Beverage Policies

Beverages can be ordered from the enclosed menu (such as punch or wine) or we can provide a private bar for your guests. We practice the DRAM Shop Theory. This information is very important, and we are required to ask you to take a few minutes to read it.

DRAM Shop Theory

The enactment of the DRAM Act places a clear responsibility on the club and the staff to not knowingly serve alcoholic beverages to any intoxicated person. The restaurant staff is instructed to refuse service to anyone who appears intoxicated and to deter such persons from driving. This restaurant follows and operates under the guidance of the Alcoholic Beverage Program.

There are two types of bars: pay-as-you-go and an open bar. There is a $200 sales guarantee per bar. If your party does not meet these minimums, a charge of $200 per bar will be applied to cover bar labor.

Pay-As-You-Go Bar

The guests order and pay for their drinks. Standard lounge drink prices apply. There is no service charge added to this type of bar serivce.

Open Bar

The host/sponsor agrees to pay for all drinks served. Drinks are dispensed to guests free of charge with the host/sponsor assuming responsibility for payment. An open bar can be set up with a predetermined dollar amount or time limit. The dollar limit amount will be annotated in the contract. A register tab will be computed until the pre-set limit is reached.

The host/sponsor is responsible for assuring minors do not consumer supervised or unsupervised alcoholic beverages.