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MC4 Garrison Use up 52 Percent

July 5, 2011 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

Eighty-five garrison battalion aid stations use MC4 to document sick call and order medical supplies from their supply activity. This represents a 52 percent hike since July of last year.


The latest units to incorporate MC4 into their daily business processes include battalion aid stations at Fort Riley, Kansas., Fort Lewis, Washington, and, Fort Richardson, Alaska.

We are currently working with the command surgeons at USASOC, the 10th Mountain Division at Fort Drum, N.Y., and the 25th Infantry Division at Schofield Barracks, Hawaii. We expect to support the use of MC4 in many of the aid stations at these installations during this calendar year.

As I mentioned last year, our ultimate goal is to help units transition from paper to electronic records. The preferred method is to use MC4 hardware to access garrison AHLTA via virtual private network (VPN). In locations where AHLTA VPN is not used, AHLTA-T can be used as an alternative. Regardless of the method used, thus far units have digitally documented 66,000 medical encounters in AHLTA-T that otherwise would have been on paper in garrison battalion aid stations. DCAM can also be used on MC4 hardware to order medical supplies electronically.

Commanders who have chosen to “train as you fight” with MC4 have also given their unit a leg up before heading downrange. I know that training schedules are tight, so any opportunity to gain hands-on experience with the tactical medical system outside the classroom best serves units and their patients.

You don't have to wait for my blogs or announcements to monitor MC4's global expansion. Click on “Locations” at the top right corner of our website for a snapshot view of current operations, exercises supported or garrison use of MC4. Also, our strategic initiatives sections of the website neatly package information about new technology, enhanced customer support and train as you fight.

Contact MC4's regional support offices if you are interested in initiating the use of MC4 in your garrison aid station.

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3 comments Comments (3)  Category: Train as you Fight

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"By working with industry, defense partners and the user community, MC4 meets this challenge head-on. MC4’s new technology initiative aims to continuously deliver improved system quality, performance and capabilities in what has been an emerging and urgent requirement on the front lines for years" .......... Sounds good but.....Just talked to someone who advised that MC4 was told to purchase Cisco products three years ago and there is no need for any equipment or technology for a while. Hard to Market to Army Medical???

July 25, 2011

J. Johnston

quite an feat considering all the hard heads who don't want to document care in theater let alone CONUS.

July 19, 2011

When are CHCS/AHLTa going away? Will MC4 replace those legacy programs?

July 18, 2011

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