Electronic Records Express is an initiative by state Disability Determination Services (DDS) and Social Security to increase use of electronic options for submitting student records related to disability claims. If a state DDS or Social Security needs information from your school about a student who has filed a claim for Social Security disability, you will receive a letter asking for medical evidence or other information – such as the Teacher Questionnaire (Form SSA-5665) and the Request for Administrative Information (Form SSA-5666). The requested information helps the DDS and Social Security determine if the student qualifies for disability. You can choose the method of sending the information that works best for you.

Advantages of sending school records online or by fax

  • Send student educational records at your convenience;
  • Submit information directly to your state DDS or Social Security, helping to expedite the decision on your student’s disability claim;
  • Save copying and postage costs; and
  • Eliminate need for follow-up due to mail transit time.

Sending records electronically is fast and easy

Secure website — individual student records

Send electronic school records or scanned paper records through Social Security’s secure website using your existing Internet connection.

Secure website —multiple student records

You can send batches of student files via Social Security’s secure website in a single operation.


Use your office fax to send requested student records to your state DDS or to Social Security any time day or night.

Another option

Continued support for paper submissions

If you only can provide paper records, mail them to Social Security’s contract scanning service whose mailing address is in the request letter. The contractor will scan the records and send electronic files to the state DDS or Social Security.

Frequently asked questions

How will sending records electronically affect our work routines?

There will be minimum disruption to your established routines. Faxing replaces the photocopying you now do. And if you already have electronic student records, you upload files instead of printing them.

What are the costs?

The Electronic Records Express options are free of government charges.

What security is provided for web options?

The website uses 128-bit secure socket layer (SSL) encryption to protect records submissions to Social Security. Your account is protected by your confidential username and password combination.

Can I fax with my PC fax software?

Yes. However, the first page of all faxes must be the bar-coded DDS request letter so, you may need a scanner to scan the DDS letter into your computer.

Can I submit records on CD?

No. We do not have a standardized process for handling CDs.

How do I choose an Electronic Records Express option?

For planning assistance, discuss your business procedures with the Professional Relations Office of your state’s DDS. Visit Disability Programs for more information about contacting a Professional Relations Officer.

If I want to use the secure website, which file formats are compatible?

The secure website supports a wide selection of file formats. Social Security will add support for additional formats as needed.

Are Electronic Records Express options compliant with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)?

Yes. When a person files a disability claim, he or she (or a parent or guardian) signs an Authorization to Disclose Information (Form SSA-827). This meets the requirements of FERPA and expressly permits a school to share the student’s educational records by fax or other electronic means as long as reasonable safeguards are used.

For more information

If you would like to register to begin using Social Security's secure website to send health records or would like more information about the options available for submitting records electronically, visit Electronic Records Express, send an email to electronic-records-express@ssa.gov or call 1-866-691-3061.You also can contact the Professional Relations Office of your state's DDS.