Press Releases

Aug 2, 2012
112th Congress

Lucas Praises House Passage of Disaster Assistance Legislation

Chairman Frank Lucas of Oklahoma issued the following statement after the U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 6233, Agricultural Disaster Assistance Act of 2012, by a vote of 223-197.

Jul 25, 2012
112th Congress

Ag Committee Presses Regulators on Collapse of PFGBest

The House Agriculture Committee held a public hearing to examine the collapse of Peregrine Financial Group, Inc., the LIBOR manipulation, and receive an update on MF Global and Dodd-Frank implementation.

Jul 12, 2012
112th Congress

House Ag Committee Advances Farm Bill

Issues: Farm Bill

Chairman Frank Lucas of Oklahoma and Ranking Member Collin Peterson of Minnesota issued the following statements after the House Agriculture Committee approved H.R. 6083, the Federal Agriculture Reform and Risk Management Act of 2012 by a vote of 35-11.

Jul 9, 2012
112th Congress

Lucas Highlights New Farm Bill Study

Issues: Farm Bill

Chairman Frank Lucas of Oklahoma issued the following statement regarding the release of a new study conducted by the Agricultural and Food Policy Center (AFPC).

Jul 6, 2012
112th Congress

Energy and Commerce and Ag Committee Leaders Seek Answers from Obama EPA on Availability of Crop Fumigant for American Farmers

The members are seeking answers about what steps EPA is taking to ensure the availability of sufficient amounts of methyl bromide that continue to be needed by the American agricultural sector.

Jul 5, 2012
112th Congress

Lucas & Peterson Release House Farm Bill

Issues: Farm Bill

Chairman Frank Lucas of Oklahoma and Ranking Member Collin Peterson of Minnesota released a discussion draft of the Federal Agriculture Reform and Risk Management Act (FARRM) today.

Jun 27, 2012
112th Congress

Ag Committee's Efforts for Production Ag and Rural America Highlighted During Business Meeting

The House Agriculture Committee approved its activity report for the third quarter of the 112th Congress as required by House Rule XI, clause d(1).

Jun 21, 2012
112th Congress

Lucas Statement on the Passage of S. 3240

Chairman Frank Lucas issued the following statement after the U.S. Senate passed S. 3240, the Agriculture Reform, Food, and Jobs Act.

Jun 13, 2012
112th Congress

The Ag Minute: Obama's EPA Abandons Common Sense to Pursue More Regulations

This week during The Ag Minute, guest host Rep. Bob Gibbs discusses the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) attempt to circumvent Congress and expand its regulatory authority under the Clean Water Act.

Jun 7, 2012
112th Congress

The Ag Minute: EPA's Eyes in the Sky Concerns Ag Community

This week during The Ag Minute, guest host Rep. Jeff Fortenberry discusses the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) use of aerial surveillance inspections of regulated livestock operations in Nebraska.
