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Special Forces Medic Trains, Installs MC4 Systems Throughout Iraq

June 30, 2010 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

Traditionally, deployed units look to MC4 personnel to provide complete training and systems support on the MC4 systems used to document patient records and order class VIII supplies. As I've previously mentioned, our strategic crosshairs are focused on empowering units to train and sustain themselves.

Special Forces Medic Trains Installs Systems Iraq

Recently, a Special Forces medic, deployed to Iraq with Special Operations Task Force-North, shouldered this effort for his team stationed at remote locations.

MC4's deployed personnel trained the medic to use the applications to collect patient data, order and monitor class VIII supplies, as well set up and support MC4 systems. Armed with this knowledge, the medic spent approximately nine weeks installing MC4 systems at more than 10 locations.

He also trained more than 20 medics scattered throughout the operational area at remote treatment facilities to use and support the systems. The medic completed the task with little assistance from MC4 personnel.

This "train-the-trainer" effort enables Special Forces medics dispersed throughout Iraq the ability and autonomy to digitally capture patient data, better manage their class VIII supplies, as well as keep their systems operational. His efforts demonstrate what a unit can accomplish when it takes ownership of the tools provided.

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MC4 Expands Use in Eastern Europe

June 29, 2010 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

In May, MC4 expanded its global footprint to support missions in Eastern Europe.

Expands Use Eastern Europe

In Poland, medical personnel with the 5th Battalion, 7th Air Defense Artillery now have the ability to capture electronic medical records (EMRs) via the MC4 system while supporting the deployment of Patriot missiles to Poland.

As a result of their steady use of AHLTA-T in their garrison clinic in Kaiserslautern, Germany, the adoption of the "train as you fight" model will also pay dividends at their battalion aid station in Morag, Poland.

In Kosovo, MC4 recently shut down a legacy TAMMIS location and installed DCAM for American forces supporting Task Force Falcon at Camp Bonsteel. To support their automated medical supply requirement, MC4 staff installed a DCAM level 2 server and three DCAM level 1 clients in the 32-bed hospital.

Our recent efforts in Poland and Kosovo further our experience in the region, building upon the support for the 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team, Vicenza, Italy, as well as the 2nd Stryker Calvary Regiment (SCR), Vilseck, Germany. We’re proud of our efforts and commitment to working with the 7th Army to support medical missions throughout Europe.

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This is wonderful that MC4 is getting around to everyone in the Army. Hopefully it will make its way into the SOPs of all medical units. This is important, especially if there is a severely wounded Soldier that requires follow up care through the DOD and VA. I can only hope that the vault of records is kept up-to-date.

July 4, 2010

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