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One Acquisition Solution for Integrated Services (OASIS)

OASIS with Sun: One Acquisition Solution for Integrated Services

GSA’s Federal Acquisition Service (FAS) is developing a next generation contract vehicle for complex professional services. The vehicle will be designed to address agencies' needs for professional service requirements that:

  • Span multiple professional service disciplines; 
  • Involve significant IT components, but aren't IT requirements;
  • Require flexibility for all contract type task orders and other direct costs at the task order level;
  • Are difficult to specify or quantify prior to award; and
  • Create an environment of elevated risk due to their unanticipated nature.

We expect to address both commercial and non-commercial services. The vehicle may include program management and consulting services, logistics services, professional engineering services and financial services in the primary menu of professional services to be blended under this contract. 

We will engage federal agencies and industry professional service firms in a collaborative process to identify the most advantageous structure for this contract and the best practices to incorporate into its design. Our goal is to create a contract vehicle that provides a total solution to meet agencies’ needs. We also intend to leverage the federal buying power to drive efficiencies and savings while maximizing opportunities for small businesses to participate in providing these services.

Attention Industry!  

GSA’s OASIS Team invites industry members to join the OASIS Industry Community on GSA Interact. This online community will serve as a platform for collaboration and communication between industry partners and GSA during the development phase of OASIS. GSA is committed to maintain transparency, and ensure maximum participation by agencies and industry throughout this process. Join today and share your ideas! 

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Join the OASIS Industry Community on GSA Interact. This online community enables collaboration and communication between industry partners and GSA. Join today and share your ideas!

CIAD,Center for Innovative Acquisition Development,integrations,professional services,information technology,IT,OASIS,One Acquisition Solution