DoDEA Eligibility & Enrollment

Yokota Middle First Day SY10-11


Within DoDEA there are both DoDDS schools and DDESS schools. Determining whether or not your student(s) are attending a DoDDS or DDESS school is important since the DoDEA eligibility & enrollment policies differ between the two types of schools.

DoDEA Americas Schools
DDESS (including Puerto Rico) & DDESS (Cuba)

DoDEA Europe Schools

DoDEA Pacific Schools
DDESS (Guam) & DoDDS


Eligibility within territories, possessions and commonwealths of the United States.

Eligibility to attend DDESS schools is outlined in Section 2164 of title 10, United States Code and Department of Defense Instruction (DoDI) 1342.26, "Eligibility Requirements for Minor Dependents to Attend Department of Defense Domestic Dependent Elementary and Secondary Schools." The following information summarizes the eligibility criteria.


Students are eligible to attend on a tuition-free basis if they are dependents of:

  • military and civilian employees of DoD living on the installation.

  • military members on active duty, stationed or home-ported in the territory, possession, or commonwealth and not residing in permanent quarters.

  • military members on active duty who have been assigned to a remote location or unaccompanied tour of duty and their dependents have been authorized by designated location move orders to reside in the territory, possession, or commonwealth.

  • full-time DoD civilian employees, occupying a position that is subject by policy and practice to transfer in a territory, possession, or commonwealth and not residing in government quarters.

  • full-time, permanent, professional excepted service employees of the DDESS Arrangement not residing in permanent quarters on a military installation.

*DoD Contractors are not eligible to attend DDESS


Dependent children of full-time civilian employees of non-DoD Federal agencies (whether they are or are not residing in government quarters), IF the employing agency certifies that they occupy a position that is subject by policy and practice to transfer in a territory, possession, or commonwealth AND THE EMPLOYING AGENCY AGREES to reimburse the DoD for the educational services provided.

Note: DDESS schools are not authorized to accept tuition payments from individuals.

Note: Residence in permanent living quarters on a military installation served by a DDESS school program does NOT guarantee eligibility to attend the DDESS schools.  Sponsors are required to meet the criteria listed above, regardless of residence.  DDESS is not authorized to enroll students whose sponsor does not meet the eligibility criteria.  

Age Requirements

A child must be:

  • five years old by September 1 to enroll in kindergarten.
  • four years old by September 1 to attend pre-kindergarten or Sure Start
  • six years old by September 1 to attend first grade.

DoDEA Policy


The Department of Defense Dependents Schools (DoDDS) was established to provide high quality education for authorized dependents of DoD personnel assigned overseas, and to provide enrollment on a space-available, tuition-paying basis for others identified and prioritized by the Secretary of Defense

Enrollment Categories

Qualified dependents are authorized to enroll in one of four enrollment categories based on the request of the sponsor. Dependents in enrollment category 1 receive first priority, all others are enrolled on a space-available basis in priority of category of enrollment. Find out more about the DoDDS Enrollment Categories.


Revalidation of the student's registration for the next school year starts in the spring.

  • If the sponsor's DEROS/PRD has expired by September 1, extension orders (IPCOT, R.A.T., Command Letter) are required.

  • If the sponsor's DEROS/PRD is indefinite, proof of continued overseas assignment is required.

  • If the sponsor is a locally hired DoD civilian, current year certification of employment from the servicing HRO is required.


Transfer and Withdrawal

Parents or legal guardians must fill out a Withdrawal/Records Request form at least two weeks prior to the student's last day of attendance. If the student is leaving within twenty days of the semester, PCS orders must be submitted to the school. If the student is withdrawing due to Early Return of Dependents, a letter from the sponsor's command must be submitted.