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Social Security Online
Donations to the Social Security Trust Funds
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Can I make a donation to the Social Security Trust Funds?

Yes. You can make a voluntary contribution or gift to the Social Security Trust Funds. These funds are used to pay Social Security benefits.

There are two funds:

  • The Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund pays benefits to retirees and the families of workers who have died.
  • The Disability Insurance Trust Fund pays benefits to people who are unable to work because of a disability.

You can donate money to either fund.

How can I make a donation?

You must:

  1. Make out a check or money order payable to the “Social Security Administration” for the amount you wish to donate.

  2. Write a letter stating that the donation you are giving is unconditional.

  3. Specify in the letter which Trust Fund you want to donate to:
    • Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund; or
    • Disability Insurance Trust Fund

    If you do not specify which Trust Fund you want your donation to go to, we will credit it to the Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund.

  4. Mail your check or money order and the letter to:

Social Security Administration
Office of Finance
P.O. Box 17042
Baltimore, Maryland 21235
Mail or take your check or money order and the letter to your local Social Security field office.

Can I leave a donation in my will?

You can also leave a gift to the Social Security Trust Funds in your will. The executor of your will would be the one to prepare the check or money order, write the letter, and mail or take them to Social Security.


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Last reviewed or modified Wednesday Feb 09, 2011
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