Surface Transportation Bill

Jun 21, 2012 Issues: Transportation

Mr. Speaker, I rise to speak in support of Congressman Hoyer’s Motion to Instruct Conferees on H.R. 4348, the surface transportation bill.  This motion to instruct conferees would ask the conference committee to end their differences and support the Senate passed measure. S. 1813 or MAP-21 was passed by an overwhelmingly bipartisan majority with a final vote of 74 – 22.

Tomorrow marks 100 days since the Senate passed their bipartisan bill. We have just over one week before the extension expires. We cannot afford to pass yet another short term extension. We need to create JOBS! National unemployment is 8.2% and construction unemployment is nearly double at 14.2%. Summer has officially started and the construction season is short.

We have 1.2 million unemployed construction workers who are waiting for work.  MAP-21 is estimated to save 1.8 million jobs and create up to 1 million jobs. We have a legislative solution to create jobs – it is the Senate bill. 

Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to put their differences aside and pass a comprehensive reauthorization. MAP-21 was passed on a bipartisan majority in the Senate, let us do the same and put America back to work.