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Department of Energy Voluntary Protection Program
HSS VPP Committee
General Information
Program Procedures
Reports and Publications
Business Case for Safety - $
The President, Congress and VPP
Value Added of VPP
DOE VPP Steering Committee
Voluntary Protection Programs Participants' Association (VPPPA)
Related Links
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Department of Energy Voluntary Protection Program (DOE-VPP)

VPP logo

VPP Steering Committee - The Department of Energy Voluntary Protection Program (DOE-VPP) Federal Field Steering Committee is a group of Federal field office staff members from offices where at least one contractor organization is participating in the DOE-VPP. This Committee provides input and support to the Office of Worker Safety and Health Assistance.

General Information - A broad statement defining major aspects of DOE-VPP.

Program Procedures- The four volumes of DOE-VPP procedures describing the general structure and requirements of the overall program.

Reports and Publications - DOE-VPP On-site Evaluations, Protocol for Site Re-certification Reviews and copies of the Starburst newsletters.

Business Case for Safety - Articles, reports and other publications showing the business case and return on investment for safety and health programs.

Congress, The President, and VPP - Articles, reports and other publications showing support for VPP within the United States Congress and by the President.

Value Added of VPP - Documents and articles providing an assessment of the value added by VPP within the Department of Energy (DOE).

VPP Points of Contact - Chart of the points of contact for the DOE-VPP; primarily contractor and Federal field points of contact.

VPP Events/Calendar - Calendar of events, conferences, programs and training.

DOE VPP Sites - A listing of organizations participating and recognized in the DOE-VPP.

VPP Outreach Program - Reference charts for the Voluntary Protection Programs Participants Association (VPPPA) staff and a link to the VPPPA listing of OSHA's VPP sites.

Participant Status - A chart showing DOE-VPP participant contractors by location/site; the date of the last review, current program status and next action date, the Assistant Secretarial Program Office having jurisdiction and the average employment.

Site and Award Status - Links to VPP Site and Award Status Information.

Related Links - Links to VPP related information.

Archive - Articles, documents and other technical information.

For further information on DOE-VPP, please contact Brad Davy.

This page was last updated on January 15, 2013