Human Rights News

Accomplishments at the Human Rights Council 21st Session

Human Rights Council

The United States commends the important achievements of the Human Rights Council in promoting and protecting human rights during […]

COI Will Continue Its Work Documenting Widespread Crimes Against the People of Syria

The UN Human Rights Council voted September 28 to renew the mandate of the International Commissioner of Inquiry, an […]

U.S. Statement on Business and Human Rights

We continue to stress the importance of States’ implementation of their obligations under human rights law with respect to their own conduct.

Development & Humanitarian Aid

U.S. Marks More than 20 Years of Aid to Former Soviet Republics


After the Soviet Union was dissolved in late 1991, the United States responded to the creation of newly independent […]

US Statement on Protection in UNHCR Executive Committee

The U.S. emphasizes that there is and must be a constant effort on the part of us all to […]

Anne C. Richard Leads U.S. Delegation to the UNHCR Executive Committee Meeting

Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees, and Migration Anne C. Richard will travel to Geneva October 1-4 to […]

RSSLatest News: Arms Control

State’s Gottemoeller on the Anniversary of the Chemical Weapons Convention


The Chemical Weapons Convention is an historic achievement in addressing the threat from weapons of mass destruction and has […]

State’s Burns at U.N. Meeting on Countering Nuclear Terrorism

First, as President Obama has challenged us to do, we are working with many of you to remove and […]

President Obama: Remarks to the UN General Assembly

There is no speech that justifies mindless violence. There are no words that excuse the killing of innocents. There’s […]