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Federal and State Materials and Environmental Management Programs

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Director: Mark Satorius
Deputy Director: Brian Holian

Implements NRC’s responsibilities within the broad collective framework of the national materials program in close coordination with other Federal agencies, Agreement States, Non-Agreement States, and Native American Tribal governments, the public, and other stakeholders. Develops and implements rules and guidance for the safe and secure use of source, byproduct and special nuclear material in industrial, medical, academic, and commercial activities, and at decommissioning, uranium recovery, and low-level waste sites in cooperation with Agreement States and NRC Regions, licensees, the public and other stakeholders. Conducts rulemakings for the Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards (NMSS) and the Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response (NSIR) related to materials issues. Responsible for licensing, oversight, support for regulatory decision-making, and the resolution of safety issues resulting from assessments of operational experience. Develops policies and procedures for assessing the performance of licensing and inspection functions of NRC’s Regions and Agreement States through the Integrated Materials Performance Evaluation Program. It is through this program that NRC exercises its oversight responsibility under Section 274 of the Atomic Energy Act, as amended, to ensure that the Agreement States maintain adequate and compatible radiation protection programs. Provides and updates guidance on licensing and inspection in the regions and provides direction on training priorities for materials licensing and oversight of the training program. Presents technical and policy positions on certain matters arising before the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board and supports research activities of the NRC’s Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research (RES). Coordinates environmental reviews under the National Environmental Policy Act for both itself and NMSS. Consults with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) on its incidental waste determinations for selected sites and monitors DOE incidental waste disposal activities. Serves as the NRC's lead for ensuring the safe implementation of the DOE's Remedial Action Plans, for Title I sites under the Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control Act (UMTRCA). Responsible for all safety and security interface issues between NRC and the Agreement States. Coordinates with NSIR on the necessary contingency planning and emergency response operations association with source, byproduct and special nuclear material under its purview. Fosters close coordination and cooperation between NRC, the Agreement States, non-Agreement States, local officials, other Federal agencies and Native American Tribal governments. Participates in international activities, as appropriate, in coordination with the Office of International Programs.

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Program Planning, Budgeting and Program Analysis Staff

Director: Robert Webber
Deputy Director: (Vacant)

Provides leadership and coordinates strategic and programmatic planning, resource forecasting and allocation, budgeting through the PBPM process and analysis of office performance through coordination of the operating plan. Manages and coordinates the execution of the office’s budget, financial plan and associated contracting activities. Provides administrative and management support, including human resource management, training, information technology, systems analysis, and correspondence/action item control. Ensures compliance with office and agency standards and requirements. Maintains office procedures and letters. Ensures that appropriate quality standards are maintained for work initiated at the office level. PBPA staff will also be responsible for supporting and coordinating office human resource activities, knowledge management, FOIA, internal and external training, office space, office travel planning and utilization of travel resources, correspondence control, and internal controls. Represents the office in intra-agency and inter-agency special projects in areas of responsibility and completes special projects assigned by office level management.

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Division of Materials Safety and State Agreements

Director: Brian McDermott
Deputy Director: Pamela Henderson

Working with the Agreement States, the non-Agreement States, and the NRC Regional Offices, licensees, and the public, structures and implements the national materials program to enable the safe and secure use of radioactive materials in medical, industrial, and academic applications for beneficial civilian purposes. Oversees licensing, inspection, event response, allegation management, analysis of NRC licensee performance and other regulatory activities for radioactive material licensed under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and the Energy Policy Act of 2005. Provides technical support and guidance to the States and Regions on licensing, inspection, and enforcement activities. Develops policy and procedures for assessing Regional performance of materials licensing and inspection activities and evaluating Agreement State adequacy and compatibility. Provides guidance to States intending to become Agreement States and reviews new applications for Section 274b Agreements, in coordination with other NRC offices and the Regions, for Commission review and approval. Coordinates closely with the Agreement States to plan and provide for compatibility in regulatory approaches. Reviews Agreement State programs for continued adequacy to protect public health and safety and compatibility with NRC’s regulatory program through the Integrated Materials Performance Evaluation Program. Coordinates with Regional State Agreement Officers (RSAO’s) and provides program direction and guidance. Provides technical support for training of regional and Agreement State licensing and inspection staffs. Makes the NRC determination required by Section 274c prior to Agreement State termination of uranium milling licenses. Provides administrative support and coordinates attendance for Agreement State training and travel. Responsible for communications system support, e.g. States contacts database, list servers, and website. Incorporates information technology tools into the national materials program and manages the use of these tools to improve the safety and control of licensed and registered radioactive materials. Plans and coordinates all activities involving the Advisory Committee on Medical Uses of Isotopes. Manages agency programs for "exempt" use of radioactive material, the National Source Tracking System, generally-licensed device registration, and evaluation of sealed sources and devices. Directs contingency and response operations dealing with accidents, events, and incidents under its responsibility. Implements the emergency preparedness and emergency response functions for materials regulated by the office. Responsible for safety and security interface issues between NRC and the Agreement States. Coordinates with the NRC’s Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response (NSIR) on the necessary contingency planning and emergency response operations association with source, byproduct and special nuclear material under its purview. Represents NRC in international activities in its area of responsibility in coordination with the Office of International Programs.

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Agreement State Programs Branch

Chief: Duncan White

Develops policy and procedures for assessing Agreement State and NRC regional performance of materials licensing and inspection activities. Plans and coordinates Office participation in the Integrated Materials Performance Evaluation Program (IMPEP). Provides guidance to States intending to become Agreement States and reviews new applications for Section 274b Agreements, in coordination with other NRC offices and the Regions, for Commission review and approval. Coordinates closely with the Agreement States to plan and provide for review of State regulations. Coordinates with Regional State Agreement Officers (RSAO’s) and provides program direction and guidance. Responsible for communications system support, e.g., States contacts database, list servers, and website. Responsible for safety and security interface issues between NRC and the Agreement States. Provides technical support for training of regional and Agreement State materials licensing and inspection staffs. Makes the NRC determination required by Section 274c prior to Agreement State termination of uranium milling licenses.

Source Management and Protection Branch

Chief: Adelaide Giantelli

Provides programmatic and technical leadership and support for the safety, security, and control of radioactive materials. Oversees the development and nationwide implementation and integration of the various initiatives to enhance source security. Oversees the coordination of the Radiation Source Protection and Security Task Force activities for the Office of Federal and State Materials and Environmental Management Programs and leads or participates on its associated subgroups. Oversees the implementation of the actions taken to ensure program effectiveness relating to source tracking and license verification. Oversees the development of the National Source Tracking System and the Web-Based Licensing System until they are deployed. Provides primary interface with the Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response (NSIR) on matters relating to safety and security of radioactive materials. Provides the office interface with the Domestic Nuclear Detection Office and the National Nuclear Security Administration. Provides support to various rulemakings and guidance development activities. Provides support to the IMPEP by participation on reviews. Provides office Radiation Safety Officer Function.

Radioactive Materials Safety Branch

Chief: Christian Einberg

Responsible for the programmatic direction of materials uses associated with medical uses of byproduct materials including direction to the Regions and technical assistance to Agreement States, and to medical licensees across the country regarding these activities including any new licensees under the expanded definition of byproduct material. Oversees licensing, inspection for medical licensees, and event response for all NRC licensees, analysis of licensee performance and other regulatory activities for radioactive material licensed under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and the Energy Policy Act of 2005 for NRC and Agreement State licensees regulated by the office. Provides technical assistance to the Agreement States in the medical area and supports new Agreement State reviews, IMPEP program reviews, and Agreement State regulation reviews. Reviews programmatic activities and participates in the development of technical and policy operations for medical regulations, and policy statements. Coordinates with the Division of Intergovernmental Liaison and Rulemaking (DILR) to maintain, revise, and update all medical licensing Regulatory Guides, Standard Review Plans, Inspection Manual Chapters, inspection procedures, and Management Directives. Plans and coordinates all activities involving the Advisory Committee on Medical Uses of Isotopes.

Directs contingency and response operations dealing with accidents, events, and incidents under the office’s responsibility. Responsible for incident response coordination and training, emergency preparedness policy and emergency response, and Operations Center coordination for nuclear materials events. Coordinates with NSIR on the necessary contingency planning and emergency response operations association with source, byproduct and special nuclear material under its purview. Reviews licensee performance to determine the need for Information Notices, Bulletins and rulemaking. Maintains Nuclear Materials Events Database, and evaluates event trends for NRC and Agreement State licensees.

Licensing Branch

Chief: Jack Foster

Conducts safety evaluation reviews of sealed sources and devices. Develops and implements technical and policy guidance related to sealed sources and devices for Headquarters, Regions and Agreement States. Provides program oversight for the general license program including the generally-licensed device registration program. Responsible for the programmatic direction of materials uses associated with academic and industrial uses of byproduct materials including direction to the Regions and technical assistance to Agreement States, and to industrial and academic licensees across the country regarding these activities, including any new licensees under the expanded definition of byproduct material. Coordinates with DILR to maintain, revise, and update all industrial and academic licensing Regulatory Guides, Standard Review Plans, Inspection Manual Chapters, inspection procedures, and Management Directives, within the office purview. Conducts the exempt distribution licensing program. Provides program oversight for the master materials license program. Maintains all materials licensing database management systems including the Sealed Source and Device Registry, the General License Tracking System, and the License Tracking System. Provides office leadership and coordination for 10 CFR 2.206 petitions.

Division of Intergovernmental Liaison and Rulemaking

Director: Josephine Piccone
Deputy Director: Deborah Jackson

Establishes and maintains effective communications and working relationships between the NRC and States, local governments, other Federal agencies and Native American Tribal Governments. Serves as the primary contact for policy matters between NRC and these external groups. Ensures overall coordination of interactions on waste and materials. Keeps the NRC apprised of these groups' activities as they may affect NRC and conveys to NRC management these groups' views toward NRC policies, plans, and activities. Develops, in consultation with the Agreement States, and NRC Offices, where appropriate, needed regulations for the office, NMSS and NSIR. Coordinates the review and planning of all rulemaking activities related to waste, materials, transportation, storage, or disposal and security in these subject areas and monitors and schedules rulemaking to ensure that rules are developed in the time frame specified by the Commission. Coordinates the review and planning of all office and NMSS rulemaking activities and prepares regulatory analyses, including cost analyses, on the impact of proposed regulatory activities. Develops regulatory products (such as guidance documents) to implement rulemaking. Works in cooperation with Federal, State, and local governments, interstate organizations and Native American Tribal Governments to ensure that NRC maintains effective relations and communications with these organizations and promotes greater awareness and mutual understanding of the policies, activities, and concerns of all parties involved, as they relate to NRC and Agreement State regulated facilities. Provides technical assistance to the Agreement States and supports new Agreement State reviews, IMPEP program reviews, and Agreement State regulation reviews. Develops and coordinates policy for NRC/Agreement State Working Groups (e.g., Management Directive 5.3). Coordinates information exchange to and from the NRC’s Regional State Liaison Officers (RSLO) in support of the activities of the office. Maintains coordination and communication with the Governor-appointed State Liaison Officers in all 50 States on materials, waste, security and reactor program issues. Helps facilitate coordination with Federal Agencies on State materials issues. Responsible for coordination with Agreement States on Section 274i Agreements. Responsible for reactor and fuel cycle safety and security interface issues between NRC and the States. Responds to allegations involving NRC licensees and manages allegations involving Agreement State programs. Coordinates with NSIR on the necessary contingency planning and emergency response State Liaison operations associated with reactor and fuel cycle events. Participates on behalf of NRC in international activities in its area of responsibility in coordination with the Office of International Programs. Helps facilitate and coordinate any State participation in such activities.

Intergovernmental Liaison Branch

Chief: Richard Turtil

Establishes and maintains effective communications and working relationships between the NRC and States, local governments, other Federal agencies and Native American Tribal Governments. Serves as the primary contact for policy matters between NRC and these external groups. Keeps the NRC apprised of these groups' activities as they may affect NRC and conveys to NRC management these groups' views toward NRC policies, plans, and activities. Ensures that NRC maintains effective relations and communications with these organizations and promotes greater awareness and mutual understanding of the policies, activities, and concerns of all parties involved, as they relate to NRC and Agreement State regulated facilities. This may include organizations such as the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC), the National Governors’ Association, the Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors, the Organization of Agreement States, Native American Tribes, and coordination with other similar nationally-based organizations. Develops and coordinates policy and implementation for NRC/Agreement State Working Groups (e.g., Management Directive 5.3). Coordinates information exchange to and from the NRC’s Regional State Liaison Officers (RSLO) in support of the activities of the office. Maintains coordination and communication with the Governor-appointed State Liaison Officers in all 50 States on materials, waste, security and reactor program issues. Manages the office and NMSS allegation programs, and coordinates implementation with Agreement States and NRC Regions as necessary. Provides coordination and support for cross-cutting program issues for the office as needed. Responds to allegations involving NRC licensees and manages allegations involving Agreement State programs. Provides coordination with the Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors (CRCPD) and the Organization of Agreement States (OAS). Helps facilitate coordination with Federal Agencies on State materials issues. Responsible for coordination with OAS and CRCPD and communication system support, e.g. State contacts database, list servers, and website. Responsible for coordination with Agreement States on Section 274i Agreements. Provides technical assistance to Agreement States and supports, new Agreement State reviews, IMPEP program reviews, and Agreement State regulation reviews as needed by DMMSA. Responsible for reactor and fuel cycle safety and security interface issues between NRC and the States. Coordinates with NSIR on the necessary contingency planning and emergency response State Liaison operations associated with reactor and fuel cycle events. Participates on behalf of NRC in international activities in its area of responsibility in coordination with the Office of International Programs. Helps facilitate and coordinate any State participation in such activities.

Rulemaking Branch A

Chief: James Danna

Develops needed regulatory products (regulations, licensing and inspection guides, etc.) based on technical and scientific information; identified safety concerns; the potential for risks to workers, members of the public and the environment; petitions for rulemaking; and other information. Proposes or initiates rulemaking, as appropriate, and manages complex rulemakings that span the technical and organizational responsibilities of the office and/or NMSS, or that involve novel or complex questions of regulatory policy. Develops, documents, and implements policies and procedures needed for developing effective, coherent, consistent, and understandable regulations. Prepares regulatory analyses, including cost analysis on the impact of proposed regulatory activities. Considers risk significance of regulations. Coordinates the review and planning of all Office rulemaking activities and monitors and rulemaking schedules to ensure that rules are developed in time frames specified by Commission guidance. Manages the contracts necessary to support the development of regulatory products, and coordinates with other divisions, offices, government agencies, and national and international scientific and standards organizations having related responsibilities. Tracks, develops, coordinates and analyzes new and revised OMB Clearances for all information collection requirements related to Office program areas. Responsible for coordinating policy matters outside NRC with other countries, Federal, State agencies, Tribes, and local governments on issues such as source recovery, increased controls over radioactive material, and other national policy matters. Provides technical assistance to the Agreement States and supports new Agreement State reviews, IMPEP program reviews, and Agreement State regulation reviews.

Rulemaking Branch B

Chief: Kevin O'Sullivan

Develops needed regulatory products (regulations, licensing and inspection guides, etc.) based on technical and scientific information; identified safety concerns; the potential for risks to workers, members of the public and the environment; petitions for rulemaking; and other information. Proposes or initiates rulemaking, as appropriate, and manages complex rulemakings that span the technical and organizational responsibilities of the office and/or NMSS, or that involve novel or complex questions of regulatory policy. Develops, documents, and implements policies and procedures needed for developing effective, coherent, consistent, and understandable regulations. Prepares regulatory analyses, including cost analysis on the impact of proposed regulatory activities. Considers risk significance of regulations. Coordinates the review and planning of all Office rulemaking activities and monitors and rulemaking schedules to ensure that rules are developed in time frames specified by Commission guidance. Manages the contracts necessary to support the development of regulatory products, and coordinates with other divisions, offices, government agencies, and national and international scientific and standards organizations having related responsibilities. Tracks, develops, coordinates and analyzes new and revised OMB Clearances for all information collection requirements related to Office program areas. Responsible for coordinating policy matters outside NRC with other countries, Federal, State agencies, Tribes, and local governments on issues such as source recovery, increased controls over radioactive material, and other national policy matters. Provides technical assistance to the Agreement States and supports new Agreement State reviews, IMPEP program reviews, and Agreement State regulation reviews.

Division of Waste Management and Environmental Protection

Director: Larry Camper

Manages the NRC's program for the regulation of Decommissioning, Environmental Protection, Low-Level Waste (LLW) and Uranium Recovery in close coordination with other Federal agencies, States, and Native American Tribal Governments, licensees and the public. Oversees decommissioning and clean up of contaminated sites, safe management and disposal of LLW, uranium recovery activities, and guidance for the office and NMSS environmental compliance. Develops and implements the regulatory program under the Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Amendments Act of 1985 (LLRWPAA), the Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control Act, the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, the West Valley Demonstration Project Act, the Ronald Reagan Defense Authorization Act and implementation of the license termination criteria in Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 20. Serves as the focal point for implementing the NRC's materials, power and non-power reactor decommissioning programs. Consults with DOE on its incidental waste determinations for selected sites and monitors DOE incidental waste disposal activities. Provides programmatic and technical support to Agreement States on uranium recovery, decommissioning, and LLW issues including support for IMPEP reviews, regulation reviews, and new Agreements. Serves as the NRC's lead for ensuring the safe implementation of the Department of Energy’s (DOE's) Remedial Action Plans, for Title I sites under UMTRCA. Establishes policy and guidance for environmental reviews to the office, NMSS, and the regions. Prepares Environmental Impact Statements (EISs) for NMSS and the office licensing activities. Provides technical and programmatic support to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Office of Energy Projects for the Federal Dam Safety Program. Plans and coordinates activities, as appropriate, with the Advisory Committee on Nuclear Waste (ACNW) in areas of its responsibility. Provides guidance and technical support for training of regional and Agreement State staff in the areas of decommissioning, uranium recovery, and environmental compliance. Represents NRC in international waste management and decommissioning activities.

Decommissioning and Uranium Recovery Licensing Directorate

Deputy Director: Keith McConnell

Responsible for implementing the NRC's materials, power reactor, research and test reactor, and uranium recovery Decommissioning Program and responsible for licensing of conventional and in-situ leach milling/mining facilities. Manages complex decommissioning activities and conducts environmental and safety reviews and inspections related to decommissioning. Provides project management for power reactors, research and test reactors, uranium recovery facilities, and materials facilities undergoing decommissioning and terminates licenses when decommissioning is complete. Reviews reactor, uranium recovery, and materials license financial assurance plans for decommissioning and issues licenses and license amendments related to sites undergoing decommissioning. Reviews license termination plans submitted by power reactors, manages power reactor decommissioning, and oversees implementation of technical specifications for permanently shut-down and de-fueled reactors. Reviews and approves decommissioning plans for materials sites and research and test reactors. Reviews and approves reclamation and ground water protection plans for uranium recovery sites. Implements an active interface program, including ongoing consultation with Federal, State, Indian tribe, and other entities to promote understanding of decommissioning programs and to identify and resolve concerns in a timely manner. Manages the program to inform industry and non-industry stakeholders about NRC's decommissioning program. Implements the Uranium Recovery Program which includes Title I and II of the Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation and Control Act (UMTRCA). Oversees the licensing and inspection of new and operational conventional and in-situ leach milling/mining facilities. Promulgates regulatory requirements and develops policy related to the licensing and operation of these facilities. Reviews license applications and performs safety and environmental reviews related to such facilities. Provides technical assistance to Agreement States on decommissioning and uranium recovery issues and supports IMPEP, regulation, and new Agreement reviews.

Special Projects Branch

Chief: Lydia Chang

Develops and manages the implementation of the policy, programmatic, and international aspects of the Decommissioning Program. Reviews reactor and materials licensee financial assurance plans for decommissioning, interfaces with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on decommissioning policy matters and implements all aspects of NRC’s Memorandum of Understanding with the EPA. Develops, assesses and implements decommissioning program improvements. Leads international activities related to decommissioning. Participates in the development and review of international standards, such as those developed by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), develops the national report on the Joint Convention on the safety of spent fuel and radioactive waste management, and coordinates the exchange of information with foreign countries with respect to decommissioning. Provides technical assistance to the Agreement States and supports new Agreement State reviews, IMPEP program reviews, and Agreement State regulation reviews.

Reactor Decommissioning Branch

Chief: Bruce Watson

Serves as NRC’s center of excellence for power reactor decommissioning. Implements the Decommissioning Program, primarily for power reactors and research and test reactors undergoing decommissioning. Manages complex decommissioning activities for reactor and some materials facility decommissioning and terminates licenses when decommissioning is complete. Reviews and approves decommissioning and license termination plans, final status survey reports, decommissioning financial assurance documents and license amendment requests related to sites undergoing decommissioning and prepares Environmental Assessments and Safety Evaluations supporting these reviews. Implements an active interface program, including ongoing consultation with Federal and State regulatory authorities, Indian tribes, and other stakeholders to ensure that they are involved in the decommissioning process, as appropriate, to identify and resolve concerns in a timely manner and to promote understanding of NRC’s decommissioning program.

Materials Decommissioning Branch

Chief: Paul Michalak

Serves as NRC’s center of excellence for materials site decommissioning. Implements the Decommissioning Program primarily for complex material (non-power reactor) sites and research and test reactors undergoing decommissioning. Manages decommissioning activities at materials facilities and terminates licenses when decommissioning is complete. Reviews and approves decommissioning plans, final status survey reports, decommissioning financial assurance documents and license amendments related to sites undergoing decommissioning and prepares Environmental Assessments and Safety Evaluations supporting these reviews. Implements an active interface program, including ongoing consultation with Federal and State regulatory authorities, Indian tribes, and other stakeholders to ensure that they are involved in the decommissioning process, as appropriate, to identify and resolve concerns in a timely manner and to promote understanding of NRC’s decommissioning program. Interfaces with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for sites undergoing decommissioning under the Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program and is the lead Branch for remediation at the West Valley Demonstration Project.

Uranium Recovery Branch

Chief: Randolph Von Till

Implements the Uranium Recovery Program which includes Title I and II of the Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation and Control Act (UMTRCA) and in-situ leach milling/mining facilities. Oversees the promulgation of regulatory requirements, the development of policy, performs licensing reviews related to such facilities and environmental reviews related to licensing actions. Provides technical support and guidance to the Regions on licensing and inspection activities and provides programmatic guidance and technical support to States. Provides technical and programmatic support to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Office of Energy Projects for the Federal Dam Safety Program. Implements an active interface program, including ongoing consultation with Federal and State regulatory authorities, Indian tribes, and other stakeholders to ensure that they are involved in the uranium recovery process, as appropriate, to identify and resolve concerns in a timely manner and to promote understanding of NRC’s decommissioning and uranium recovery program. Provides technical assistance to the Agreement States and supports new Agreement State reviews, IMPEP program reviews, and Agreement State regulation reviews.

Environmental Protection and Performance Assessment Directorate

Deputy Director: Drew Persinko

Responsible for the management of four areas: Protection of the Environment, Low-Level Waste (LLW) Program, consultation with DOE on incidental waste determinations in accordance with the Ronald Reagan Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2005 (NDAA), and non-HLW Performance Assessment (PA) analyses. These responsibilities are discharged through the staff of the three Sections: (1) Environmental Review Section; (2) Low-Level Waste Section; and (3) Performance Assessment Section. Serves as the NMSS focus for the development of all office Environmental Impact Statements (EIS') and review of all office Environmental Assessments, and review of outside EIS'. Serves as the focus for implementation and overall coordination of the LLW program. Responsible for implementing the NRC responsibility under the NDAA. Performs PA analysis and reviews using risk informed approaches for non-routine and complex cases to demonstrate compliance with regulatory standards for the Decommissioning and LLW programs, as well as DOE incidental waste determinations and other programs as practicable. Interacts with other NRC offices, Federal and State organizations, Indian tribes, and other jurisdictions on matters under its cognizance. Represents NRC in international low-level waste management and environmental activities. Coordinates with research to ensure regulatory commitments are achieved. Provides technical assistance to Agreement States on LLW issues and supports IMPEP, regulation, and new Agreement reviews.

Environmental Review Branch

Chief: Po-Wen Hsueh

Provides environmental review services primarily in support of the Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards and for FSME and NMSS rulemaking activities. Develops environmental impact statements (EISs) and complex environmental assessments (EAs) with a focus on support of NMSS related to fuel cycle or spent fuel storage and transportation licensing. Develops EISs and complex EAs for complex rulemaking activities related to FSME and NMSS activities and reviews other agency EISs and EAs in these areas. Provides environmental guidance and training related to fuel cycle and rulemaking activities for NMSS, FSME, and the regions, and provides technical support as requested.

Performance Assessment Branch

Chief: Christepher McKenney

Performs high quality, realistic performance assessment analyses and reviews. Performs PA analyses and reviews for non-routine and complex cases to determine compliance with regulatory standards for LLW and Decommissioning programs, as well as DOE incidental waste determinations and other programs as practicable. Assists in carrying out the agency's mission with respect to environmental protection and uranium recovery by reviewing the adequacy of groundwater monitoring programs and groundwater modeling assessments. Harmonizes and minimizes inconsistencies within the NRC and with other Federal Agencies in approaches and methods for carrying out dose/risk assessments, including selection of proper models, codes, and parameters to demonstrate compliance with dose/risk regulatory standards and limits. Provides inter-/intra-agency harmonization and development of Multi-Agency protocols related to PA and dose/risk assessment. Coordinates with research to ensure regulatory commitments are achieved.

Low-Level Waste Branch

Chief: Gregory Suber

Develops and implements NRC’s Low-Level Waste (LLW) regulatory program. Coordinates with, and provides technical assistance to Agreement States on LLW issues. Represents NRC in international waste management activities and reviews LLW-related import/export requests. Implements an active interface program including ongoing consultation with Federal and state officials, Indian Tribes, and other entities to promote understanding of LLW issues and to resolve concerns in a timely manner. Evaluates proposals for alternative methods of disposal of low activity waste (LAW). Coordinates with office , NMSS and regional staff on LLW issues. Implements NRC's responsibilities under the Ronald Reagan National Defense Authorization Act of Fiscal Year 2005 (NDAA), which requires NRC to consult with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) on its incidental waste determinations for selected DOE sites and to monitor DOE’s incidental waste disposal actions. Provides technical assistance to the Agreement States and supports new Agreement State reviews, IMPEP program reviews, and Agreement State regulation reviews.

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Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, August 21, 2012