Blog Posts from January, 2010

Redeployment Ceremony of the Czech Republic’s 601st Special Operations Force

I had the great pleasure of being personally invited to attend the culmination of the Czech Republic’s 601st Special Operations Force redeployment. I was invited to attend the ceremony held in Prostejov, Czech Republic by the Commanding Officer, Colonel Milan Kovanda – it was his way of thanking me for my support. It was a great pleasure to attend, and was a unique opportunity for me as a United States Air Force NCO. LTC Jorge Cordero and I represented Headquarters European Command’s Deployment Distribution and Operations Center (EDDOC) which falls under the J4 Directorate.
As a Logistics planner working in the EDDOC I have had the opportunity to plan and support the deployment and redeployment of multiple NATO and Coalition military units as well as U.S. units. I enjoy doing my job and don’t expect to be awarded or publicly recognized for accomplishing tasks required of me, so I was surprised to receive the invitation from Colonel Kovanda.

While working with our coalition partners I have had the opportunity to meet many of our partner’s logistics professionals who have been supporting the “Global War on Terror." During the 601st Czech SOF’s multiple deployments they were embedded with our own Special Forces units on the ground and they were recognized by their country and their leadership following their successful deployment.

Attending the ceremony was the Honorable Jan Fischer, Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, the Honorable M.D. Martin Barták, Czech Republic Minister of Defense and our U.S. Ambassador to the Czech Republic, the Honorable Mary Thompson-Jones. Also attending, was a long list of dignitaries and officials I could not keep up with. With any redeployment ceremony the most important in attendance were family members of the 601st soldiers. It was an honor to be the only USAF NCO in the mix and it was a unique experience being treated as a VIP.

The VIP treatment included flying in a Czech Republic Air Force Helicopter with the U.S. Ambassador, which included flight attendants serving refreshments. Nearly topping that experience, I also sat one table away from their country's highest ranking military and civilian officials along with U.S. Ambassador to the Czech Republic during the ceremony.

This type of support/partnership provided to the Czech Republic and their instant recognition of me and LTC Cordero is a perfect example of Admiral Stavridis’ picture of the “Bridge” which represents the enhancement of security, regional stability, and the support of global initiatives.

TSgt Timothy Powell
U.S. European Command

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Comments: 1

by Real Estate Blogger on January 29, 2010 :

Colonel Milan Kovanda is a well respected leader and true gentleman. I've had a chance to work with him in the past and it's an excellent experience. The ceremony should be good.

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