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Clinical Operations Team Smoothes Transition

December 31, 2010 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

History shows that units often experience a significant dip in the effective use of MC4 systems when level III facilities and medical C2 headquarters transition to theater. Enter our Clin Ops Team. This group of senior-level clinical and medical operations personnel was created to ensure a smoother transition for incoming and outgoing units. They recently completed their first combat support hospital (CSH) Relief in Place/Transfer of Authority (RIP/TOA) deployment and I am extremely pleased with the outcome.

Clinical Operations Team Transition

In 2011, we will support another CSH and major theater C2 unit. I look forward to building upon our most recent success and lessons learned.

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RSO&I Training Discontinued in Kuwait, Dividends in Bagram

December 30, 2010 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

After the New Year, MC4 will discontinue our reception, staging, onward movement and integration (RSO&I) operations in Kuwait for units deploying to support Operation New Dawn. With the drawdown of forces in Iraq, as well as our heightened emphasis on "train as you fight" initiatives, continuing our Kuwait RSO&I operations is no longer an effective use of resources.

MC4 RSO&I training efforts in Bagram is paying dividends. Our new facility continues to see increased activity as units deploy to the region. In November, we trained more than 350 MC4 users. Since the facility opened four months ago, we provided more than 2,100 blocks of individual instruction.

In Iraq, we will conduct RSO&I training for individual providers until the CONUS Replacement Center (CRC) includes MC4 training as part of their pre-deployment curriculum.

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MC4 access at Bagram stinks. I work at the DFIP Medical Facility but we cannot connect to the hospitals MC4...and we send patients back and forth between the two facilities all of the time so we have to print up visit notes to send back and forth so we can have some continuity of care. Seems like the money being spent on excessive training (had to go through training twice...El Paso and Bagram) could be spent to make the two systems talk.

January 18, 2011

Very informative. Good to see a focus on new technology.

January 4, 2011

Ready When You Are, CRC

December 29, 2010 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

Hundreds of professional officer filler system (PROFIS) providers deploy through CRC each year and every year they do not receive pre-deployment training with MC4 systems until they arrive in theater. Providers continue to join their units ill-prepared to electronically document patient care. They ask me why MC4 training is not offered at CRC during the block of time they're excused from first aid training. I do not have an answer, but remain committed to support this mission should CRC add MC4 to their schedule. I'll continue to advocate on behalf of the providers deploying through CRC.

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MAJ Shannon Ellis, DO, MPH; Kandahar

Excellent Sir! I like the comment about MC4 training during the "First Aid Block" which we are excused from. I just went through there the end of Nov 10 and will be here in Kandahar with the 1st Area Medical Lab. I am a PM doc and working to improve overall surveillance using your TMDS and MSAT web tools. I work directly for the 62nd and have been tasked with this responsiblility by the 62nd. I would like to correspond with you on how I can make DNBI reporting more useful to the end providers. I would be happy to hear your thoughts.

January 11, 2011

The Year in Review and a Peek Ahead

December 28, 2010 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

The work done in 2010 to improve electronic medical recording (EMR), medical logistics, and situational awareness capabilities in theater and in garrison has truly made an impact. I've personally seen the improvements made in theater as MC4 has transitioned from a requirement to an asset. Never before has MC4 fielded so many new technologies and hardware in a calendar year than in 2010.

Our recent software fielding efforts have helped Soldiers better capture and report mild traumatic brain injury data on the front lines. New apps have also made it easier for deployed forces to digitally manage their medical supplies, as well as better track in-transit patients and equipment. We'll see the return on these efforts in 2011.

We continued to lead Army initiatives to expand the use of the once battlefield-only EMR system to garrison aid stations and major exercises in six more countries. We supported MC4 use in 22 unit field training exercises, as well as major combatant commander exercises, so units could "train as they fight."

The following are some of my favorite highlights from 2010. If you haven't already, I encourage you to sound off on these articles. I value your feedback and thoughts on how we can better support users. Let us know what you think and give credit where credit is due—to the medical units using MC4 worldwide.

While I'm satisfied with the progress the MC4 program made this year, there's more to follow. Here's a sneak peek at some of the initiatives we have in store for 2011 and beyond:

  • Furthering hands-free EMR research with the Telemedicine and Advanced Technology Research Center (TATRC) and Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
  • Extending MC4 training to distributed learning networks, simulation training and apps on mobile devices
  • Launching a new MC4 website that delivers rich, interactive content and social media tools
  • Establishing a comprehensive, year-long training program to better prepare deploying medical units
  • Fielding the Defense Medical Logistics Standard Support (DMLSS) system to more locations
  • Better preparing reservists and national guard personnel prior to deployment
  • Integrating the MC4 system onto the Army enterprise network on the Korean Peninsula
  • Expanding the MC4 footprint in the AFRICOM area of responsibility

I realize that our plans are ambitious, but I assure you that MC4 remains focused on delivering the best tools, training and support for your EMR, MEDLOG and medical command and control (C2) needs.

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