Refreshed Plan Milestones and Completion Dates: 2012-2014

On April 9, 2012, we launched our refreshed Open Government Plan 2.0. We made several commitments in our plan, and will share our progress with you regularly. Below is our report on milestones.

Goals I-IV: Transparency, Participation, Collaboration, Internalizing Open Government

Milestone Projected Completion Date Status

Issue refreshed Open Government Plan and share it with public and employees

April 2012

Completed. We posted our Open Government Plan 2.0 on our Open Government portal and shared with employees on April 9, 2012. On September 4, 2012, we published a revision to include updated information.

Post new high-value datasets/information holdings to in 2012, 2013, and 2014

December 2014


Test prototype for new public-facing FOIA website

4th quarter FY 2012

Updated projected completion date to end of CY2012. This will allow time to migrate content into the agency's new web template.

Further enhance our FOIA website and reading room

2nd Quarter FY 2013


Explore potential electronic FOIA management solutions with other Federal agencies.

3rd Quarter FY 2013

Launch crowd-sourcing tool, IdeaBench, to collect ideas for enhancements to the eBB tool developed for the hearings offices.

End of CY 2012

  • Completed September 2012

Hold public engagements to solicit ideas from the public


  • July 2012 – engagement with advocates on improving notices using UserVoice
  • July 2012 – engagement with public and employees to solicit ideas for the agency’s Service Delivery Plan

Collect ideas from the public on improving the open government portal

by end of CY2014


Hold engagements with advocates regarding agency’s services and programs

Twice yearly

  • October 2011 – Open Government Advocate Meeting, Washington, DC
  • June 2012 – Open Government Advocate Meeting, Washington, DC


Test engagement for disability program policy development with public (includes evaluation of type of responses, impact on resources, feasibility of continuing, etc.)

by end of CY 2013


Use crowd sourcing tool to engage the public and provide participation opportunities in disability program policy development

FY 2013


Hold additional engagements on potential areas for regulations changes

FY 2014 and ongoing


Continue to host webinars on topics of value to public


Continue to provide information on means to provide feedback


  • Opportunities to provide feedback are updated on our Participation Opportunities page
  • Federal Register Notice and “Dear Colleague” advocate letters sent July 2012 seeking input for Service Delivery Plan
  • Internal memo distributed July 2012 to employees seeking input for Service Delivery Plan

Continue to provide the public with the opportunity to comment on our proposed regulations


Pilot cloud-based collaboration platform

End of CY 2013

  • Pre-pilot meetings are underway to test an internal collaboration platform.

Give open government honor awards for employees to recognize achievements in advancing open government principles

Annually – once each in FY 2013 & FY 2014

  • First awards given on June 14, 2012

We will post our open government goals and our performance against the goals on our website


  • We report open government goals and performance in this chart

Review our Agency Performance Plan (APP) to incorporate open government principles and activities

Once Annually

  • Review completed June 2012

Flagship and Major Initiatives

Milestone Projected Completion Date Status

Flagship: Enhanced Services for People Receiving Benefits

Roll-out new, more secure user ID/password protocol end of CY 2012 Completed. We published MySSA on May 1, 2012. We provided secure access to the Online Statement on May 1, 2012. 
Include additional services behind the new user ID/password protocol end of FY 2013

Explore new survey tools and approaches to more timely, detailed customer feedback

FY 2013 and ongoing

Establish and use customer service standards to enhance online services

FY 2013 and ongoing

Continue to use customer service metrics for all of our service channels

Begin testing streamlined and secure access to our online services

FY 2013 and ongoing

Collect customer feedback to measure customer satisfaction and identify opportunities for improvement Ongoing  

Health IT Initiative

Expand exchange of medical records through health IT to various medical networks and providers in 13 states End of FY 2012

Completed in August 2012.  Increased the exchange of medical records through the use of health Information Technology (IT) ( to 13 States.

Continue outreach effort to onboard an additional 2-3 medical providers and connect with VA and DoD on the Nationwide Health Information Network (NwHIN) End of FY 2013  

Virtual Life Electronic Record Wounded Warrior Collaboration

Nationwide expansion of DoD/SSA Interim Health Data Sharing Initiative End of CY 2012

First phase of nationwide expansion began in April 2012
Pilot health IT exchange with other Federal agencies using NwHIN December 2012  
Available for claimants filing online April 2012 Completed in April 2012
Available for claimants who file an online disability appeal August 2012

Completed August 11, 2012. Expanded eAuthorization (form SSA-827) to first-party appeals filed online. Allows adults filing an Internet Disability Report - Appeal  (i3341) on their own behalf to electronically sign and submit the SSA-827.  

Explore alternative for third party filers FY 2013