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RTO/ISO Performance Metrics

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) issued a report, FERC Could Take Additional Steps to Analyze Regional Transmission Organizations’ Benefits and Performance PDF, recommending that the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) develop standardized measures or metrics to track the performance of Independent System Operator (ISO) and Regional Transmission Organization (RTO) operations and markets.

FERC staff led an 18-month voluntary and collaborative process with:

  • ISOs,
  • RTOs,
  • Transmission customers,
  • Market participants,
  • Other stakeholders and
  • Interested experts

To develop metrics that track the performance of ISO/RTO operations and markets in delivering benefits to consumers for those ISO/RTOs under the jurisdiction of the FERC.

This information provides the framework for an ongoing analysis of ISO/RTO performance; as well as a starting point for further evolution of these measures into industry best practices by ISO/RTOs.

These metrics are designed to measure performance on three dimensions:

  1. Market benefits;
  2. Organizational effectiveness; and
  3. Reliability.

2011 Performance Metrics for Independent System Operators and Regional Transmission Organizations

Jeff Hitchings
Telephone: 202-502-6042
Email: jeffrey.hitchings@ferc.gov
RTO/ISO Regions Conferences Staff Report

Updated: September 18, 2012