor James D. Hodgson, with Ronald Ziegler
Program Time: 23:00

File/ID Number:  G-130
Date:  8/2/1971
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretary of Labor James D. Hodgson on the railroad strike, with Ronald Ziegler
Program Time: 25:00

File/ID Number:  G-131
Date:  8/5/1971
Tape Contents: Secretary of Commerce Maurice Stans's meeting with the National Business Council for Consumer Affairs
Program Time: 4:00:00

File/ID Number:  G-132
Date:  8/9/1971
Tape Contents: Remarks by Secretary of Labor James D. Hodgson to a group of newsmen in Herb Klein's office
Program Time: 40:00

File/ID Number:  G-133
Date:  8/15/1971
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretary of the Treasury John B. Connally re wage-price freeze
Program Time: 25:00

File/ID Number:  G-134
Date:  8/15/1971
Tape Contents: Press briefing prior to telecast with Secretary of the Treasury John Connally, Paul McCracken, George Shultz and Ronald Ziegler
Program Time: 30:00

File/ID Number:  G-135
Date:  8/16/1971
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Arthur Burns and John Connally on wage-price freeze
Program Time: 42:00

File/ID Number:  G-136
Date:  8/31/1971
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare Elliot Richardson, with Ronald Ziegler
Program Time: 25:00

File/ID Number:  G-137
Date:  9/11/1971
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretary of the Treasury John B. Connally
Program Time: 16:30

File/ID Number:  G-138
Date:  9/14/1971
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare Elliot Richardson and Joe Wilson, Chairman of the President's Committee on Health and Education, with Neill Ball
Program Time: 14:00

File/ID Number:  G-139
Date:  9/14/1971
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretary of Labor James D. Hodgson, with Gerald Warren
Program Time: 25:00

File/ID Number:  G-140
Date:  9/30/1971
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare Elliot Richardson
Program Time: 28:08

File/ID Number:  G-141
Date:  10/13/1971
Tape Contents: Briefing by Secretary of Commerce maurice Stans, with Ronald Ziegler, Mr. Wiley, and Mr. Jenkins
Program Time: 29:45

File/ID Number:  G-142
Date:  10/22/1971
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretaries James D. Hodgson (Labor) and Maurice Stans (Commerce) on the White House Conference of 1990, in Herb Klein's office
Program Time: 33:00

File/ID Number:  G-144
Date:  11/16/1971
Tape Contents: Briefing by Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare Elliot Richardson, with Ronald Ziegler
Program Time: 42:10

File/ID Number:  G-145
Date:  11/3/1971
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretary of the Interior Rogers Morton
Program Time: 15:00

File/ID Number:  G-146
Date:  12/13/1971
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretary of the Treasury John B. Connally in Lajes, Azores
Program Time: 30:00

File/ID Number:  G-147
Date:  12/22/1971
Tape Contents: Briefing by cabinet secretaries Rogers Morton (Interior), George Romney (Housing and Urban Development), Elliot Richardson (Health, Education and Welfare) and John A. Volpe (Transportation)

File/ID Number:  G-148
Date:  12/23/1971
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretary of Commerce Maurice Stans, Earl Butz, and Undersecretary of Labor Silberman, in Herb Klein's office
Program Time: 40:01

File/ID Number:  G-149
Date:  1/28/1972
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretary of Labor James D. Hodgson and Undersecretary W. J. Usery, with Ronald Ziegler and Gerald Warren

File/ID Number:  G-150
Date:  2/1/1972
Tape Contents: Briefing by Secretary of Housing and Urban Development George Romney and Secretary of Agriculture Earl Butz, with Jerome Jaffe
Program Time: 24:00

File/ID Number:  G-151
Date:  2/7/1972
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretary of the Interior Rogers Morton and EPA
Program Time: 80:00

File/ID Number:  G-152
Date:  2/7/1972
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretary of Labor James D. Hodgson, with Gerald Warren

File/ID Number:  G-153
Date:  2/7/1972
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretary of the Interior Rogers Morton and EPA
Program Time: 63:00

File/ID Number:  G-154
Date:  2/8/1972
Tape Contents: Environmental briefing by Secretary of the Interior Rogers Morton and EPA Administrator William Ruckelshaus
Program Time: 16:10

File/ID Number:  G-155
Date:  2/8/1972
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretary of Labor James D. Hodgson; briefing by Judge Robert Kunzig on Bicentennial plans for the District of Columbia
Program Time: 05:00

File/ID Number:  G-156
Date:  3/1/1972
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Herb Klein and John Mitchell
Program Time: 1:10:00

File/ID Number:  G-157
Date:  3/7/1972
Tape Contents: Briefing by Gerald Warren and Secretary of Agriculture Earl Butz
Program Time: 15:00

File/ID Number:  G-158
Date:  3/17/1972
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Ronald Ziegler, John D. Ehrlichman, George Shultz, Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare Elliot Richardson and Richard Kleindeinst on busing, with Mr. Edward and Mr. Hastings
Program Time: 1:25:00

File/ID Number:  G-159
Date:  3/17/1972
Tape Contents: Briefing in Herb Klein's office by Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare Elliot Richardson on the constitutionality of busing
Program Time: 55:00

File/ID Number:  G-160
Date:  3/23/1972
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare Elliot Richardson, with Neil Ball
Program Time: 17:00

File/ID Number:  G-161
Date:  3/27/1972
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretary of Labor James D. Hodgson and Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare Elliot Richardson, with Ronald Ziegler
Program Time: 37:00

File/ID Number:  G-162
Date:  4/3/1972
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretary of Transportation John A. Volpe, with Gerald Warren
Program Time: 37:00

File/ID Number:  G-163
Date:  4/19/1972
Tape Contents: Briefing by Secretary of Commerce Peter Peterson, with Dr. Passer
Program Time: 18:00

File/ID Number:  G-164
Date:  4/28/1972
Tape Contents: Economics briefing by Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare Elliot Richardson
Program Time: 34:00

File/ID Number:  G-165
Date:  5/3/1972
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Acting Attorney General Richard Kleindeinst and Acting FBI Director L. Patrick Gray, with Ronald Ziegler
Program Time: 26:00

File/ID Number:  G-166
Date:  5/5/1972
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretary of Agriculture Earl Butz, with Ronald Ziegler and Mr. Ling
Program Time: 30:36

File/ID Number:  G-167
Date:  5/8/1972
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretary of Labor James D. Hodgson and Administrator Donald Johnson of the Veteran's Administration, with Donald Johnson
Program Time: 30:00

File/ID Number:  G-168
Date:  5/18/1972
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare Elliot Richardson
Program Time: 47:55

File/ID Number:  G-169
Date:  5/23/1972
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare Elliot Richardson and Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency Russell Train, with Neil Ball
Program Time: 54:30

File/ID Number:  G-170
Date:  5/30/1972
Tape Contents: Press conference by Secretary of Commerce Peter Peterson and John D. Ehrlichman, with Neil Ball
Program Time: 42:21

File/ID Number:  G-171
Date:  6/13/1972
Tape Contents: Briefing to Mexican press by Peter Peterson, with Herb Klein
Program Time: 1:10:00

File/ID Number:  G-172
Date:  6/21/1972
Tape Contents: Briefing by Secretary of Transportation John A. Volpe, with Nelson Rockefeller, Mr. Roonan, and Senators Jacob Javits and James Buckley
Program Time: 08:00

File/ID Number:  G-173
Date:  6/23/1972
Tape Contents: Briefing by Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare Elliot Richardson and John D. Ehrlichman, with Ronald Ziegler
Program Time: 55:00

File/ID Number:  G-174
Date:  6/26/1972
Tape Contents: Briefing by Director George Shultz of the Office of Management and Budget, with Ronald Ziegler
Program Time: 30:00

File/ID Number:  G-175
Date:  6/27/1972
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare Elliot Richardson, Dr. Millis, and Dr. Cooper, with Ronald Ziegler

File/ID Number:  G-176
Date:  6/27/1972
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Herb Klein, Secretary of Commerce Peter Peterson, Henry A. Kissinger, John D. Ehrlichman, and Myles Ambrose
Program Time: 2:43:59

File/ID Number:  G-177
Date:  6/30/1972
Tape Contents: Briefing by Director George Shultz of the Office of Management and Budget and Donald Rumsfeld, with Ronald Ziegler
Program Time: 33:00

File/ID Number:  G-178
Date:  7/1/1972
Tape Contents: Briefing by Secretary of Commerce Peter Peterson, with Ronald Ziegler, Bob Blackman, and Andy Gibson
Program Time: 16:00

File/ID Number:  G-179
Date:  7/7/1972
Tape Contents: Briefing by Director George Shultz of the Office of Management and Budget and Mr. Scott, with Ronald Ziegler
Program Time: 43:00

File/ID Number:  G-180
Date:  7/8/1972
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretary of Commerce Peter Peterson and Secretary of Agriculture Earl Butz, with Neil Ball

File/ID Number:  G-181
Date:  7/10/1972
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretary of Commerce Peter Peterson
Program Time: 25:00

File/ID Number:  G-182
Date:  7/17/1972
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretary of Commerce Peter Petrson and Ronald Ziegler, with Pierpoint

File/ID Number:  G-183
Date:  8/1/1972
Tape Contents: Briefing by Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare Elliot Richardson and Dr. Roger Egeberg
Program Time: 25:00

File/ID Number:  G-184
Date:  8/10/1972
Tape Contents: Briefing by administration economic spokesmen: George Shultz, Herbert Klein, Caspar Weinberger, Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Labor James D. Hodgson, Secretary of Commerce Peter Peterson, Paul Volcker and Herbert Stein
Program Time: 4:00:00

File/ID Number:  G-185
Date:  8/14/1972
Tape Contents: Briefing by Secretary of Labor James D. Hodgson, Director George Shultz of the Office of Management and Budget, and Caspar Weinberger, with Helen Bentley, Mr. Larson, Mr. Shimp, and John Clent
Program Time: 18:00

File/ID Number:  G-186
Date:  8/18/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks to press by Secretary of the Interior Rogers Morton re 1972 campaign, with ann Doerr
Program Time: 17:00

File/ID Number:  G-187
Date:  8/20/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks by Secretary of Labor James D. Hodgson re the right-to -work laws, with Ann Doerr
Program Time: 13:00

File/ID Number:  G-188
Date:  8/29/1972
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretary of Housing and Urban Development George Romney, with Ronald Ziegler

File/ID Number:  G-189
Date:  9/21/1972
Tape Contents: Press Briefing by Secretary of the Interior Rogers Morton, Barbara Franklin, and Professor Whitman, with Ronald Ziegler
Program Time: 62:52

File/ID Number:  G-190
Date:  10/14/1972
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretary of Commerce Peter Peterson, with Andy Gibson and Ronald Ziegler
Program Time: 31:06

File/ID Number:  G-191
Date:  10/20/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks by Treasury Undersecretary Charls Walker in Congress Hall, Philadelphia, PA
Program Time: 15:00

File/ID Number:  G-192
Date:  10/20/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks by Undersecretary of the Treasury Charls Walker to mayors and governors re revenue-sharing, in Congress Hall in Philadelphia, PA
Program Time: 35:00

File/ID Number:  G-193
Date:  10/27/1972
Tape Contents: Remarks by Secretary of Commerce Peter Peterson and Herbert Klein to ethnic press and leaders, with Mike Balzano

File/ID Number:  G-194
Date:  12/1/1972
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Director George Shultz of the Office of Management and Budget, with Ronald Ziegler

File/ID Number:  G-195
Date:  12/11/1972
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Director George Shultz of the Office of Management and Budget, with Ronald Ziegler and Caspar Weinberger

File/ID Number:  G-196
Date:  10/30/1972
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare Elliot Richardson, John D. Ehrlichman, Ronald Ziegler, and Dr. Fleming

File/ID Number:  G-197
Tape Contents: [No tape with this number ever received by NARA]

File/ID Number:  G-198
Date:  1/11/1973
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Director George Shultz of the Office of Management and Budget, with Ronald Ziegler
Program Time: 35:00

File/ID Number:  G-199
Date:  1/26/1973
Tape Contents: Press briefing by Roy Ash, with Ronald Ziegler and Gerald Warren

File/ID Number:  G-200
Date:  1/27/1973
Tape Contents: Briefing by Director George Shultz of the Office of Management and Budget and Roy Ash on budget
Program Time: 1:28:00

File/ID Number:  G-201
Date:  2/26/1973
Tape Contents: Briefing by Director George Shultz of the Office of Management and Budget on Stabilization Program, with John Dunlop
Program Time: 46:10

File/ID Number:  G-202
Date:  8/11/1972
Tape Contents: Secretary of Commerce Peter Peterson and Ronald Ziegler
Program Time: 36:00



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