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New Commander’s Guide to MC4

December 23, 2009 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

MC4 has developed an all-inclusive reference guide to help commanders better understand and utilize MC4 systems. The Commander's Guide to MC4 provides military leaders the information necessary to set up and maintain effective command and control (C2) of their MC4 systems, both in theater and in garrison.

The guide unifies and integrates electronic medical record (EMR) policies and procedures from the DOD, the Department of the Army, Central Command (CENTCOM) and the Office of the Surgeon General (OTSG). It also includes battle-tested best business practices so that units take ownership of the support required for the EMR, medical logistics (MEDLOG) and C2 initiatives.

The purpose of the guide is to ensure a continuous, systematic approach to supporting the creation and transmission of EMRs and automated maintenance of class VIII medical supplies. The Annex section consists of detailed health information systems (HIS) documentation and MC4 technical procedures. It also functions as a reference library intended for everyday use.

Units may contact MC4 region leads for support and assistance in fully utilizing the guide in their area of responsibility.

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Good flow of information and helpful resources.

December 25, 2009

MC4 Supports PACOM "Train as you Fight" Exercise

December 22, 2009 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

Earlier this month, U.S. Service members participated in an annual bilateral command post exercise with members of the Japan Ground Self Defense Forces in Hokkaido, Japan. Yama Sakura, which simulates the Japanese and U.S. military operations required to defend Japan, is one of eight U.S. Pacific Command (PACOM) training exercises MC4 supports.

MC4 Supports PACOM train as you Fight Exercise

Members of the Nevada National Guard used MC4 systems during the “train as you fight” exercise to better familiarize themselves with systems they’ll use in combat. The exercise also marked the first to use the latest MC4 software (EMR in a field training event.

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Additional Exposure to MC4 for Combat Medics in Iraq

December 21, 2009 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

A monthly training class held at the Air Force Theater Hospital in Balad, Iraq, exposes combat medics, with varied military occupational specialties, to the latest theater processes and procedures.

During the six-day training course, MC4’s deployed technical support teams provide a brief overview on all of the applications on MC4 systems. Medics also have the opportunity to receive additional over-the-shoulder MC4 training onsite.

While MC4 is not officially indoctrinated into the curriculum, it provides another touch-point with the system for medics to take the information back to their units.

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New MC4 Assistant Product Manager

December 20, 2009 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

MC4 welcomes Lt. Col. Shawn Osborne, MC4’s new assistant product manager. He is an Engineer Corps officer with significant acquisition experience, including previous deputy and assistant product manager positions with multiple information technology programs.

Lt. Col. Osborne currently serves as the product director, Southwest Asia Operations, and is on a six month deployment in support of Operations Enduring and Iraqi Freedom. He will be a tremendous asset in support of MC4's worldwide operations.

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