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EUCOM Turns 60 Today

Happy Birthday, US European Command!EUCOM image

 Today we celebrate the 60th anniversary of the inception of our command. Our dedicated Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and civilians are here at a fine time.

Since Aug. 1, 1952, EUCOM participated in or provided support to more than 200 named operations. These operations cover the spectrum of military operations, from humanitarian and natural disaster relief efforts to peacekeeping and anti-terrorism/force protection operations and preserving peace across Europe.

EUCOM has a long and rich history, as the U.S. presence in Europe has helped to provide an unprecedented 65 years of peace in the region. However, we still have a critical mission to do.

During today’s times of significant economic challenge, a fundamental question on many minds in Washington and abroad is, “How does the U.S. military presence in the European theater contribute to the national security of the United States?”

Let me answer that with a few highlights from my testimony before the U.S. Congress earlier this year:

  1. Economics matter
    The EU is the world’s largest economy, comprising 25 percent of the world’s gross domestic product (GDP), and the GDP of NATO is roughly 50 percent of the world’s economy. This gives Europe and America enormous economic weight when we act together, especially in light of western financial challenges and rising economies elsewhere.
  2. Europe is geo-strategically important
    The European Theater, located in or adjacent to three continents – Europe, Asia, and Africa – represents critical geostrategic terrain. Existing U.S. posture in Europe provides ready, proven, mature basing infrastructure for rapid response to crises in the world’s most likely hot spots.
  3. NATO remains the bedrock alliance for the US globally
    President Obama has called NATO “the most successful alliance in human history” and “as relevant in this century as it was in the last.” As an anchor of transatlantic security for more than 60 years, the NATO alliance remains essential to the security of the United States and its allies, ensuring peace and stability throughout Europe, and countering threats across the globe. Although much has changed since its founding in 1949, the Alliance remains an essential and unique source of stability in an unpredictable geopolitical environment.
  4. Europe and the United States share fundamental values
    We share fundamental values with our European allies and partners, including the key principles of democratic government, the rule of law, free markets and enduring human rights. In today’s age, there are many nations and actors around the world actively engaged in opposing such values. This cements our nations’ commitment to each other, as we work together to identify and combat common threats.
  5. Europe is a combat-proven expeditionary partner
    Europe represents our best and most willing pool of partners to stand with the United States in our ongoing commitment to security, stability, and peace. Operating together, whether on modern battlefields in Afghanistan, Libya, and the Balkans, or in emerging and ironically “new” missions like counter-piracy, Europeans continue to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with us to face the many complex challenges of the 21st century.

I’d like to summarize with a final quote from President Obama:

For more than six decades, Europeans and Americans have stood shoulder to shoulder because our work together advances our interests and protects the freedoms we cherish as democratic societies. As the world has changed, so too has our alliance, and we are stronger, safer, and more prosperous as a result...Put simply, we are each other’s closest partners.”

I am honored to have the privilege of leading the men and women of EUCOM. Our command will continue to build upon its proud heritage and achievements through the enduring partnerships in the region that make us “Stronger Together.”


Admiral James Stavridis
Commander, U.S. European Command and
Supreme Allied Commander Europe

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Comments: 2

by Hans on August 1, 2012 :

Happy Birthday EUCOM!

by Peter on August 7, 2012 :

Very good information you have provided. Keep going on. Every has to know about these. Best Wishes

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