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Plug and Play with MC4

April 26, 2011 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

Setting up MC4 systems on an Army post’s domain is akin to setting up a network anywhere else. Adhering to security protocols and gaining approvals are necessary to protect the network, but they’re also cumbersome and time-consuming.

82nd FTX

This month the 82nd Airborne Division Combat Aviation Brigade (CAB), a longtime user of the MC4 system at Fort Bragg, N.C., conducted a field training exercise (FTX) at Fort Carson, Colo. This is also the home of the 2nd Brigade Combat Team (BCT), 4th Infantry Division (ID), which has been using MC4 in garrison since November 2010. Because the 2nd BCT, 4th ID paved the way last fall, the 82nd Airborne CAB was able to essentially plug and play with MC4 when they arrived at Carson for their exercise.

Don’t get me wrong, advanced coordination was still necessary, but the use of MC4 during the exercise would not have been so painless if not for the network set-up ahead of time. Credit the SASMO and the Fort Carson NEC for their efforts to ensure a smooth transition.

This is another great example how units benefit from using MC4 systems in garrison and a side benefit of the “train as you fight” model.

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Anything that cuts setup time is a good thing.

June 2, 2011

MC4's Hub for MEDLOG Support

April 20, 2011 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

MC4 has long supported units' efforts to digitally restock medical supply shelves. To help deployed units do away with paper forms, we put the latest tools, DCAM and DMLSS, into the hands of the users. We also have MC4 MEDLOG personnel in theater available for training, technical support and to help units develop business processes. Later this year, we'll take another step to enhance customer support.

This summer, MC4 will have on-site support in Qatar at U.S. Army Medical Materiel Center-Southwest Asia (USAMMC-SWA), the theater lead agent for medical materiel (TLAMM). Being at the heart of MEDLOG for theater, we'll have direct access to the logisticians who manage the theater supply chain. This will allow us to expedite customer requests and help with connectivity issues. We'll also have the flexibility to provide temporary on-site support in other parts of theater as needed.

The placement of MC4 personnel in Qatar is the result of the working relationship between MC4 and the 6th Medical Logistics Management Center (6MLMC), the lead organization for USAMMC-SWA. The inclusion of MC4 personnel at USAMMC-SWA was first discussed in 2009. The topic gained traction after the successful joint effort to field DMLSS at Camp Dwyer, Afghanistan, last year. By setting up shop in Qatar, MC4 will have a central location to manage our MEDLOG efforts throughout SWA and better support customer needs.

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Rocky Henemyer

The MC4 Qatar Med Log position will be filled the beginning of July. Check back on the Region Support Office Contact page for more details in July.

June 9, 2011

When exactly is this going to take place? Will there be contact information on this website?

June 6, 2011


This is ideal as having MC4 subject matter expertise in Kuwait will help serve customers with their unique requirements and alleviate alot of the back and forth from CONUS to OCONUS for customers using MC4 systems.

June 2, 2011

Exercises Galore

April 13, 2011 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

The past few months have been busy. MC4 supported five major exercises in five countries, not to mention the dozens of culminating training events in the U.S. and abroad. That’s good news because it demonstrates the commitment units have to “train as you fight” with MC4.

In January, MC4 staffed Yama Sakura, an annual exercise in Kumamoto, Japan. There, Army medical staff honed their outpatient medical recording skills using AHLTA-T and AHLTA-Mobile while unit level administrators got a crash course on setting up the system during scenario play. A few weeks later, MC4 supported the U.S. Pacific Command exercise Cobra Gold in Thailand. It also provided MC4 a prime opportunity to upgrade AFRIMS’ MC4 systems to EMR and equip them with DCAM to begin ordering class VIII materials electronically.

In late February, the 8th Army learned about the potential MC4 systems have to convey medical command and control (C2) information during their training exercise in the Republic of Korea, Key Resolve 11. MC4 staff helped commanders tap into the power of MSAT. Data captured during the event helped identify gaps in established policies and procedures. Now commanders want to integrate the use of MC4 and MSAT into other exercises, like Ulchi Freedom Guardian, later this year.

In March, about 3,500 active duty, reservists and National Guard personnel participated in the annual disaster relief exercise Vibrant Response at Camp Atterbury, Ind., and two nearby locations. Flight medics with the 1-169th Medical Company (Air Ambulance) really shined. Using MC4 handhelds and the AHLTA-Mobile application, medics captured 175 patient notes in the field and at their aid station, which was more data than the two area support medical companies combined.

In April, we supported Balikatan, the biggest joint exercise between the two governments (Philippines and U.S.) since the resumption of joint military exercises in 1999 under the Visiting Forces Agreement. It was the first time MC4 took part in this exercise aimed at maintaining readiness and interoperability of the two countries’ troops in responding to natural disasters and other crises that threaten public health and safety.

There’s no doubt that these “train as you fight” events offer valuable experience for new and old MC4 users, building their proficiency on the system they’ll rely upon downrange.

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2 comments Comments (2)  Category: Train as you Fight

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Way to represent Indiantown Gap 1-169th!

June 3, 2011

1-169th MED Co rocks!

June 3, 2011

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